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<sham1> Ermine: well, given that krita is explicitly a drawing program, I'd say that the choice is apt
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<Ermine> heat: given that krita is open source, I don't have high expectations about it
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<sham1> It's actually good
<bslsk05> ​www.youtube.com <no title>
<zid> I watched this, it does seem good
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<gorgonical> who knew that emacs had *two* irc clients in it
<kof673> > is logged in as emacsomancer
<gorgonical> rcirc looks downright primitive by comparison to erc
<mjg> presumably this is so that you can chat in 2 windows at the asme time
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<nikolar> Lel
<zid> free shavokadoo
<nikolar> emacs os
<zid> hardware -> emacs -> kernel -> userspace -> emacs
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<zid> is the correct stack
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<nikolar> indeed
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<gorgonical> del taco is pretty good though
<zid> too late, I'm back at it again at krispy kreme
<gorgonical> donuts is good also
<zid> expensive to fix the sign though
<gorgonical> what do you mean?
<zid> you got one vine but missed the other
<gorgonical> oooh
<bslsk05> ​www.youtube.com: Before you continue to YouTube
<gorgonical> Lol I never realized this was in a krispy kreme. I remembered the flipping part
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<zid> he apparently just paid them like $500 to not have cops come
<zid> to fix the sign
<gorgonical> honestly impressive destructive power on the flipkick
<zid> backflip's got a lot of rotational intertia
<zid> inertia
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<nikolar> KERNAL
<Matt|home> hello.
<mjg> allright motherfuckers, here is a funny joke
<mjg> what do you call it when you can't be fucked to do any work 3rd day in a row
<Matt|home> tired? life?
<mjg> wednesday
<nikolar> lel
<kof673> <fluffy and uranus> Mr. Duckman... why did you eviscerate us with a hot curling iron? duckman: It's Tuesday.
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<gorgonical> it might be time for a cup of tea
<gorgonical> psci is confusing me
<heat_> mjg
<heat_> linux kernel
<heat_> freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonflybsd
<heat_> operating system<
<heat_> z
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<gorgonical> I have tried out so many tags utilities that I don't even really know which one I'm currently using
<heat_> tags? as in what?
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<gorgonical> like ctags, etags, whatever tags
<gorgonical> ggtags
<heat_> clangd?
<gorgonical> the emacs interfaces to all of them are so similar that I can't really remember which one I like the best
<heat_> fuckin ctags is so 90s
<gorgonical> Let's see if clangd and eglot makes good sense of this code. After all language servers are the new thing
<nikolar> heat_ not like you need much more than tags for c
<nikolar> Unlike c++
<heat_> sure you do?
<heat_> ctags is in all aspects caveman compared to a proper language server
<nikolar> Sure
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<puck> test
<puck> p//
<bslsk05> ​<puck> test
<heat_> oooooooh
<heat_> test
<heat_> s/test/test2/
<bslsk05> ​<heat_*> test2
<heat_> thank you puck!
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<nikolar> Wait, since when was that here
<heat_> i asked puck to turn it on, bslsk05 has a bunch of features gated by channel
<kof673> > the Masamune acts as one of Frog's weapons the basilisk has always been here nikolar :/
<heat_> n/Wait/Test/
<heat_> hmm i dont remember the syntax but there was a way you could sed other people's messages
<bslsk05> ​<nikolar*> Test, since when was that here
<heat_> s/Wait/Test/n
<heat_> haha yes
<nikolar> Ah lol
<nikolar> So n is for other nicks
<heat_> no, n is for nikolar
<heat_> s/Masamune/test2/k
<bslsk05> ​<kof673*> > the test2 acts as one of Frog's weapons the basilisk has always been here nikolar :/
<nikolar> s/yes/no/h
<bslsk05> ​<heat_*> haha no
<nikolar> Neat
<gorgonical> s/KERNAL/COLONEL/n
<gorgonical> tragic
<heat_> s/Neat/heat/n
<bslsk05> ​<nikolar*> heat
<gorgonical> s/COLONEL/kernel/
<gorgonical> I am forsaken
<heat_> maybe bslsk05 was restarted? dunno
<gorgonical> s/forsaken/dumb/
<bslsk05> ​<gorgonical*> I am dumb
<gorgonical> Must be smart enough to know not to attempt to sed other sed commands
<nikolar> s/yeah/Neat/h
<nikolar> s/heat/Neat/h
<nikolar> s/heat/Neat/b
<nikolar> Huh
<mjg> heat
<mjg> what
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<gorgonical> s/heat/salami/b
<gorgonical> So safely programmed
<sham1> hi
<nikolar> s/what/sucks/m
<bslsk05> ​<mjg*> sucks
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<puck> you can also do s//g obvs
<puck> heat_: yeah i restarted bslsk05 because i tried bumping yt-dlp
<heat_> how do you restart it without a DC?
<heat_> i've seen a web server that on a restart just sent all open and listening sockets down a UNIX domain socket for the next server run to open
<heat_> but i assume that's way too high effort for an IRC bot
<heat_> mjg, i realized that perf (perf_event_open) never lets you open a ring buffer that's shared between any two threads at the same time
<heat_> so they side step the PESSIMAL locking and concurrency management completely
<heat_> fun.
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<mjg> nginx probably just execs
<mjg> in general dowtime-free updates are nothing special
<mjg> this bot could serialize whatever stated it needs (if any), exec the new thing and deserialize
<mjg> et voila, back in business without anyone knowing what happened
<heat_> yeah but otoh it's just an irc bot
<mjg> it's probably stateless modulo the irc connection
<mjg> precisley the kind of project where you would RICE
<mjg> it's the serious daemons which don't get this kind of treatment
<puck> heat_: i run it thru pou​nce
<puck> which is just a ring buffer
<heat_> oh that makes sense
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<bessieTheBoy> I'm currently having an issue with my OS. When I make an IDT entry the first byte is missing from my offset. For example when I do something like an offset of 0xF1F2F3 I see through bochs debug gui it is just 0xF2F3. I've checked the entry encode function what feels like 1 million times. If anyone has had this issue or knows how to fix it please
<bessieTheBoy> tell me.
<klys> that looks like 16 bits. are you running from a 32 bit cs: with prefixed instructions?
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<bessieTheBoy> klys It is a 32-bit cs. Idk if im just really stupid, but I don't know what prefixed instructions are
<heat_> bessieTheBoy, can you show us the idt entry struct?
<bessieTheBoy> heat_ well its not a struct it's a encode function but here:
<bslsk05> ​pastebin.com: void IDTEntry(int num, unsigned int offset, uint16_t selector, uint8_t gate_type - Pastebin.com
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<bessieTheBoy> heat_ are u there?