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<NickH> Logo!
<NickH> Ick, unable to get swaybg to render it properly
<NickH> Strangely pixelated for some reason
<NickH> It looks fine when displayed in an image viewer like eog
<NickH> Anyone been able to get it to render nicely as a wallpaper?
<NickH> For now I resorted to converting it to a png
<dnkl> NickH: the SVG has a small viewport, and most converters/rasterizers will use/respect that.
<dnkl> you can use e.g -density with "convert" (from imagemagick) to override it
<NickH> Thanks for the tip. I'll try
<dnkl> density is kind of like DPI. The default is 96. The logo I looked at was 360x120. To get 1920x640, you'd set density to 512 (1920 / 360 * 96)
<NickH> Thanks I was just reading up on it. Unfortunately convert is not playing nicely
<NickH> Running: convert -density 512 logo_text.svg logo_text-d.svg
<NickH> Results in: convert-im6.q16: delegate failed `'potrace' --svg --output '%o' '%i'' @ error/delegate.c/InvokeDelegate/1966.
<NickH> and no output. I'll stick with the png for now
<LarstiQ> that's quite the unhelpful error message
<dnkl> NickH: yeah, I converted from SVG to PNG, using "convert" with the density option.
<NickH> I've now managed to use inkscape to change the size.
<NickH> I now have it as svg in width 1920 and 2840
<NickH> And can tweak the colour to my liking by adding a fill option in the path element
<NickH> Eg fill="#3c3836"
<NickH> Happy days!
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<LarstiQ> NickH: nice!
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<ifreund> Very nice!
<ifreund> This reminds me, I'd like to collect some screenshots of peoples river setups for a release blog post, the biggest complaint last time that there were no images :D
<ifreund> If you have a screenshot you'd like included just ping me here with a link to the image and the name/handle you'd like me to use to give credit :)
<LarstiQ> my setup is very plain, but maybe I'll get inspired after seeing some others :)
<rdbo> ifreund: i am making a linux distro that uses river by default, called Sigma Linux:
<rdbo> works is currently being done in the branch wayland-squashfs-reboot at:
<rdbo> awesome compositor, i can't begin to count how many times i wanted a dwm + bspwm sort of wm and there was no option
<rdbo> using very low memory also (85MB on the screenshot with neofetch)
<rdbo> i forgot say, the name/handle is "rdbo"
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<dnkl> ifreund: just wanted to say I, too, really like the new logo!
<rdbo> i noticed too, looks nice
<dnkl> screenshots of river must be similar to terminal emulator screenshots - what you're really showing off is what you're running inside it.
<dnkl> though in river you can at least show different toplevel layouts...
<rdbo> dnkl, so i should take a screenshot with many terminals open?
<rdbo> or something like that
<dnkl> many windows, in general? Though, I suppose must river users do have lots of terminals open...
<dnkl> most*
<rdbo> alright, let me do it
<dnkl> but what I really meant was that it's hard to do good screenshots of river, and terminal emulators alike
<dnkl> like, what are you supposed to screenshot?
<rdbo> i think i got some good ones, i'll post it rn
<rdbo> dnkl, ifreund:
<rdbo> i think this one is better
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<ifreund> I'd prefer screenshots of river being used for some non-artificial task, the ones at the end of leon's blog post here are pretty nice for example:
<ifreund> e.g. my own screenshot from back then, also featuring foot of course:
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<ifreund> dnkl: that's nice to hear, I'm quite happy with how it turned out :)
<rdbo> it's because this is the live iso, so i don't have a whole workflow going on there yet. but i have fuzzel and screenshotting if you want. i guess i can connect to irc too with weechat?
<rdbo> let me try that
<ifreund> no need to go out of your way if you don't already have a workflow going
<rdbo> alright, if u want something specific to screenshot let me know (y)
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<NickH> I'll try to make a screen shot or two that give an idea of how I daily drive river
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<ifreund> in general, I think the release will happen sometime next week. I'm away over the weekend and pretty busy the rest of this week. Will be back around tuesday
<ifreund> I don't think I'm going to block the release on solving
<ifreund> I can't find the motivation to debug a proprietary X11 program right now and I suspect it will resolve itself eventually when zoom updates their qt version to something that supports wayland
<ifreund> Feel free to propose any other release blockers, if nothing else comes up I'll tag after updating my website and writing a short blog post
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<pfr> It's there a way to configure river to start with xwayland disabled?
<LarstiQ> yes
<LarstiQ> if I dug up the right PR
<LarstiQ> `-no-xwayland`
<pfr> So cli option only? Is it possible to set it from the init file?
<LarstiQ> I mean, by that time river is already running so you're asking for toggling it on and off at runtime?
<pfr> No, I just can get that flag to work with my startup script.
<pfr> Can I add it as an environment variable?
<pfr> Perhaps I need quotes
<pfr> Yeah, that makes sense, never mind me
<pfr> Thanks!
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<leon-p> love the new logo
<leon-p> unfortunately my setup screenshots keep getting more boring over time, so I am not sure I can be of much help there 🐈
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<The_Buhs> I'm trying to convert my river/init to lua from bash for... I have no clue why xD especially because I don't really know Lua
<The_Buhs> but it's kinda fun
<The_Buhs> I wanted to try writing it in guile with riverguile but writing code without an LSP nowadays drives me crazy and I can't figure it out for neovim
<leon-p> I don't think there even is an LSP for scheme
<leon-p> but I wouldn't know, I have not jumped onto that train
<leon-p> Either way, if you can avoid calling riverctl and instead re-use the same wayland connection there are actual performance gains: Rewriting my init in scheme with riverguile reduced the load time by 50%
<The_Buhs> Ooo
<The_Buhs> Maybe I will try with scheme \*shrug\* your config is very nice
<leon-p> note that I over-engineered the layout in my config, so you really don't need to understand any of that to make use of riverguile
<leon-p> for most people a simple (map (lamda (i) ...) (iota view-count)) will be enough I guess
<leon-p> I also started on having support for widgets like panels, but I still need to figure out how to deal with wayland lifetimes versus scheme GC lifetimes
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<The_Buhs> leon-p, what does the ? operator mean in scheme? It's hard to google for it lol
<leon-p> you mean like this: (something? variable) ?
<The_Buhs> Yeah
<leon-p> that's not an operator, the ? is part of the name of the procedure
<leon-p> it's a convention
<The_Buhs> ahh
<The_Buhs> is it like same as some other languages that have stuff like `is_true` or whatever (where having "is" at the start is convention)?
<leon-p> if your procedure ("function" in other languages, but scheme uses procedure because function isn't correct in the mathematical sense) checks for a boolean state, it's called a "predicate". In some lisps it's convention to append _p to the proc name, in scheme it's the question mark
<The_Buhs> Cool, that makes sense, thanks :)
<leon-p> also don't worry about the fancy words, they'll all fall in to place eventually. Even contiouations are actually not that evil.
<leon-p> another convention is appending ! to the name of procs if they /may/ (not must) modify data in-place
<leon-p> or if the input value is destroyed somehow
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<holst> Is there a way to run xwayland with scaling 1.0 but use scaling 2.0 for all other native wayland apps?
<holst> running with wayland scaling 1.0 forces me to customize all applications with different scaling, one setting for my laptop and another setting for my desktop :/
<holst> but x11 apps looks just terrible with scaling
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<The_Buhs> leon-p,got back to working on my river config, this is how I handle my idle right now: Is there a way to do the 2 separate timeouts with riverguile?
<waleee> 2 different idle handlers by the looks of it seems doable (factor out swayidle), but I didn't see if there was a way to handle the before-sleep bit
<waleee> (assuming the 1st timout is not resetting the idle-counter)
<The_Buhs> I don't know if I even need the before-sleep tbh, swayidle man page says that's for systemd but I use openrc (on Gentoo) anyways
<The_Buhs> I'll try out the two idle handles then
<leon-p> The_Buhs: you can have multiple timeout handlers for different times. "resume" and "before-sleep" are not implemented yet, but I may do so later.
<leon-p> your idle handler will need to handle one parameter, which will be either 'idled or 'resumed.
<leon-p> ah, the riverguile.1 man page even has an example for multiple handlers
<leon-p> in general all things riverguile can do have small examples in the man page
<The_Buhs> 🤦‍♂️ I didn’t think to look at the man page
* waleee might have looked at it
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