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<zid`> nikolar: Did you port all your software to a list of chatgpt prompts yet?
<nikolar> no
<nikolar> i need to write a bot that will ask chatgpt to do that for me first
<zid`> maybe chatgpt could do it fo-
<zid`> kek
<nikolar> lol
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<zid`> is it factorio 2 yet
<GeDaMo> I saw something about Factorio
<zid`> was it that factorio 2 comes out tomorrow
<bslsk05> ​'Factorio: Space Age - Trailer' by Factorio (00:02:22)
<zid`> Planned Release Date: 21 Oct, 2024
<zid`> This game plans to unlock in approximately 1 day and 2 hours
<nikolar> oh a nice birthday present
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<knottyengineer> Heyaa all!n
<Ermine> hello there
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<nikolar> oi
<nikolar> lol didn't last long
<zid`> lan cable got too knotted
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<GeDaMo> A frayed knot :|
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<zid`> GeDaMo: rip plusword, I need a new game
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<GeDaMo> I'm playing Shisen-sho which is a pair matching game using Mahjongg tiles
<zid`> like, the normal mahjong solitaire?
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<GeDaMo> The tiles are laid out in a plain rectangle
<zid`> you were supposed to just blindly link me something btw
<zid`> I can't play a wookipedia link
<GeDaMo> Apparently there are adult versions on Steam :|
<zid`> I have an ADULT GAME on steam I forget what it is
<zid`> bejewelled or mahjong or what
<zid`> It was before porn was allowed on steam though
<zid`> so you had to buy it, and then `touch yesIwantthetits.txt`
<zid`> to uncensor it
<GeDaMo> I'm playing a KDE version
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<zid`> found it!
<zid`> Delicious! Pretty girls mahjong solitaire
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<bessieTheBoy> just realized all this time I was using a comparison and (&&) instead of a bitwise and (&) in my gdt create entry function. as you can tell I need a refresher on c
<zid`> oopsie
<bessieTheBoy> still thinks it's a available 16bit TSS??
<zid`> post nud^H codes
<zid`> I wanna clean it up
<zid`> I should remake my gdt tool after I lost it
<bessieTheBoy> wdym? all code is in gitlab repo:
<bslsk05> ​gitlab.com: Thing / myos · GitLab
<zid`> oof yea, I see the &&s
<bessieTheBoy> at least now the limit of 0xFFFFFFF is right
<zid`> where do you call gdt.c from I wanna see what 'access byte' is set to
<zid`> Your upper limit is overwriting your flags
<zid`> considering you're |='ing your actual 'flags' on
<zid`> your limit might pre-set some of those bits, and the |= can't unset them
<bessieTheBoy> main.c
<bessieTheBoy> well actually
<zid`> should be limit & 0x0F0000
<zid`> The rest looks good
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<bessieTheBoy> imma try that
<bessieTheBoy> also if you want to test in main .c just make it look like this:
<bessieTheBoy> #include "types.h"
<bessieTheBoy> #include "portio.h"
<bessieTheBoy> #include "vgatype.h"
<bessieTheBoy> #include "gdt.h"
<bessieTheBoy> void main(void){
<bessieTheBoy>     vgatype_initalize();
<bessieTheBoy>     clear_text();
<bessieTheBoy>     init_gdt();
<bessieTheBoy>     while (1);
<zid`> please never do that again
<bessieTheBoy>     return;
<bessieTheBoy> }
<zid`> ever
<zid`> on any channel
<bessieTheBoy> oh
<bessieTheBoy> ok
<zid`> /topic #osdev
<bessieTheBoy> oh sry
<Ermine> who ever reads the topic?
<zid`> #define KERNEL_CODE_ACCESS_BYTE 0b10011111
<zid`> #define KERNEL_DATA_ACCESS_BYTE 0b10010111
<zid`> *decodes*
<bessieTheBoy> ?
<bessieTheBoy> where do I decode them?
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<zid`> accessed, writable, non-conforming, execute, system, ring 0, present?
<zid`> and then the same but not-execute
<bessieTheBoy> I updated those one sec
<zid`> 9F seems fine from memory at least
<zid`> wish I still had my tool!
<zid`> dq 0xAF9B000000FFFF
<zid`> dq 0xAF93000000FFFF
<zid`> so mine are 9B and 93
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<zid`> which is the same bit with the conforming bit unset
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<bessieTheBoy> changed the access bytes in gdt.h
<zid`> 9F and 93
<zid`> dropped conforming out of data but not code, interesting choice
<zid`> for data conforming is direction instead afaik?
<zid`> so you defo want that to be 93
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<bessieTheBoy> data is for direction b/c offset is not greater than limit. code is b/c idc about security in this os
<bessieTheBoy> all things will probably be ran in the same code segment anyways
<zid`> so does it work, or not
<zid`> importantlyier
<bessieTheBoy> oh sry lemme check
<bessieTheBoy> nope still 16-bit TSS:
<bslsk05> ​pasteboard.co: GDT fuckery - Image on Pasteboard
<zid`> what tool is that?
<bessieTheBoy> wdym
<zid`> That's a picture of some software
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<bessieTheBoy> thats bochs debugging
<zid`> wow, TIL bochs has a ui now
<nikolar> lol
<bessieTheBoy> this is my bochs config:
<bslsk05> ​pastebin.com: ata0-slave: type=cdrom, path=os.iso, status=insertedboot: cdromdisplay_libra - Pastebin.com
<zid`> nobody really uses bochs
<bessieTheBoy> well its hella useful for debugging
<zid`> It has a couple of very handy low level x86 emulation debugging things
<zid`> but once you're past those, qemu tends to dominate
<zid`> like, ruthlessly dominate
<zid`> - Improved debugger 'info gdt'/'info ldt' commands x86-64 support
<bessieTheBoy> no support for gdb which is fine b/c gdb with qemu doesn't work either for me.
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<zid`> anyway, you should erm
<bessieTheBoy> my normal gdb doesn't work and my i686-elf-gdb doesn't work
<zid`> x /3gx gdt_entries at the start of load_gdt
<zid`> and see what values you actually made
<bessieTheBoy> wdym "x /3gx"?
<zid`> dump three giant hexwords
<zid`> I think the bochs syntax is very similar but possibly slightly different
<bessieTheBoy> I have no goddamn clue how to do that or how to use qemu in debug
<zid`> yea, I looked it up, it's the same in bochs
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<zid`> 8.11.4, x /nuf addr
<bslsk05> ​pasteboard.co: GDT dump - Image on Pasteboard
<bessieTheBoy> had to use img b/c couldn't copy from output
<zid`> that appears to be garbage
<zid`> are you sure that's the right address
<bessieTheBoy> I did "x /3gx"
<zid`> That appears to be address 0x0, and those numbers would make some sense
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<zid`> as a segment number and offset for bios code
<zid`> in the IVT at address 0
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<bessieTheBoy> how do I find the addr
<zid`> Did you make an ELF at some point?
<zid`> Or did you go straight to binary
<bessieTheBoy> I compile files to .o files than link to a binary and then use a docker to use grub-mkrescue to create an iso fro bochs
<bessieTheBoy> for*
<zid`> is the binary an elf
<bessieTheBoy>  lemme check for the signature in the hex editor
<bessieTheBoy> yes
<zid`> nm binary
<zid`> it's not static so it has a full symbol
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<zid`> but you can do erm, -Map? to ld to make it dump a symbol table
<zid`> -Map out.map
<bessieTheBoy> i use i686-elf-gcc for linking will that work as well?
<zid`> gcc just calls ld
<zid`> so you'll want
<bessieTheBoy> oh im dumb as hell
<zid`> -Wl,-Map
<zid`> -Wl passes the next option to the 'l'inker, Wa for assembler, etc
<zid`> (or you could just fix your gdb)
<bessieTheBoy> this is the linker output:
<bslsk05> ​pastebin.com: i686-elf-gcc: error: unrecognized command-line option '-Wl'; did you mean '-W'? - Pastebin.com
<bessieTheBoy> also idk how to fix my gdb
<zid`> You don't pass -Wl to the linker, you pass it to gcc to give to the linker
<bessieTheBoy> oh ok
<zid`> I explained all this :/
<bessieTheBoy> still not working. Btw my linker is gcc. also passed it to the GCC commands that output the .o files and still gave those command not found error
<zid`> Your linker is not gcc, gcc is a frontend
<zid`> your linker is ld, from binutils
<bessieTheBoy> I dont directly call ld and -Wl does not work. I can try to switch to ld.
<zid`> making .o files doesn't invoke the linker
<bessieTheBoy> soo switch to ld directly then?
<zid`> make a file with int main(void){} in it
<bessieTheBoy> alr
<zid`> and show me what gcc file.c -Wl,-Map out.txt does
<bessieTheBoy> k done
<bessieTheBoy> oh
<bslsk05> ​pastebin.com: gcc.exe: error: unrecognized command line option '-Wl'; did you mean '-W'?gcc. - Pastebin.com
<zid`> show me the command too
<bessieTheBoy> command:
<bslsk05> ​pastebin.com: gcc test.c -Wl -Map out.txt - Pastebin.com
<zid`> Yes
<zid`> ofc it says that, because you didn't write it how I did
<bessieTheBoy> ?
<GeDaMo> ,
<zid`> [12:04] <zid`> -Wl,-Map
<zid`> I wrote it that way all 5 times I said it
<zid`> you replaced the comma with a space
<bessieTheBoy> tried that and powershell screams at me
<nikolar> oh byo
<nikolar> *oh boy
<bessieTheBoy> I would love to be on linux rn
<zid`> or just
<zid`> use your little python script instead?
<bessieTheBoy> oh ye
<zid`> or install mingw or msys or cygwin or git bash or wsl or wsl2
<zid`> or mintty
<bessieTheBoy> worked
<bessieTheBoy> also I have mingw
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<zid`> install bash with it then lol
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<bessieTheBoy> tbh thats fair. also tbh had no fucking clue you could do that would've had bash on my windows PC for 4 years by now if I knew that
<zid`> It's just a terminal emulator, it's nothing special
<zid`> It just takes keyboard input and runs execve() for you
<bessieTheBoy> heres the output map from the linker in my os build script:
<bslsk05> ​pastebin.com: There are no discarded input sectionsMemory ConfigurationName - Pastebin.com
<zid`> or rather, bash is just as shell
<zid`> you only need a terminal emulator to run it
<zid`> .bss 0x00201000 0x18 build/gdt.c.o
<zid`> 0x00201000 gdt_entries
<zid`> x /3gx 0x201000
<zid`> (fwiw, I did all my development on windows inside a linux VM, for precisely these reasons)
<zid`> wsl2 is a thing now though so I just use that
<bessieTheBoy> ye but my pc is good but not good enough for me to not get -2 fps
<zid`> what
<bessieTheBoy> but wsl2 is a good idea
<zid`> virtual machines aren't emulators
<bessieTheBoy> ik
<zid`> the cpu can just context switch entire operating systems since about.. 2007
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<zid`> it has basically no performance penalty
<nikolar> zid`: m68k had that ability since like 1989
<nikolar> other even earlier i imagine
<zid`> kek
<bessieTheBoy> Tbh I had no idea. I did dual boot linux on a external 5tb SSD and surprisingly ran really well
<nikolar> it's really nothing cutting edge
<zid`> is it SECURE though
<nikolar> lol define SECURE
<zid`> can clients poke each other's state
<nikolar> but yeah, everything priviledged just traps to the host
<nikolar> so you can emulate that however you want
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<heat> dont you hate it when you wake up and people are kerneling around
<nikolar> no
<zid`> we're mainly practicing reading comprehension
<zid`> and coming to terms with powershell not being a suitable environment to develop with gnu tools
<heat> that's 70% of kerneling around
<nikolar> zid`: i was wrong, 68030 came out in 1987 (i know it had hypervisor stuff)
<nikolar> 68020 might too, and it came out in 1984
<zid`> nikolar: is it proper hypervisor stuff though, or is it just like, tss
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<nikolar> proper stuff
<zid`> fancy
<nikolar> indeed
<bessieTheBoy> heres the gdt dump:
<bslsk05> ​pasteboard.co: GDT DUMP - Image on Pasteboard
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<zid`> yea that's obviously fucked eh
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<nikolar> lol i am kind of surprised that m68k didn't get more popular
<bessieTheBoy> but why? is the real question
<nikolar> considering just how superior it was to x86
<zid`> If you had a debugger we'd be able to find out easily :p
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<heat> m68k didn't get more popular because the m68k fucking sucked donkey nuts
<zid`> bochs can single step at least
<zid`> you could walk through your little function
<heat> and x86 won because x86 best ever
<zid`> m68k fancy and expensive
<nikolar> lol sure, that's definitely what happened heat
<zid`> x86 cheap and shit
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<heat> x86 cheap and goated
<nikolar> zid`: yeah that might be a big factor
<nikolar> no clue what the prices were
<heat> you just got wintel'd
<zid`> x86 had to beat the z80
<zid`> not the 68k
<zid`> it's like a z80 but SIX better
<nikolar> 386 wasn't exactly cheap either, it was a big diea
<zid`> not 67920 better
<nikolar> *die
<zid`> 386 was super entrenched by that point
<SystemPrompt> six and s/z/x/ better
<nikolar> yeah guess so
<bessieTheBoy> i have i686-elf-gdb but I get this error with qemu:
<bslsk05> ​pastebin.com: Remote 'g' packet reply is too long (expected 308 bytes, got 344 bytes): 0000000 - Pastebin.com
<zid`> ibm pc was 1981 with an 8088
<nikolar> yea
<nikolar> 68000 came out in 1979
<nikolar> heh
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<zid`> Main reason PC took off was cus open standard
<zid`> and had IBM behind it
<nikolar> true
<heat> and wintel
<nikolar> wintel came later heat
<nikolar> way later
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<heat> not that much later
<nikolar> (the w part i mean)
<zid`> yes but that's how time works heat
<zid`> things *after* things, don't affect things that came before
<zid`> sorry
<nikolar> PCs were already very entrahcned by the time windows showed up
<zid`> you spelled enchanted wrong smh
<nikolar> that's why microsoft even had a chance
<zid`> Microsoft were just the first people to get usable software for PC out
<heat> very entranched = your weird neighbour had one
<zid`> like how lotus was the first to make a word processor, etc
<nikolar> heat: PCs were like 90% of the consumer computers
<nikolar> that's very entrenched
<zid`> god, the 70s/80s would have been so sick to write software in
<zid`> Just write some dog shit dos program
<heat> yeah but only your weird neighbour had a consumer computer
<heat> hth
<zid`> become industry leader
<zid`> because nobody else had written it yet
<heat> these things were all prohibitly expensive and new
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<zid`> no it was just a lack of people
<zid`> cus computers were rare and expensive
<heat> ibm pc: US$1,565 (equivalent to $5,240 in 2023)
<zid`> and software developers didn't exist
<nikolar> PCs were close to price with modern high end computers
<nikolar> heat: did you get the most expensive one
<nikolar> *find
<heat> no dude im on wikipedia
<zid`> You'll notice how all the like, famous software people who made good money or whatever
<heat> introductory price
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<zid`> were just the sons of guys who worked at IBM or whatever
<zid`> cus they had a PC at home
<zid`> they spent a few weekends writing software that didn't exist yet
<zid`> and now they're the CEO of myfacespace
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<heat> if i had a time machine i'd go back to 1970 and tell the bell labs people i'm writing linux for the PC and it'll be better than their shitty unix system
<heat> and they'll be like "what"
<zid`> how would you write linux without linux to copy from
<nikolar> and they'll look at you as if you were a schizophrenic
<bessieTheBoy> what debugger should I use for debugging this? gdb gives me this:
<heat> linux also copied from other systems so we're good
<zid`> your gdb is not built with xml support
<nikolar> nowhere near as much
<zid`> kek
<zid`> where did you even get that gdb
<nikolar> who needs xml anyway
<heat> the entire network stack was borrowed/"had ideas" from BSD
<zid`> I mean, agreed, but sadly it makes gdb work
<bessieTheBoy> i686-elf-gdb. gdb version 13.2.
<zid`> good for you
<zid`> I said
<zid`> not what version
<nikolar> heat: sure, and?
<heat> and one mustn't forget struct buffer_heads (struct buf), struct inode (struct inode/vnode), struct page (vm_page_t), ext2 (ufs), etc
<bslsk05> ​github.com: Releases · lordmilko/i686-elf-tools · GitHub
<heat> unices are generally very unoriginal lol
<zid`> okay don't grab random tools from github
<zid`> mingw packages gdb
<heat> none of this is rocket science and there's a very well-defined way of doing things
<heat> it sucks for the BSD people because they can't copy back from linux (legally, but they still do, very clearly), but oh well
<bessieTheBoy> I have mingw32-gdb but that just doesn't load my kernel binary because (no debugging symbols found) even tough I compile with -g
<bessieTheBoy> also says something about DWARF header
<zid`> did you also steal a gcc from somewhere
<zid`> and not use the mingw one
<zid`> the two should be compatible (aka share the DWARF version)
<bessieTheBoy> mingw doesn't have i686-elf-gcc
<zid`> 32bit mingw has 'gcc'
<zid`> which is i686 elf
<heat> 32bit mingw's gcc definitely isn't elf?
<zid`> oh right yea
<zid`> msys does
<zid`> not mingw
<zid`> and cygwin
<heat> here's a tip: use wsl2
<zid`> I suggested a VM hours ago
<heat> it'll make your life so much fucking easier
<heat> it's even transparent
<nikolar> here's a tip, actually run linux :P
<zid`> (in a VM)
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<heat> never run linux
<bessieTheBoy> done it before will do it again
<heat> is that a threat?
<bessieTheBoy> maybe..
<bessieTheBoy> what distro do you recommend nikolar
<heat> fedora
<nikolar> no
<heat> well i recommend fedora
<nikolar> don't
<bessieTheBoy> tbh ubuntu is my favorite but i might get roasted for saying that
<bessieTheBoy> ik it has driver issues tho\
<zid`> I use gentoo but it requires some capability to use, so I don't recommend
<heat> yep you're getting roasted
<bessieTheBoy> arch is attracting (totally not just because I can say "I use arch btw")
<heat> arch is lame these days
<heat> the kool kids use nixos
<nikolar> no one uses nixos
<heat> the kool kids do
<zid`> like, 4 people do
<zid`> same as haskell
<nikolar> and they certainly aren't cool
<zid`> and look at how popular haskell was with hipsters
<zid`> In other news: Google told me that ` is the escape sequence in powershell, but it doesn't work
<nikolar> nice
<bessieTheBoy> tbh gentoo looks good. id be willing to give it a try it would be a dual boot on a external SSD (that's hella fast somehow). so at least windows wouldn't disappear from my life (sadly)
<zid`> just
<zid`> use
<zid`> a VM
<zid`> christ
<bessieTheBoy> which one theres about 100 good ones
<heat> wsl2
<zid`> No? There's two
<zid`> WSL2 and vmware
<heat> fucking windows includes wsl2
<heat> it has everything you'd ever want
<zid`> and one of them comes with w10+
<zid`> and is free
<heat> also has windowing integrations or whatever
<nikolar> or you can just... try
<bessieTheBoy> I also have hyper-v or is that garbage
<nikolar> and see what you like
<zid`> hyper-v is what wsl2 uses
<zid`> it comes with windows
<zid`> like we keep telling you
<bessieTheBoy> IK IM NOT BLIND. im considering my options
<kof673> re: 1) write dos program 2) ... 3) profit! the other thing about 80s...how many people had internet? i mean........ compartmentalization was arguably worse then > would've had bash on my windows PC for 4 years by now if I knew that
<nikolar> no one had internet
<nikolar> if you were hip, you had access to BBSs or something
<heat> what's that terminal you're using?
<zid`> mintty
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<bslsk05> ​mintty/wsltty - Mintty as a terminal for Bash on Ubuntu on Windows / WSL (104 forks/3105 stargazers/NOASSERTION)
<zid`> It.. just appeared?
<zid`> I never installed it :D
<heat> oh yeah that mintty thing is what cygwin uses i think
<zid`> yea cygwin and wsl
<heat> i use windows terminal when i need to
<kof673> well i think it was college kids maybe........ and no web until later, sure 1986 > TCP/IP is available on workstations and PCs such as the newly introduced Compaq portable computer. Ethernet is becoming accepted for wiring inside buildings and across campuses
<kof673> i just meant how are you going to find out about some great new dos program? a magazine? longer delay is all i meant
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<bessieTheBoy> got gentoo and wsltty working and ready
<heat> moving from ubuntu to windows to gentoo is one of the worst ideas i've ever heard
<heat> good luck
<Ermine> linux vs windows? In my #osdev ?
<zid`> getting gentoo ready that fast is honestly impressive
<bessieTheBoy> actually.. windows to ubuntu back to windows to gentoo in wsl
<nikolar> Ermine: it's not even that
<zid`> by which I mean, everything is probably broken still :P
<bessieTheBoy> i mean i have a user and wsltty
<zid`> use flags, cflags, makeopts, mirrors, timesource, etc
<bessieTheBoy> what sould I do to make it not broken as fuck
<bessieTheBoy> should*
<zid`> read the gentoo manual?
<bessieTheBoy> which is wher?
<bessieTheBoy> where*
<zid`> come on man
<zid`> You can't think of a way to go from not having the gentoo manual
<zid`> to having the gentoo manual
<bessieTheBoy> dont see shit on the website
<zid`> while being on the internet
<nikolar> lolle
<nikolar> *loller
<zid`> so there isn't a big button that says 'get started' which leads you to a page with 'gentoo handbook click here!11one' written all over it?
<bessieTheBoy> im a godamn fucking dumbass sry bout that
<zid`> and none of this is the first result on google for gentoo manual either
<zid`> You can skip most of the installation stuff
<zid`> but some configuration stuff is mixed in, so if anything from later steps doesn't work, you might have to go back and check
<bessieTheBoy> well I did that but before i saw the big button that says "Gentoo Handbook"
<zid`> but at least reading the portage chapter would be useful
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<bessieTheBoy> first thing on the handbook is network right? "IP route" returns a actually thing through "eth0" but ping and curl don't work. YIPEE
<zid`> heat: não leve minha bolinha embora! se ela está na rua é porque joguei para brincarem comigo. devolva no portão e eu ficarei muito feliz! ela é tudo pra mim
<zid`> wild portugoose spotted
<heat> zid` is now brazilian, crazy
<zid`> portugoose (simplified)
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<bessieTheBoy> according to google translate you just said:
<bessieTheBoy> Don't take my little ball away! If she's on the street it's because I played for people to play with me. return it at the gate and I will be very happy! she is everything to me
<zid`> heat: Why are you gendering my balls
<heat> portuguese is a gendered language
<bessieTheBoy> lol
<bessieTheBoy> should I go to #gentoo ?
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<heat> yes
<zid`> no you should either stop using gentoo, or read the manual
<zid`> then go to gentoo after that
<heat> you should also use a normal distro
<zid`> (I specifically told you not to use gentoo)
<bessieTheBoy> im reading the manual and according to "dhcpcd" enp1s0 does not exsist
<zid`> does it exist in ifconfig?
<gog> ip link
<bessieTheBoy> theres eth0 and lo. but tried eth0 and didn't work b/c ping and curl didn't work. and obviously loopback (lo) is not what I'm looking for
<zid`> ip link is just ifconfig -a
<zid`> eth0 is what you want
<zid`> not enp1s0
<gog> yeh
<zid`> dhcpcd eth0
<zid`> should print a bunch of stuff
<bessieTheBoy> gog ip link gives this:
<bslsk05> ​pastebin.com: 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT - Pastebin.com
<zid`> eth0 is what you want
<gog> yes
<gog> eth0
<bessieTheBoy> did that once before and now running it it says:
<bessieTheBoy> sending commands to dhcpcd process
<bessieTheBoy> oh
<bessieTheBoy> just looked at the image
<bessieTheBoy> one sec
* gog solicits zid
<zid`> for noodles? omg
<bessieTheBoy> I get that exact thing (except DUID is different of course)
<gog> try pinging something now
<zid`> nah, 169 addresses are link local
<zid`> means it didn't work :D
<gog> oh yeh
<gog> is this in a vm
<gog> do you have an interface configured between the vm and the host
<zid`> yea but it's wsl the bridges etc are all correct already
<gog> oh
<gog> the bridges of windows services for linux county
<zid`> bessieTheBoy: does ifconfig have a 172.x address on eth0 now
<heat> soliciting is illegal
<gog> zid ar eyou going to wish me a birthday
<zid`> oh, merry christmas!
<gog> thank you
<heat> is it your bday today?
<gog> yes
<heat> happy birthday grog
<gog> :3
<bessieTheBoy> yea
<heat> may your 56th birthday be even better
<gog> D:
<gog> that's 19 birthdays from now
<heat> plenty of time to improve yeah
<gog> true
<nikolar> happy birthday gog
<zid`> you'll need to delete out the old routes and stuff, I'm not a networking engineer
<bessieTheBoy> neither am I
<gog> why are you installing gentoo
<zid`> foolishness!
<zid`> gog: Are you going to play BIRTHDAYFACTORIO
<kof673> there may be more to the portugoose ...... :) > With an orange eye surrounded by a brown eye-patch, a white head, upper neck and wing panel, bright pink legs and feet and unmistakeably a goose. > Found this family of Egyptian geese. In Portugal these birds are considered an invasive species.
* kof673 gives gog an egyptian goose from portugal to eat
<gog> zid`: my wife is buying it for me but i'm probably gonna be too busy tomorrow
<zid`> my wife is also buying it for me
<zid`> his name is nikolar
<zid`> for my birthday
<gog> i didn't kow you had a boywife
<kof673> anyways...that's where hercules 10th labour is AFAICT lol related to the founding of portugal :D > Seb is figured, on a large scale, in the Decans of Scorpio, with the symbolic goose of earth upon his head
<nikolar> gog: he's delusional
<zid`> [09:39] <zid`> This game plans to unlock in approximately 1 day and 2 hours
<zid`> [09:46] <nikolar> oh a nice birthday present
<zid`> I have it in writing
<nikolar> for me
<gog> wiat it's nikolar birthday too?
<nikolar> my birthday is october 21st
<zid`> 25th
<gog> hah happy brithday!
<nikolar> heh thanks
<zid`> heat was like, 18th?
<zid`> osdev birthdayweek
<heat> 11th
<nikolar> lol
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<zid`> wsl --shutdown makes my audio crackle
<zid`> smh useless OS
<nikolar> lol
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<zid`> (in other news, don't run dhcpcd on your shit in wsl)
<zid`> it starts up with a static route that works fine
<zid`> but dhcpcd just gets a link local address and ruins it
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<bessieTheBoy> soo uhh now:
<bessieTheBoy> windows to ubuntu back to windows attempting gentoo in wsl to kali linux in wsl :\
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<gog> kali
<gog> look i don't tend to distroshame
<gog> but _kali_?
<heat> almost a worse choice than manjaro
<gog> :|
<gog> i'm sorry ok
<gog> i'm sorry i used manjaro for 4 years
<heat> that's okay, i forgive you
<heat> you transitioned into arch though, that's what matters
<bessieTheBoy> in the end there all debian based and at the end of the day I don't really fucking care
<heat> non-woke arch linux i should mention
<gog> yes
<bessieTheBoy> you know what... brb
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<zid`> gog: What's your next transition?
<zid`> labrador?
<gog> cat obv
<zid`> I'm not sure you could maintain that level of cynicism
<gog> cynic is dog
<gog> i'm transfeline
<zid`> no, courage is a dog
<gog> not transcanine
<gog> i don't even feel good making these jokes
<gog> fuck off zid
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<gog> lol
<heat> i'm translinuxkernel
<gog> heat no
<heat> why not
<gog> lol
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<zid`> I can't win!
<zid`> I got told off for fucking off!
<zid`> gog let's duel
<gog> en garde
<zid`> I play a card face down in defensive position
<gog> you would
<gog> HAH gottem
<zid`> I'm submissive like that
<zid`> if a girl tells me to do a thing I do it
<zid`> nikolar stop asking how breedable I am
<nikolar> i haven't said a word
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<bessieTheBoy> best os to osdev on first answer wins
<nikolar> not windows
<bessieTheBoy> ok next answer wins
<heat> fedora
<bessieTheBoy> ok
<bessieTheBoy> brb
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<nikolar> not fedora either
<heat> what's wrong with fedora?
<heat> it's a perfectly cromulent distro
<nikolar> it's basically an experimental distros
<heat> even defaults to btrfs for the btree fans
<heat> it's as experimental as arch
<nikolar> where redhat tests out the new junk and pushes it to the users before it's ready
<nikolar> heat: no, arch doesn't default to btrfs or wayland
<nikolar> because arch doesn't do defaults
<heat> arch defaults to whatever the package defaults
<nikolar> btree fans don't like btrfs btw, it's broken
<nikolar> heat: so what does `pacman -S xorg` default to
<heat> kde defaults to wayland fyi
<nikolar> btw, fedora switched to wayland and pipewire years ago
<nikolar> way way before they were ready
<nikolar> (i mean they aren't ready now, but it's certainly in a better place)
<gog> software is never ready
<gog> it's either completely broken or usable
<gog> usably broken
<nikolar> well wayland was completely broken
<heat> pipewire has been heavily recommended by the arch wiki for YEARS
<gog> pulse was way worse than pipewire when it was first making its way into mainstream distros
<gog> it used to eat all my cpu
<nikolar> i am not saying pulse is good lol
<gog> no ofc not
<nikolar> i am saying that fedora is redhat's experimental distro
<heat> sure, not every distro is RHEL
<gog> yeah it has been since 2004
<heat> fedora tends to work okay, actually tends to work way better than the debian-derived alternatives
<nikolar> i am sure it's a good idea to recommend an experimental distro to users
<heat> have you used fedora?
<gog> call me an old-fashioned type, but linux has always been experimental in my mind
<nikolar> yes heat
<heat> you're talking as if red hat just pops up and reformats your root partition as btrfs
<nikolar> gog: sure, fedora is experimental^2 then
<nikolar> heat: i mean they defaulted to btrfs before anyone else
<nikolar> while it was problematic to even use it on a single drive
<heat> btrfs already had plenty of prod mileage before that
<nikolar> not really
<heat> facebook is built on that horrible, horrible filesystem
<nikolar> considering how broken it was
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<heat> fedora is probably the least broken-by-default distro i've used
<nikolar> doubt it
<heat> debian was terribad, ubuntu was broken all over the place, arch requires you to actually know what you're doing
<heat> same with alpine
<nikolar> actually, we use ubuntu at work
<heat> my condolences
<nikolar> works perfectly, whatever else you think of it
<heat> i'm talking about my experience ofc
<heat> all of these distros have users that are perfectly happy
<nikolar> sure, i am saying that fedora shouldn't be recommended to new users
<heat> maybe ubuntu is way better now than it was in 2015, that's possible, maybe i was just really unlucky
<nikolar> i am not saying that there are unhappy fedora users
<heat> ok, and i disagree
<zid`> gentoo works 100% as long as you take "works" onto your own shoulders and blame yourself for something going wrong :P
<nikolar> same goes for arch and alpine really
<nikolar> lol
<heat> fedora might not have the same "stability" as fucking debian, but it also doesn't have the same fake stability as debian
<heat> arch and alpine are a whole other level (even if arch /tends/ to be pretty stable once in proper hands)
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<nikolar> i agree, arch/alpine aren't nearly as bad as people imagine them to be
<nikolar> nor gentoo really
<zid`> gentoo is fucking trivial, how bad could alpine be
<heat> alpine uses musl
<nikolar> to be fair, i only run alpine on my server
<nikolar> it's been fine so far
<heat> you can experience random AWFUL slowness because malloc fucking sucks ass
<zid`> nice
<nikolar> it's been fine (tm)
<heat> you used to be able to experience awful DNS issues that went unresolved for like... 8 years
<heat> also lolcales
<nikolar> do people care about those?
<heat> yeah
<zid`> I set my system to serbian using locales
<zid`> you told me the serbian was wrong though :(
<heat> you'd be surprised as to how many people i've found that have their linux systems in their native language
<nikolar> what was that about, i forgor
<nikolar> heat: i guess i would be
<heat> it's a heck of a lot more than 0
<heat> which i honestly didn't expect
<nikolar> same
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<zid`> nikolar what's the locale for serbian with cyka
<Matt|home> ngh. o\
<nikolar> zid`: cyrillic?
<nikolar> LANG=sr_RS.UTF-8
<zid`> sr_RS right
<zid`> %MAH%
<zid`> it prints that instead of man
<zid`> idk why
<zid`> (but in cyka)
<nikolar> i guess someone forgot to add a replacement string lol
<zid`> it's fine in half the locations
<nikolar> my guess is that someone added a localization but forgot to update in all places or something
<nikolar> no clue
<zid`> yea
<zid`> the 'man' translation is missing, but also 'man' is written verbatim not with _("man") in a bunch of places
<zid`> so there's a mix of man and "missing translation for man"
<nikolar> yea
<heat> man,
<gog> a key issue with arch is the AUR. it's a powerful tool but also a dangerous one
<gog> especially with manjaro having AUR helpers installed by default and encouraging users to use it
<heat> the aur is quite honestly the worst bit of arch
<nikolar> aur is actually good
<nikolar> it just shouldn't be used excessively
<heat> it can _easily_ just break
<heat> AUR helpers make it so you totally forget that you should review the packages and the PKGBUILD for malicious crap
<nikolar> as if not using a helper would change that
<heat> would probably help
<nikolar> i mean helpers ask you to see the diffs if you want
<nikolar> pretty handy
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<heat> helpers simplify the task so much that you're way likelier to not inspect a diff
<heat> also TIL sysexits.h
<bslsk05> ​'' by [idk] (00:00:15)
<Ermine> cutie
<Ermine> But it's a ferret most likely
<zid`> That is 100% not a ferret lol
<zid`> it's a stoat
<zid`> aka an ermine
<zid`> ferrets don't look like stoats much
<nortti> things are getting heated in the mustelid fandom
<zid`> ferrets look like squashed badgers
<zid`> stoats look like tiny weasels
<gog> :o tiny mustelid
<Ermine> well okay
<zid`> or giant weasels
<zid`> if least weasel
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<Ermine> anyway, stoat is a poor choice for a pet
<Ermine> oh I missed wayland vs x discussion?
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<gog> waxland
<gog> wayland
<gog> wazland
<the_oz> notdewayland
<heat> "why are my KASAN builds so slow" turns out the fact that my vmalloc is O(n) really doesn't work too well when you have around 2^17 nodes
<Ermine> zid`: why did you mark it as 18+ anyway
<Ermine> gog: vaxland
<Ermine> heat: #musl approved allocator
<heat> i guess i'll turn off KASAN for the time being :(
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<zid`> I didn't mark anything as anything
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<heat> fucking hate packaging
<heat> fedora rpm spec files say everything depends on everything
<heat> things i _dont have_
<heat> fuckin gnu coreutils, perl, gpg, curl, all file compression formats known to man, auxiliary rpm packages, help2man, gettext
<heat> python rpm bindings!
<zid`> use flags help with this
<zid`> else everything ends up needing fucking bluetooth
<nikolar> heat: you know you can modify and write your own spec files right
<heat> i'm aware but the fedora ones are already decent
<heat> i'm using them as a base
<heat> particularly now that i have git it's trivial to clone the repo and mess with them
<nikolar> alright, just checking
<heat> oh and one mustn't forget the autoconf-automake-libtool dependency trio
<heat> have i said fuck libtool yet?
<heat> fuck libtool.
<nikolar> yeah, you've mentioned it once or twice
<heat> i haven't said it today
<zid`> if bessie comes back should we put him out of his misery
<zid`> and tell him how type promotion works
<nikolar> lol
<heat> + 0L;
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<Ermine> nikolar: it's always worth mentioning it again
<nikolar> lol
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<Ermine> like, literally nobody likes this trio
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<heat> cmake is a work of art compared to m4-autoconf-automake-libtool
<heat> rpm even uses autotest for their tests
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<bessieTheBoy> heat fedora is awesome.
<heat> nikolar, suck it
<Ermine> cmake is more controversial
<bessieTheBoy> lol
<bessieTheBoy> im using it rn. barely have it installed but its amazing already
<bessieTheBoy> literaly just a minimal install but its really good
<nikolar> What's so amazing about a plan gnome distro
<nikolar> *plain
<heat> it Just Works
<Ermine> should have been kde spin if nobody mentioned it here
<Ermine> gnome? Works?
<Ermine> Without installing 100500 plugins so it becomes ergonomic enough?
<heat> ehhh gnome kinda works
<bessieTheBoy> a plain gnome distro is amazing no bloatware and works with .rpm and .debs (i think it works with both). gnome is not that good but im okay with plugins to make it more custom to me
<the_oz_> that's bait
<Ermine> silence
<zid`> nobody put him out of his misery yet?
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<Ermine> do it
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<heat> gnome is MINIMAL confirmed
<Ermine> eh?
<heat> >no bloatware
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<bessieTheBoy> no bloatware is something that windows users (including myself) would LOVE to hear
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<Ermine> most people users just don't care...
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<SystemPrompt> A while ago I was playing with my pine phone and I noticed there's an audio bypass path from the modem to the Bluetooth chip that doesn't fit the Linux programming model at all so is basically impossible to use, and a whole low power processor that everyone just loads with the same firmware and then treats as a fixed function device. That is, there are big parts of the hardware that can't be fully utilized because of OS design. Apparently this sort
<SystemPrompt> of thing is very widespread: https://youtu.be/36myc8wQhLo
<SystemPrompt> (go listen to this keynote)
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<nikolar> > that doesn't fit the Linux programming model at all
<nikolar> eh?
<nikolar> i don't think linux cares what kind of bodges or hacks you do, as long as you write drivers
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<Ermine> When you get into situation "certain subsystem is unable to use certain hardware features", usually refactoring/redesign occurs
<Ermine> e.g. DRM instead of fbdev
<Ermine> also, > USENIX
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<Ermine> (And, as it usually happens in open source world, it's always a question of someone stepping up and doing the job)
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<Ermine> Also, if you're dealing with thingie which requires firmware to operate, you can't do anything but upload firmware you're provided with, because all info you need to write your own firmware for this device is behind loads of NDAs and IP, and you'll get this info only if communism emerges
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<the_oz> by the time that happens I'm sure you'll reorganize priorities to get food water medicine and guns
<the_oz> because the power to reorganize contract law requires massive upset
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<netbsduser> interesting risc-v oversight i just noticed: it's impossible to have a page table auto entry
<netbsduser> (what some people call "recursive paging" or "fractal mapping")
<netbsduser> they define a nonleaf PTE as one which is valid but its read/write/execute bits are all 0. this defeats the possibility of an auto entry since it will be neither readable nor writeable
<geist> indeed. the recursive PT thing is really an x86ism
<netbsduser> it's integral to the "natural" approach for a lot of the riscs with software-refilled TLBs also
<geist> or more to the point, the reason it works on x86 style page tables is there's no reallocation of bits at the upper levels such that it's incompatile at the lower levels
<geist> or this, as you found, i think. i haven't fully grokked what you said, but i'm not surprised
<geist> ah yeah, i think i see what you mean. yeah they reuse an otherwise invalid bit pattern to avoid needing another bit that says what type of entry it is
<netbsduser> geist: the bits are the same at each level but instead of having a "next table pointer" bit they have read/write/exec all = 0 indicate next table pointer, while any 1 = superpage at this level
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<geist> yeah
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<karenw> Anyone have a good guide for configuring the x86 lapic/ioapic? I am getting so confused by it all.
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<zid`> karenw: set spurious reg bit 8, gg?
<karenw> I mean, I still don't get any e.g. keyboard interrupts. Assume that's because I need to unmask the ioapic?
<zid`> yea you need to set each entry, smae as the ivt
<zid`> or pic
<karenw> ivt?
<zid`> interrupt vector table, the thing at 0000:0000
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<zid`> which is the og way of doing this
<karenw> Oh, horrors.
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<karenw> Yeah, I'm in long mode. None of that real mode nonesense. No legacy PIC. Limine hands control over with the lapic/ioapic all enabled but everything masked
<zid`> yea we know
<karenw> I think
<karenw> Sorry
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<karenw> So I set bit 8 of the lapic spurious register, then go and clear bit 16 in all the (lower half of the) redirection entries of the ioapic?
<zid`> figure 10-8 on page.. 375ish
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<karenw> zid`: Sorry, I need a bit more context (I assumed you meant the intel manual, but that gives me a page listing "Promoted Vector Integer SIMD Instructions in Intel® AVX"
<zid`> vol 3a
<zid`> not vol 1
<karenw> Ah, I have the combined copy open
<zid`> chapter 10.4 of 3a
<karenw> Multiprocessor initalization?
<heat> nikolar, happy bday my dude
<zid`> lol
<nikolar> thank you very much heat
<karenw> The copy I have open has 2 more chapters, thanks zid`
<bslsk05> ​www.intel.com <no title>
<zid`> Anyway, after spurious boi is set, and lint0 is unmasked, you'll need to talk to the ioapic to set your devices up I think
<zid`> or you can test it with the timer interrupt