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<zid`> I also played the satisfactory, figured it was a decent timeline to give it another go
<zid`> I still don't get it :(
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<Mondenkind> isn't it just like factorio but woke
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<the_oz> FactoryGame
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<kof673> conway's law is the reason for any question
<kof673> that is why it is unbreakable, because you cannot not be yourself
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<Ermine> woke factorio?
<heat_> factorio now sponsored by bud light
<zid`> Ermine: The factorio main dude was unapologetic about linking to a video from a content creator who apparently had done/said some shady things, after being asked to remove it, both sides were stubborn and it turned into a fight
<zid`> I'd be upset but I could totally see being annoyed at being told what to do like that and telling them to fuck off, even if they were right, and it turning into a fight :P
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<the_oz> "they were right" censors are never right even when the initial reasoning may be accurate
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<the_oz> because they reduce freedom in the commons
<the_oz> Got a better argument? Think person is a shit? Step right up amd speak in the commons. Shame it would be if someone ... silenced you...
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<zid`> nikolar is it true
<nikolar> Is what true
<zid`> the rumor about you
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<Ermine> rumour*
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<zid`> also can you make it like, 10C warmer pls
<GeDaMo> I'd be OK with 5°C warmer :|
<zid`> Typical scottish reaction
<zid`> "I want life to be better" "yea but not TOO much better thanks"
<GeDaMo> Might as well be realistic :P
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<zid`> Person A: "This glass is half full" Person B: "This glass is half empty" Gedamo: "This glass contains as much as I deserve"
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<the_oz> stick on more clothes
<the_oz> >buncha weirdos philosiphying what weather to change the world with
<GeDaMo> I've got a cold so I'm going to fill a hot water bottle and go to bed :|
<the_oz> have you even heard of this thing called "long johns"
<zid`> GeDaMo: remember to only fill it half way
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<Ermine> fill two bottles in half each
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<nikolar> zid`: what's the rumour
<zid`> I'm not sure I should say it aloud
<zid`> that'd be rude
<zid`> giving voice to unsubstantiated rumours
<heat_> woah nikolar was WHERE in '03?
<zid`> a testicle
<nikolar> zid`: that was '00
<zid`> gross
<bslsk05> ​www.reddit.com <no title>
<heat_> nikolar's hiding spot back in 03
<nikolar> heat_: i was literally a toddler
<Ermine> dbus stop sucking plox
<nikolar> Lel
<zid`> nikolar is actually ratko mladić's secret lovechild btw
<Ermine> It took several pages before browser reacted
<nikolar> zid`: no, not really
<zid`> ofc he'd deny it, it's a secret
<nikolar> No
<bslsk05> ​www.reddit.com <no title>
<zid`> at least they kept it to sticks
<Ermine> like soccer fans only fight in the balkans
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<heat_> football*
<zid`> who says they were football fans
<zid`> they were labourers building a stadium
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<Ermine> Idk which of them is more British
<Ermine> Ah, labourers
<Ermine> Ermine can't read
<zid`> serbian bricklayers kicking off against the albanians putting up scaffold
<nikolar> zid`: Romanian, not Serbian
<zid`> is it not the same thing?
<zid`> also I guess they were plumbers then
<zid`> not bricklayers
<Ermine> you don't know slavs well enough
<zid`> That's like being able to tell subspecies of kobold apart
<zid`> they're all just slavs to the rest of us
<nikolar> Right, Albanians and Romanians, famous slavs
<nikolar> Lol
<heat_> balkaners
<zid`> and yet he says he *isn't* the secret love child
<zid`> see how his words betray him
<heat_> balkaneers
<Ermine> says the citizen of the former empire
<zid`> I'm a citizen of several former empires
<heat_> what's wrong with former empires?
<zid`> SPQR
<Ermine> they regret that they're not an empire any longer
<nikolar> I don't think you can claim direct continuity of your current government all the way back to SPQR zid
<zid`> I don't think I was trying to
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<heat_> keirus starmus
<nikolar> Lol
<zid`> and nobody gives a shit about empire
<zid`> too many darkies
<bslsk05> ​<Kadin> I did not expect a book about RS-232 to open with a murder, but… ␤ (From "The RS-232 Solution" by Joe Campbell) https://mastodon.sdf.org/system/media_attachments/files/113/292/059/887/551/303/original/b9e9bb3fa80af933.png []
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<kof673> > fill two bottles in half each
<kof673> yes yes, wash in/with fire, burn in/with water -- magical salamander ermine wins alchemy chat
* kof673 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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<the_oz> Former Empires? There is an empire that existed before and after.
<the_oz> Just so you know...
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<heat_> the only empire i like is empire total war
<zid`> what abot empire earth
<zid`> age of empires?
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<nikolar> Age of empires 2 best game
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<zid`> I never super got into it
<zid`> but it does look good
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<nikolar> The Best part, it's still being developed lol
<zid`> yea I have ao2hd I think
<zid`> no, DE
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<nikolar> Yeah
<nikolar> Haven't played in forever though
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<zid`> I got pretty good at sc2 when it came out, so aoe2 kind of scares me
<zid`> it's got a huge scope
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<nikolar> Heh
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<nikolar> You don't have to get into competitive aoe2 right away
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<the_oz> Tourney play is so not my jam
<the_oz> Competetive play? whatever
<Ermine> still haven't played AoE. Shame on myself
<zid`> nikolar: yea but, I like to be good at things, it's a curse
<zid`> I struggle to play things casually, mind churns and I end up *practicing* instead of playing
<Ermine> I've heard you can spam monks there
<nikolar> Ermine: I don't think spamming monks is a good strategy lol
<nikolar> zid`: ah well, good luck
<Ermine> but it's the funny one
<zid`> wololo
<the_oz> being the best at meta settings is a good source of content if you need it, but yeah it's a different thing than exploration, or story, or chillax or so on
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<Ermine> WOLOLO
<zid`> nikolar did you beat ori
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<zid`> oh, new bobiverse book
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