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<xenos1984> Maybe they had a pointer to a variable in some other register than rsp, which uses ds by default, so that it was `mov [some other register], eax` instead?
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<chiselfuse> xenos1984: oh i see why it was 'stack' instead of 'rsp` then hmm
<chiselfuse> well either way, i checked a process in linux and: `ds` is 0, `ss` is 0x2b (entry 2 in gdt, RPL=3). here `ds` and `ss` are different though they must both have 0 as base address. i assume he must've been talking about x86
<zid> cpu doesn't care if you don't fill out ss in long mode for some reason
<zid> err ds? whatever
<zid> 2b i s not entry 2 last I checked though?
<zid> (5*8) + 3 = 0x2B
<chiselfuse> i don't understand why in long mode one data segment (ss) gets filled to point to a descriptor that contains a bunch of attributes such as permissions while still having 0 base address while all other data segments (es/ds) are just nulled out
<zid> cpu doesn't bother to check them, and es is unused
<zid> not sure *why* it doesn't check them, but it is a thing that is true
<chiselfuse> zid: why does it bother with ss then
<zid> the only thing the tss has it in it is ss and rsp
<zid> so that it can do a correct context switch
<zid> it just assumes ds from ss
<zid> and cs
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<zid> because.. long mode isn't segmented
<zid> it's literally just filling in basically dummy values, for the 1 or 2 bits of actually mutable pieces of data all long mode cares about from all that segmentation stuff. Which if segmentation had not existed, would certainly be stored somewhere else entirely.
<chiselfuse> ah yea you're correct, it's index 5, not 2
<zid> for interrupts to happen it needs to have a ring0 ss:rsp to push to
<zid> so that's pretty much the only valid field left in the tss that long mode actually cares about
<zid> right got interrupted myself, ironic. x
<zid> Which means, ss is the only selector that really ever changes and gets reloaded
<zid> so ds can just hang out being broken with no repercussions
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<adder> I'm wondering if I should disable paging before I map the available ranges... I'm currently not, and I'm getting a pagefault during the mapping process. I'm using limine
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<heat> i can't advise on limine, sorry
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<adder> heat, what do you use?
<adder> handrolled I bet :)
<heat> grub
<adder> I think I might start over again
<mjg> heat did a bunch of text replacement on lfs
<adder> I don't like this thing a tiny bit
<mjg> s/Linux/Onyx/
<mjg> now claims he has a kernel
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<netbsduser> adder: limine already does map the available memory ranges into the higher half already
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<Ermine> heat: do your pipewire issues trigger when you use bluetooth headphones or when you use wired headphones as well?
<adder> netbsduser: so I'm not sure what part of paging am I supposed to do
<adder> do I need to set up page tables and reload cr3?
<adder> do I need to iterate over the memory maps and map that space then?
<netbsduser> i just reuse the tables limine sets up initially, but that does mean i don't reclaim the memory marked bootloader-reclaimable
<netbsduser> it is up to you what you want to do
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<netbsduser> you can do likewise, or you could assemble your own page tables such that you map the kernel and map as much or as little of the available memory as you want wherever you want
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<adder> I am trying to set up my own tables and reload cr3 but am pagefaulting in the process
<netbsduser> then a translation is failing - the tables do not map everything you need them to map, or maybe they are bogus
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<heat> Ermine, wired. bluetooth headphones in linux lol
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<Ermine> well, in my case pw shits itself only with bluetooth ones, while wired work okay
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<heat> page table reclamation at unmap time, yes or no?
<gog> no
<mjg> yes
* mjg <-- contrarian
* gog claw mjg
* mjg hisses at gog
<gog> :o
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<heat> mjg are you aware of the freebsd behavior on that
<Matt|home> morn.
<mjg> no
<mjg> it's probably stupid, so just find out what it is and do the opposite
<mjg> yer welcome
<heat> linox only does it on munmap but it's a terrible approach where they go down the page tablen (and unmap pagen), then go back down later to free them
<heat> truly next level wtf ideas
<Matt|home> off-topic, brain no worky - average wifi connection speed w home router in MB/s ?
<mjg> they could stash them
<mjg> no need to do the walk twice
<Matt|home> 3/5g
<Matt|home> im guessing 25-30
<mjg> this is a rather bad channel to ask this mon
<heat> mjg, could also just free them at the same time they unmap
<mjg> i presume there are locks held while processing it
<mjg> so liek don't artificially extend hold time kthx
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<mjg> their free is dog slow
<heat> they'll hold the locks again to free the page tables, i hope at least
<mjg> look mon i don't know the original reasoning
<mjg> i'm saying you can probably collect tehse tables and free them after
<Matt|home> o.o
<mjg> harsh but fair
<heat> the annoying big issue when doing this kind of stuff is that it's hard to know if the page table is completely free
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<heat> so, uh, stashing a page table refcount in a struct page or whatever? but then every set pte operation turns into some kind of cmpxchg
<heat> it might not be worth optimizing
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<Matt|home> yay i got samba set up and working.. my laptop is no longer e-waste, i can use it as a really shitty file server :D
<vin> madvise seem to just be an "advise" to the kernel about what to do with a page. For example, when I say MADV_DONTNEED on a set of pages, even after waiting for a few seconds I see the RSS of that application not decreasing. Is there a more aggresive way to hint the kernel?
<heat> MADV_DONTNEED is not an advice
<heat> you're probably holding it wrong
<vin> I see! I will double check if my start address is page aligned and the size is smaller/equal to the total mmap size
<heat> i know RSS has some counter fuckyness, it's possible you're seeing old values. or the pages you think are present actually aren't
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<vin> is there a more reliable way to tell if the pages are swapped out? If not by looking at RSS
<vin> Also is there a source that documetns the unreliability of RSS somewhere?
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<clever> vin: on linux, /proc/$PID/pagemap is basically an export of the leaves of the paging table
<clever> for a 64bit system, it is a flat array of 64bit physical addresses, telling you what page every page of the VM maps to
<clever> and with 64bit virtual mode, that makes it an array of uint64_t[2^64]
<clever> you can just read any offset you want to query, and if its resident, youll get a non-zero number
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<vin> Perfect, thanks clever! This is almost like page table scanning (for access bits) in user space.
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<vin> Seems like I can't use that clever from the madvise man page: On MADV_DONTNEED "The kernel is free to delay freeing the pages until an appropriate moment. The resident set size (RSS) of the calling process will be immediately reduced however." So the pagemap might still show a page as resident even if DONTNEED is called on it
<vin> Only the RSS seem to be reduced right away. Unfortunately though my RSS remains the same after DONTNEED
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<heat> vin, that is NOT what the man page says
<heat> man page says: ""The kernel is free to delay freeing the pages until an appropriate moment. The resident set size (RSS) of the calling process will be immediately reduced however."
<heat> so, simply put: the pages may not be freed, but the rss is reduced and the pages are unmapped
<heat> (pages are only not freed when e.g they're shared)
<vin> meaning the offset of /proc/self/pagemap will be 0 even if the pages aren't freed yet?
<heat> yes
<heat> not offset, value i imagine
<vin> Got it!
<heat> re: RSS inaccuracy
<bslsk05> ​man7.org: proc_pid_statm(5) - Linux manual page
<heat> "Some of these values are inaccurate because of a kernel-
<heat> internal scalability optimization. If accurate values are
<heat> required, use /proc/pid/smaps or /proc/pid/smaps_rollup
<heat> detailed information."
<heat> instead, which are much slower but provide accurate,
<heat> TL;DR mjg fucked it up
<mjg> i literally did not, but probably would have
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<heat> didn't you touch rss a few weeks back or so?
<mjg> i did not *alter* the state mofo
<heat> damn. mofer.
<mjg> that was all g men
<mjg> i only made it suffer less on fork/exec
<mjg> and have some more patchen in the makingz :X
<mjg> however
<mjg> i don't see any reasons for that statm sucker to even know about it
<mjg> it literally could sum it up if needed
<mjg> wll
<mjg> linux > onyx then
<mjg> :X
<heat> so no idea what kind of games they're pulling off with rss
<mjg> it's a per-cpu counter with batching
<mjg> 's like the most cliche game in town
<mjg> the counter used to be distributed per-thread
<mjg> so if anything it was those guys who fucked it up 8S
<heat> aha yes a classic
<heat> was the terribleness the pcpu allocator?
<mjg> yes
<mjg> i have further patchen to sort it out
<mjg> did not productize them yet
<heat> productize? is corporate-speak mjg upon us
<mjg> 's ok word mofo
<mjg> what i did not implement yet but will have to add is the destructor support for slabz
<mjg> to pair up with ctor
<heat> haha good luck
<mjg> ye we will see
<mjg> i have an idea how to sort things out without adding one, but it would be very hacky
<vin> the man page says looks at smaps or smaps_rollup and not pagemap for accurate rss estimation. Why is that?
<heat> i believe smaps does proper page table walking
<heat> yep, code checks out
<heat> well, pagemap would also accurately estimate RSS probably, but without locks
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<heat> but pagemap really isn't the way to estimate RSS :)
<mjg> my estimate: 20
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<bslsk05> ​github.com: pure-linux-threads-demo/threads-x86_64.s at master · skeeto/pure-linux-threads-demo · GitHub
<heat> my early onyx processen actually hover around ~1MB RSS
<heat> probably because of being dynamically linked
<chiselfuse> when assembled, how does this exit? i imagine execution starts at _start, but doesn't it continue after the last instruction in _start? where does it stop?
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<heat> it looks forever
<heat> loops
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<chiselfuse> oh, right it's an unconditional jump
<chiselfuse> wait, weird, i built and ran it and it stops after a while
<mjg> some overflow ?
<chiselfuse> doesn't say it segfaultetd
<heat> check_count does exit actually
<chiselfuse> oh right
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<mjg> __ia32_sys_vfork+72
<mjg> do_syscall_64+82
<mjg> backtrace
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<heat> great backtrace mon
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<mjg> thanks
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* Ermine yawns
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<chiselfuse> apparently you can _not_ share signal handlers across threads in linux with CLONE_SIGHAND
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<chiselfuse> at the start of a c program i compiled, the value at fs:28h is put onto the stack of main never to be accessed again (i checked this by adding a tracepoint). what is it for?
<zid> reminds me of a stack canary
<zid> but you said it's not checked
<zid> so.. boot.s is written with them but the biary isn't built with it? idk
<chiselfuse> zid: how are stack canaries checked?
<zid> one of the -fstack-protector= options will check them
<chiselfuse> meh, 0x0.st replies with the text "segmentation fault" if you try to post an elf to it
<chiselfuse> v funny
<chiselfuse> just `gcc main.c`
<zid> I already said what my guess was, you're seeing the canary *once*, because boot.S (from the libc startup code) is initializing it, but the actual body of the program isn't built to bother checking it
<zid> because the startup code doesn't know if stack protectors iwll be used or not
<chiselfuse> oh that message was for me
* kof673 .oO ( uuencode )
<zid> so is just blindly doing it
<chiselfuse> i see
* kof673 .oO ( boo )
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<bslsk05> ​thundergolfer.com: Computers are fast – Jonathon Belotti [thundergolfer]
<heat> its a hard quiz i'll tell you that
<nikolar> I was never off more than one away from greens
<chiselfuse> does daily driving a computer that is 15 years old make you not know computers automatically then
<heat> >A newer computer won’t make any of the benchmark code run 1000x faster.
<nikolar> Correct
<nikolar> 15 years ago was 2009
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<zid> 2011 is the minimum viable compuer
<nikolar> Lel
<zid> man, you REALLY gotta know python for that part
<zid> how the fuck should I know if their optimizer elides empty loops, or if it ends up interpreted and thus 10/s
<zid> Also, this guy's computer has really shit memory bw
<zid> guess because it's a laptop
<nikolar> zid but it's a new arm apple
<nikolar> *macbook
<zid> yes, a macbook is a laptop
<zid> all laptops have shit dram, I should have realized
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<bslsk05> ​'Why You Shouldn't Learn Romanian' by Living Ironically in Europe (00:19:45)
<nikolar> Heh great title
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<zid> romanul vrea sa plece din romania cat mai repede
<zid> romanul vor sa fure un radio
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<nikolar> Ah, you're confusing them with gypsies
<zid> no? gypsies aren't plumbers
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<kof673> supposedly :D > Kheb-si the child or descendant of Kheb, Kab, Kab-t, Egypt, is our Gipsy > the Lee tribe of Gipsies, who told Barrow that their name in Egypt signified an onion > Rekh (Eg.) the equivalent of Leek, signifies heat, and Leek modifies into Lee. Moreover, the onion is worn in the hat by the Welsh, and the Egyptian Hut is both onion and hat.
<kof673> it was the style at the time ...
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<heat> i've realized i have a bunch of tricky page table clearing logic i haven't implemented
<heat> annoyin
<heat> (mainly when it comes to invalidating the pt walker cache, *especially* before freeing the page table)
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