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<leviathan> I have roughly implemented the input-method-v2 popups feature and completed testing on my device.
<leviathan> This is my first time contributing code to open-source software, and I am a novice in both Zig and wlroots, which may lead to many formatting issues or other less obvious errors in the code.
<leviathan> I have submitted a PR and conducted testing using fcitx5.
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<NickH> levi
<NickH> leviathan: I just built your fork and am running it now.
<NickH> Only just started playing with it, but it seems to work
<leviathan> NickH: Thanks a lot for your interest. If you encounter any issues during execution, please don't hesitate to let me know right away.
<NickH> I'm only an occasionnal user of fcitx5 so I expect the testing your have already done would be more likely to find issues
<NickH> But I'll let you know if I notice anything
<leviathan> Thanks a lot! :)
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<leon-p> wow, the review interface on codeberg is so much more responsive then the github one
<leon-p> it's not even funny anymore, the difference is insane
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<tiosgz> hah, nice work on this! i'm also just a casual user of an input method, but gotta test it :)
<tiosgz> also glad that leon-p has made most of the nitpicking comments that i'd otherwise make :P
<leon-p> I made all of the "I haven't actually read the protocol myself yet" comments :]
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<leviathan> Thank you very much for your review. It seems I should set this PR to WIP, shouldn't I?
<leviathan> In addition to your commit, I've also identified some other functional issues.
<leviathan> It might take some time to fix.
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<NickH> I noticed that the popup location is mostely off the bottom of the screen if on the bottom line of a terminal.
<vyivel> probably needs unconstraining
<tiosgz> leon-p: well i think we've flooded the pr with too much review? (neither have i read the protocol, heh)
<leon-p> everyones inbox will be full :)
<leviathan> NickH:  That's exactly the issue I'm talking about. I might need some time to fix this problem.
<NickH> I don't remember how the position worked for those pop-ups back when I as on X11...
<leon-p> leviathan: it's your code, so take all the time you need. this is unpaid volunteer labour after all
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<leviathan> I need your input on what the boundaries for the popup window should be and what the expected behavior is when it goes out of bounds.
<leviathan> tiosgz
<leviathan> leon-p
<leviathan> ifreund
<leviathan> I'm currently considering two options: one is to use the current window as the boundary, and the other is to use the current view as the boundary. I'm not sure which one to choose.
<leviathan> It seems this is not related to functionality implementation but rather a matter of personal preference.
<leviathan> NickH: also thank you for pointing out this issue. Do you have any insights on it?
<leon-p> view == window
<leon-p> == toplevel
<leon-p> you could also use the output as boundry and allow some overflow, as f.e. with xdg-popups
<leviathan> Perhaps I wasn't clear in my description. For instance, I have multiple instances of the 'foot' client open on one monitor, and I refer to each instance's display area as a 'window'. How should this be properly described?
<leon-p> window is fine, river internally uses view, the xdg-shell protocol calls it toplevel
<leviathan> In the code, this concept seems to be referred to as an 'output_box'.
<leon-p> I think that's something else
<tiosgz> "output" is the same as screen/monitor/display/what other names exist
<leon-p> (well, output is the logical object backing physical screens but can also do other things)
<leon-p> leviathan: what you probably want is the view size and position, that is not called window
<leon-p> but if you attach the popup scene tree to the views scene tree, you don't actually need the position
<tiosgz> well it may be needed if the popup is to be within the output
<leon-p> true
<leon-p> this kind of elastic positioning is indeed annoying. maybe it can share code with the positioning stuff from the xdg-shell impl
<leon-p> not sure if wlroots exposes any of that though
<leon-p> i think for now constraining to the view instead of the output is fine, that can always be changed later
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<ifreund> yeah, iirc I looked at this briefly and decided that wlroots should expose a more flexible helper for positioning popups that works for more than xdg popups
<ifreund> in a train on my way back home today, probably won't do any code review till tomorrow though :)
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<rdbo> ifreund, i think i may have found an issue. i tried to figure it out/try to fix it, but i didn't understand why this happens. basically, doing `send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-count -1"` *seems* to go below 0 (it takes many 'main-count +1's to get back to the original state, even though there are 0 main windows). but i checked the source code, and the `main_count` variable in `output` is defined as
<rdbo> `u31` so i don't know what's going on
<rdbo> i could also be misunderstanding how the main-count works
<rdbo> oh wait, never mind
<rdbo> i found an issue in my config
<rdbo> oops, sorry
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<catman> i'm using riverctl rule-add -app-id "firefox" ssd and riverctl rule-add -app-id "thunar" ssd per wiki but still not getting borders on either app. am i missing something?
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<rdbo> catman, if you are on 0.2.6, i think that rule-add doesn't exist yet
<rdbo> i'm not sure what the old command would be though
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<catman> i am on 0.3.0-dev.207+f0b0606 from the arch aur
<catman> ok cool.. i was able to get borders around firefox and thunar with riverctl rule-add -app-id "*" ssd
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<rdbo> anybody knows how i can make popups always go on top?
<rdbo> sometimes an app shows a popup, but i move the mouse to the main window (i have focus always on mouse window), and that makes the popup go behind the window
<rdbo> i wanted to still focus always on mouse, but except the popups
<waleee> rdbo: is the popups in firefox?
<waleee> (as in download dialogs etc etc, not actual web popups)
<rdbo> well, any sort of popups, really. like confirmation boxes with cancel/ok
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