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<kof673> "spread across many osen, to hide from the wicked"
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* klys now owns a 2006 subaru outback. it was a good day.
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<geist> klys: oh grats. 2000s were solid subarus
<geist> i have a 2003 and a 2019 subaru
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<Ermine> I've heard that apple m4 now has more commands than x86_64
<bslsk05> ​www.theregister.com: Intel and AMD form advisory group to reshape x86 ISA • The Register
<heat> finally, we'll be able to take bad architectural decisions, together
<GeDaMo> "To support this goal, the duo has solicited the help of Broadcom, Dell, Google, HPE, HP, Lenovo, Meta, Microsoft, Oracle, Red Hat, as well as individuals, including Linux kernel-dev Linus Torvalds and Epic's Tim Sweeney."
<nikolar> Ermine: more commands?
<nikolar> heat: at least they'll be the same across the board :P
<the_oz> "We'll have, not only will we have the benefits of performance, flexibility and compatibility across hardware, we'll have it across software, operating systems and a variety of services," Intel EVP of datacenter and AI group Justin Hotard told us.
<the_oz> pack it up boys
<the_oz> we're useless
<the_oz> "I think this will actually enable greater choice in the fundamental products, but reduce the friction of being able to choose from those choices," echoed Norrod.
<the_oz> >greater choice, same shit A same shit B same shit C same shit D
<the_oz> I'm convinced journalists don't read the shit they produce
<sortie> heat: We gotta get in on x86_64 you and me. We'll be presenting wildly opposing opinions and filibuster it to a halt.
<GeDaMo> neXt86! :P
<heat> sortie, do we even have wildly opposing opinions on x86?
<sortie> heat, surely we'll disagree?
<heat> maybe slightly, certainly not wildly
<sortie> What's happening
<sortie> Are we finding common ground
<sortie> That can't be right
<heat> tell me something you don't like about x86 which pains you deeply
<sortie> Would you believe I actually don't know so much about x86?
<sortie> The floating point stuff has gone quite out of control
<GeDaMo> Different instructions for different SIMD widths
<sortie> The sheer amount of instruction set extensions is beyond what I can remembert
<sortie> I'm sure it's all good and fine but oh man it's a lot. I'm happy gcc and binutils takes care of it for me.
<sortie> (besides that I gotta enable it)
<netbsduser> people have been saying that x86 is a dead dog for over 30 years now
<heat> sortie, i would actually, you haven't dug deep into x86 details
<heat> my pet peeve is cr3 and ASIDs
<sortie> I know the things I need to :)
<sortie> I do want to spend some time one of these years reading through the intel/amd manuals and discovering what else useful exists
<heat> they keep forcing all paging details into a single 64-bit register, which has been horribly overloaded for like 20 years
<heat> resulting in horrible shit like: needing to drop back to 32-bit to switch paging modes; not having enough PCIDs to use them properly
<sortie> Ah they used the lower 12 bits?
<heat> yes
<heat> plus some at the top
<netbsduser> wait till you find about %satp on RISC-V
<heat> i know about satp
<the_oz> I don't, what's that?
<sortie> I love our dynamic of heat actually knowing all the theory and me just yolo'ing along getting incredible results
<netbsduser> the_oz: it's the supervisor address translation something on ricv
<the_oz> thank ya
<sortie> I joke but there really is just SO MUCH to learn in the realm of osdev and I just learn entire topics the moment I actually need them :)
<netbsduser> it contains the address of the root translation table, the current ASID, and the table format mode
<sortie> Like I just became a world expert in shutdown(8) and wall(1)
<heat> netbsduser, if you can fit all of that shit in, great, fire, otherwise you're fucked
<the_oz> seems it'd fit the root node under a pointer
<heat> what i'd propose for x86 is something like a register that contains format and ASID info, then another register that contains the page table root; writes to the former wouldn't apply until you wrote to the latter
<heat> now, obviously, intel is horrible and shortsighted, so for x86-s they had a horrible, horrible, clunky solution with MSRs for the LA57 problem
<sortie> heat: See I was concerned about the atomic store in that case and propose a 128-bit cr3
<heat> solving the ASID limitation would also be super important to get rid of IPIs on tlb invalidation
<heat> unfortunately that's not workable
<heat> you don't have 128-bit GPRs and rdmsr/wrmsr works with 64-bit registers, not 128
<sortie> heat: We'll use SSE4 to store to cr3
<heat> my idea had to go through MSRs
<heat> you can't use SSE to store to control registers
<heat> there's just no encoding for it
<sortie> Obviously that is what I propose is a new instruction for it
<sortie> Imagine the speed we can store to cr3 with loop unrolling SSE4
<heat> i don't think atomicity would be a big problem as long as ints are off when you switch address spaces, which is usually the case
<sortie> I may be trolling heat right now.
<heat> >Imagine the speed we can store to cr3 with loop unrolling SSE4
<heat> actually stores to cr3 are fully serializing
<heat> BOOM
<sortie> I realize :D
<sortie> Writing to cr3 is probably one of the most expensive single instructions I imagine
<heat> it's fully serializing as many other instructions are
<heat> cpuid is actually probably the most expensive single instruction
<heat> due to being fully serializing AND usually requiring a vmexit when under a hypervisor
<sortie> What's expensive about it?
<sortie> Ah def vmexit I see
<sortie> heat: Don't say vmexit to the mirror thrice when in the dark.
<heat> what if the mirror is a linear framebuffer?
<sortie> You're about to find out
<sortie> How good is your liner algebra?
<heat> bad
<heat> i have a thing of yearly needing to recall how to multiply matrices
<Ermine> hi
<sortie> Can you remember what's a column and what's a row? And which order they go in when indexing into it?
<netbsduser> concerning ASIDs, is 12 bits really such a limitation?
<netbsduser> i haven't implemented support for them yet
<netbsduser> my first intuition was a CPU-local process_t *last_process_by_asid[ASID_COUNT] and when switching to some newthread and newthread->process != cpu->last_process_by_asid[newthread->process->asid], invalidate entire tlb for that asid on the core
<heat> according to the linux people it kills the idea (of keeping a global asid for each mm) out of the gate
<heat> that's kind of what they do, yes
<heat> the problem is that then an arm-style tlbi global invalidation just doesn't work
<netbsduser> to be sure, it would be better if there were 16-bit ASIDs because no one needs more than 65,000 processes
<netbsduser> heat: well i would still allocate ASIDs globally not locally for that reason
<netbsduser> rather than CPU-local ASID allocation which a friend proposed
<kof673> > I'm convinced journalists # i've said many times, not to interrupt...a u.s. journalist is someone who gets paid. a professional. that's it. according to greenwald (not saying they are so great...don't follow...but that was what he said he had to do re: snowden stuff)
<kof673> if you get paid you are a professional journalist. that's it lol
<bslsk05> ​lore.kernel.org: Re: [PATCH 2/8] x86: use exit_lazy_tlb rather than membarrier_mm_sync_core_before_usermode - Andy Lutomirski
<the_oz> "professional"
<the_oz> 4th pillar or 5th column?
<kof673> it was just: whatever he claimed allowed him to release stuff, that a normal person could not
<kof673> *just re:
<kof673> had to prove he was a real journalist, which means...get paid. and people were criticizing he was profitting off of information
<kof673> so he said...that's the only way the law lets me release that...
<kof673> else i'm not a "journalist"
<the_oz> *takes dollar* suddenly I have freedom of speech!
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<the_oz> although, wartime rules differ etc etc
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<kof673> well, it becomes; are you being paid to say that? good. otherwise you are a dirty rotten liar lol
* kof673 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
<the_oz> lol
<the_oz> >secretly they were looking for the legal entity to sue
<the_oz> Who should I bankrupt to starve you?
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<vai> software has unlimitless way to fail
<vai> I spent rebooting about 700 times my kernel/OS to make the paging work
<vai> and so it won't crash, safeguards
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<sortie> It's another beautiful day in SortixBSD.
<Ermine> Can I suggest you GNU/Sortix?
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<netbsduser> i'm going to migrate the slab struct into my page struct for the single-page slabs case
<netbsduser> i've been locating single-page slabs in the direct map for years now and i have a virtually-contiguous (and sparse if necessary) vm_page_t pages[] array
<netbsduser> so it's easy to lookup and saves some bother allocating
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<heat> very linuxpilled, congrats
<Ermine> In alternative reality there's GNU/Sortix and OnyxBSD
<sortie> I imagine heat's parody OS of BSD would be quite terrible
<Ermine> expectable from a parody of a bad system
<bslsk05> ​github.com: hsd/usr/sys/sys/printf.c at master · heatd/hsd · GitHub
<heat> you're so right
<heat> i'd call it a faithful reproduction of the BSD engineering ethos
<sortie> oh god gplv2
<heat> onyx is also gplv2
<sortie> heat: Admittedly that code is quite tame by musl standards
<heat> i changed sortie.
<Ermine> isn't that how clever C people write C code?
<Ermine> sortie: you stole my joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<sortie> The comma operator makes me proud
<sortie> GPL-2.0-ONLY
<sortie> More like GPL-2.0-ONYX
<heat> static const char *digits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnop";
<heat> static const char *DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP";
<heat> i had fun codegolfing this shit
<sortie> Charset test complete.
<Ermine> what gpl did you expect?
<nikolar> heat: kek
<sortie> You are uh lacking some alphabet there
<sortie> int pint(struct stream *stream, unsigned long val, int width, short flags)
<sortie> cheers mate
<Ermine> pint of what?
<sortie> Downing a struct stream
<sortie> #define F_PALT 1
<sortie> Bonus points to people that can answer correctly off the top of their heads without looking it up
<heat> ez
<heat> mbstrowcs, strxfrm, wcstold
* Ermine palts
<sortie> I'm actually surprised there's no wcscoll
<Ermine> wchar bad
<heat> there is
<bslsk05> ​en.cppreference.com: wcscoll - cppreference.com
<heat> no wcsoll though
<sortie> huh I don't have a man page for it
<sortie> Right I even have wcscoll myself
<heat> i do
<heat> wcscoll(3P), maybe your man pages are too old though
<Ermine> We found a todo thing for sortie
<sortie> No those are the specially installed POSIX man pages
<sortie> Well I don't document the base POSIX stuff and such
<sortie> To keep sanity, I only document the parts of Sortix that are different
<sortie> Which is still a heck of a lot of documentation and I've written it well :)
<bslsk05> ​pub.sortix.org: System manual pages
<nikolar> i think you can just take the posix docs for things that are the same
<nikolar> better than nothing
<sortie> I should not have linked that heat is about to yell at me
<heat> i'm legitimately thinking about just installing linux-man-pages on onyx lol
<heat> "disregard all the bits that don't apply, thanks"
<heat> sortie, yes i am
<heat> >Each retransmission happens after 1 second plus 1 second per failed transmissions so far
<nikolar> is it supposed to be exponential backoff or something
<heat> yes
<bslsk05> ​datatracker.ietf.org: RFC 6298 - Computing TCP's Retransmission Timer
<nikolar> oh well
<nikolar> sortie, just don't do it exactly one second later, add some noise :P
<sortie> heat: I do document what the implementation does. It is correct. It may not be desirable. It's not wrong from a TCP 793 perspective.
<heat> it might be wrong from a rfc1122 perspective, honestly can't remember
<heat> actually, it is wrong from a rfc793 perspective
<bslsk05> ​datatracker.ietf.org: RFC 793 - Transmission Control Protocol
<sortie> nikolar: I'm actually genuine surprised I don't add some randomness there. I do so many places.
<nikolar> lol
<heat> and rfc1122 just pats it on the back and says "yep, follow this"
<nikolar> heat: realistically, 1s+rand() is fine
<sortie> heat: Sure that's one algorithm for computing it. I didn't have the RTT handy when I did it.
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<heat> 1s retransmission time is mindboggingly slow
<sortie> But TCP as a protocol will cope just fine with hosts that do whatever, since it has to handle packet loss
<nikolar> heat: eh fair enough
<nikolar> i meant constant + noise
<sortie> In any case, this is working as intended.
<sortie> I'm not saying it is great. It just is. It's fine. It's good enough for now in practice. I'll improve it later.
<heat> when i was testing around trying to max out my bandwidth with fat not-too-long pipes, i realized segments dropping is super common on a high bandwidth connection
<nikolar> sortie: don't forget to leave todos :P
<sortie> Oh the code has a whole bunch of those and I even document the missing aspects carefully
<heat> also got a lot of out-of-order segments. fun stuff
<bslsk05> ​pub.sortix.org: tcp(4)
<heat> SACKing is actually super helpful cuz you don't need to grind the connection to a halt
<sortie> > The round trip time is not estimated which prevents efficient retransmission when data is lost Retransmissions happen after a second, which means unnecessary retransmissions happen if the round trip time is more than a second.
<sortie> It's literally documented in BUGS, heat.
<sortie> rtfm man
<nikolar> lol
<nikolar> is there an ip/tcp stack one can just steal :P
<sortie> Behold my glorious documentation.
<heat> nikolar, kinda
<heat> lwip would work, there are also several modifications of the BSD net stacks for userspace you could adapt
<nikolar> lwip or some such
<nikolar> do you happen to have links for those bsd stacks
<sortie> You can adopt my stack too. It's ISC-licensed.
<bslsk05> ​github.com: GitHub - F-Stack/f-stack: F-Stack is an user space network development kit with high performance based on DPDK, FreeBSD TCP/IP stack and coroutine API.
<sortie> Although other ones are probably way more precise
<bslsk05> ​chenshuo/4.4BSD-Lite2 - User-mode TCP/IP stack from 4.4BSD-Lite2, a companion of TCP/IP Illustrated vol. 2 (149 forks/368 stargazers/NOASSERTION)
<nikolar> neat, thanks
<heat> np
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<Ermine> dpdk!
<Ermine> who's first to implement MPTCP?
<netbsduser> heat: i suspected you would like it
<netbsduser> it's just practical really, and i just had a look at what they call slub and it's also quite a reasonable alternative approach compared with magazines
<heat> make sure to be BASED and add a separate struct anyway
<heat> just alias it with struct page
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<nikolar> eww lwip uses cmake
<geist> lwip is pretty easy to build with whatever you want
<geist> it's not a lot of files
<nikolar> heh fair
<nikolar> haven't looked much
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<heat> would you prefer autoconf?
<nikolar> can i just get a trivial make
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<heat> no
<nikolar> dang
<nikolar> fwiw, 4.4bsd-lite2 or whatever it's called, did ship a make
<nikolar> which worked
<Ermine> just write a shell script
<nikolar> Ermine: can you read the cmake and write the script for me :P
<Ermine> no
<nikolar> dang
<Ermine> why would i
<nikolar> (it was a joke)
<heat> yeah bro i agree this make shit is bloated and sucks, please use a shell script
<heat> POSIX sh btw, not bash, bash is bloated as well
<nikolar> exactly
<bslsk05> ​github.com: toybox/scripts/make.sh at master · heatd/toybox · GitHub
<nikolar> well you've got to bootsrap make somehow (i assume)
<heat> toybox doesn't have a make
<heat> i understand wanting something similar for build systems, i don't understand wanting this for any other project
<nikolar> yeah, just depend on make, any make
<heat> but this is muslware so par for the course
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<Ermine> heat: you may know that make itself is buildable by a shell script
<heat> yes
<nikolar> he basically just said that
<Ermine> I've opened the chat and read the last message
<Ermine> heat: a thing that would really appeal to minimalists is implementing djb's redo
<heat> one must wonder if that gmake bootstrap actually works
<heat> cuz muon's bootstrap definitely doesn't lol
<nikolar> lol really
<Ermine> I think gmake bootstrap must be battle-tested
<heat> how many systems compile gmake without having gmake?
<Ermine> idk? Lfs used host gmake last time I've tried
<nikolar> i assume guix does
<heat> guix is probably the one project that actually exercises these bootstrap paths
<heat> at least for gmake
<Ermine> Probably there are more distros that do bootstrap the hard way
* Ermine wonders how alpine gets bootstrapped
<nikolar> heat: yeah, guix is actually good at that
<heat> most distros don't bootstrap themselves
<heat> i'm pretty sure they're all firmly in the "we compile ourselves using ourselves"
<heat> last i heard fedora had to compile all its riscv packages under itself in qemu tcg, after cross building a few base system packages
<heat> (when starting the arch port)
<nikolar> wonder if any of the ports documented the bootstrap
<sortie> Sortix is actually quite remarkable because it's a one phase bootstrap from a Linux
<bslsk05> ​rwmjones/fedora-riscv-bootstrap - Bootstrapping Fedora on RISC-V (9 forks/27 stargazers)
<nikolar> heat: i was talking about arch
<sortie> It all cross-compiles cleanly (modulo bugs not my fault that I haven't discovered yet)
<bslsk05> ​fedoraproject.org: Architectures/AArch64/Bootstrap - Fedora Project Wiki
<heat> nikolar, with "arch port" i meant porting fedora to the architecture
<nikolar> ah
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<heat> oh wow for arm64 they had to use the simulator
<Ermine> aka qemu-user?
<heat> no, the actual armv8 simulator
<sortie> heat: Interesting fedora link :)
<bslsk05> ​developer.arm.com: Fixed Virtual Platforms
<sortie> This kind of cross-bootstrap is actually a first class tix package management feature
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<heat> i understand not providing cross compilation is a first class feature because cross compilation is actually hell for many packages
<heat> like fucking PERL
<sortie> I have a _big_ set of cross-compilation patches I need to upstream that makes life better for everyone
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<heat> >One thing that UNIX does not need is more features.
<heat> talk about shortsighted (paper written in 1984)
<zid`> Did you remember to thank Lord Byron for computers this week heat
<heat> no i forgor
<zid`> smh
<heat> i'll do a pilgrimage to the graves of all the creators of COBOL
<gog> thank lord byron for being an absentee father so his daughter could learn maths
<heat> we stand on the shoulders of giants
<the_oz> mummy dust
<zid`> gog: Ada's mother when Ada looked at a poem "Absolutely not."
<gog> and she was right
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<heat> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CobolScript DONT FORGET WHAT THEY TOOK FROM US
<Mondenkind> retvrn
<heat> if i invented time travel i'd go back in time and tell ada that no no please do not stop please you don't realize THE HORRORS. THE HORRORS.
<Mondenkind> so true bestie
<gog> convince her to spend a year or two on poetry
<the_oz> >yay I stopped ADA and surely warfare won't figure thisa shit out regardless
<zid`> so she can wake up in a ditch?
<the_oz> was she the only clever one in history?
<gog> don't act like you've never woken up in a ditch
<zid`> I wish :(
<the_oz> I passed out drunk only once.
<gog> i've done it a few times
<zid`> not all of us are lucky enough to be able to pull off being a slag
<nikolar> > The language was intended to provide web-enabled COBOL
<nikolar> one of the sentences of all time
<Mondenkind> gog: that seems unhealthy
<gog> yeahhh
<gog> i don't drink anywhere near as much as i did in my 20's
<gog> i could be classified as a drunk
<gog> not quite an alcoholic but well on the path
<zid`> I've never even been drunk
<zid`> by which I mean, I've been awake and sober
<zid`> then I've had drinks and been asleep
<zid`> but at no intermediate point was I drunk
<zid`> awake awake awake NAP
<zid`> sometimes, awake awake awake VOMIT NAP
<the_oz> I think your body may be trying to tell you something
<gog> in its own little way / my body was trying to say / that you better stop drinking brandy
<zid`> I didn't know your name was brandy
<gog> that's my pole dancing name
<zid`> Oh I thought it was your stripper name
<zid`> my mistake
<gog> half dozen of one, six of the other
<Mondenkind> why is it always 'six of one, half dozen of the other', never 'twelve of one, inverse dozen gross of the other'?
<Mondenkind> really makes you think
<Mondenkind> we live in a society😔
<gog> square root of thirty six of one, three times two of the other
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<zid`> gog: log(1 + 2 + 3) of one, log(1) + log(2) + log(3) of the other
<heat> linux kernal of one, operating system of the other
<gog> programming is stupid and i'm not doing it anymore
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<heat> based
<gog> waow
<heat> you either die BASED or live long enough to see yourself become a beta bluepilled libcuck
<the_oz> <Mondenkind> why is it always etc. Was it a phrase created in a bakery or donut shoppe?
<Mondenkind> oh! i can answer this
<Mondenkind> it actually wasn't always etc.
<Mondenkind> it used to be et cetera
<Mondenkind> but then they abbreviated it to etc.
<Mondenkind> HTH.HAND
<the_oz> oh ok
<the_oz> well done, sorta
<the_oz> >if you start talking about 'sort of' I'm gonna lose my mind
<gog> don't sort
<gog> iterate lists looking for what you want naiively
<nikolar> mergesort
<the_oz> sigh
<gog> i will never sort
<heat> do not just keep things in lists
<nikolar> there was some nuts inplace variant of mergesort
<nikolar> what was it called
<heat> create abstractions in case you need something 100x more complex
<gog> actually i'm pretty sure i have a procedure or two that only work if you sort first
<gog> never abstract
<heat> always abstract
<gog> no
<heat> abstract so hard whoever's reading the code can't tell what the fuck you mean
<gog> you have convinced me
<gog> always abstract
<heat> inode? more like IndexNodeFilesystemAdapter
<gog> ohhh
<gog> i thought it was INode
<gog> the Node interface
<heat> CIndexNodeFilesystemAdapter
<heat> it's a class
<gog> and somewhere there's a line that's like services.AddScoped<Node, INode>();
<gog> and somewhere there's a class with a ctor like NodeService(Node node)
<gog> INode node
<heat> IndexNodeManager calls IndexNodeFilesystemAdapterFactory to create an IndexNodeFilesystemAdapter
<heat> through 10kg of dependency injection
<gog> ngl though, i will take the 10kg of dependency injection over the monstrosity of a godclass they used instead in our web apps
<heat> Mondenkind, i use diapers daily cuz i keep shidding and farding and cumming all over the place
<gog> i'm convinced it's why our sales frontend takes literally 5 minutes to spin up
<nikolar> someone should make an os in java
<Mondenkind> heat: I see.
<nikolar> for shits and giggles
<heat> be the change you want to see in the world
<heat> gnu make? no. Gradle.
<heat> Apache ant.
<heat> vim? fuck no, eclipse
<heat> ini? no, xml.
<Mondenkind> i wanna be an ant when i grow up
<Mondenkind> or perhaps several of them
<Mondenkind> i guess at least three so that way i can be a triangle sometimes
<heat> if you were four you could be a square
<Mondenkind> bo-ring
<Mondenkind> who wants to be a square?
<heat> two triangles
<Mondenkind> wtf
<Mondenkind> two triangles is two triangles
<heat> they want to be a square though
<Mondenkind> no
<zid`> ini
<Mondenkind> never
<Mondenkind> if they wanted to share an edge they might make a diamond
<Mondenkind> but not a square
<Mondenkind> madness
<heat> explain.
<Mondenkind> heresy
<Mondenkind> yes they can do it if they want
<Mondenkind> but they don't want to!!
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<the_oz> triangle strip, that's what they really want to do
<Mondenkind> um that's stereotyping and fetishising
<the_oz> what did you think, the inanimate object inherits the delusion in your mind having cognated them?!