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<azonenberg> ARM architecture gurus: anybody familiar with the details of how Cortex-M7 DTCM works with regards to the AHBS bus?
<azonenberg> in particular, it looks like DTCM can be accessed by three different logical memory channels: two 32-bit DTCM channels from the CPU (allowing dual-issue of load/load, load/store instructions... but its kinda implied you can't store/store dual issue)
<azonenberg> and then an AHBS bus intended to allow DMA to access the TCMs
<azonenberg> It looks like the D0TCM and D1TCM buses coming off the CPU are physically separate SRAMs
<azonenberg> and those buses physically go to the SRAM, so if there's contention where the CPU wants to access an address in TCM at the same time as the AHBS one of them has to wait?
<azonenberg> (i.e. the TCM SRAM is physically single ported)
<azonenberg> aha ok so the TCMs are interleaved
<azonenberg> so even numbered 32-bit words are in D0TCM and odd in D1TCM
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<vin> Okay I have a super basic question: on modern intel CPUs, If data is cached in L3, does accessing it require any address translation (there by a TLB lookup)? IMO it should not and dTLB will only happen when L3 misses and need to go to DRAM to fetch from the physical page
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<vin> because most caches today are physically addressed
<Mutabah> vin: I _think_ that the L3 is outside of address translation
<Mutabah> so, the TLB is involved in accessing data in it
<vin> Wait why? They are physically addressed, so what do we need to translate and lookup from TLB?
<Mutabah> Well, that's the point - to know what cache slot to look at, you need to translate virtual to physical
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<vin> Ahah, so even if you have cached data in L3 (50 cycles to read) but incur a TLB miss (15 cycles) and must do a page walk (50 cycles), you will pay additional 65 cycles. Why not make the caches virtually addressed?
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<Mutabah> afaik, a TLB miss for data that is still in cache is pretty unlikely
<Mutabah> well... maybe if the TLB got flushed due to an address space switch
<Mutabah> but, how would the cache handle that (without using ASIDs)
<zid> sounds horrible
<zid> You'd have to flush your l3 between processes for shared memory
<zid> and the point of l3 is to share memory, more or less
<zid> (you can't tell if it's the same memory or not by virtual address)
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<Matt|home> hi.
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<heat> yesterday i tried to write some sort of build system-ish stress test but ended up writing a fork bomb instead
<heat> great stuff
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<nikolar> Lel
<nikolar> Did onyx survive
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<heat> i was testing it on linux
<heat> linux barely survived
<heat> systemd itself was taking 50% CPU reaping processes, killall, pgrep couldn't kill them all, htop couldn't see the procs popping in and out
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<heat> the only way was rebooting
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<mjg> that's definitely not accurate
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<heat> is it? try to kill a forkbomb boss
<heat> you could try to nuke the user but i'm not sure if that works
<mjg> trying to get it sorted by the user which started the problem is indeed troublesome
<mjg> but root should have reasonable time provided there are sensible limits for your shite user
<mjg> admittedly there may not be
<mjg> my lulubuntu says -u: processes 63192
<mjg> for my unpriv user
<mjg> which indeed can fuck up the machine real good
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<heat> i didn't fuck up the machine cuz i actually wrote job control
<heat> so it was actually just cycling job tokens through the pipe through never ending never kill-or-top-catched fork
<mjg> i'll note tho "stop this fucking user from forking" is not necessarily a bad feature
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<mjg> alternatively "reliably SIGSTOP all fucking processes by this fucking user"
<mjg> this kind of a feature is already needed for containers 'n shit
<heat> or a comm-patterned kill syscall
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<zid> It's been over 120 days since you opened Cloud Shell from the Google Cloud Platform console. In 7 days, your Cloud Shell home directory will be automatically scheduled for deletion.
<zid> now where do I stash my illegal porn? :(
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