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<guideX> when working on my os, what should I spend my time on, there's so much to do, I feel like I am wasting time no matter what I'm doing xD
<guideX> I'm not sure if anyone else has that feeling
<guideX> there's so much to do, so there's always like an overwhealming feeling at all times
<dinkelhacker> I can relate 100%. Kind of is the reason why I stopped my original project that was meant to be a posix and am now tinkering on an RTOS for embedded systems... I guess it also depends on what you are trying to achieve and where you currently are.
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<kof673> tao of programming: > Presently, they met Firmware, who was dressed in tattered rags and hobbled along propped on a thorny stick. Firmware said to them: "The Tao lies beyond Yin and Yang. It is silent and still as a pool of water. It does not seek fame; therefore, nobody knows its presence. It does not seek fortune, for it is complete within itself. It exists beyond space and time." Software and Hardware, ashamed, returned to the
<kof673> ir homes.
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<netbsduser> guideX: well, there is some area you really enjoy though
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<guideX> netbsduser, my favorite thing is seeing some progress being made on the screen when testing, so I find myself in the part where all the stuff on the screen is happening xD
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<guideX> playing with gui stuff basically
<guideX> making the code itself look pretty is an obsession too I guess
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<dinkelhacker> I guess the one advice I would give my younger me is to not try to make everything perfect/feature complete right from the beginning. "Good enough for now" goes a long way.
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<Ermine> heat: what do you think about EEVDF?
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<nikolar> What's that
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<nikolar> Ah
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<heat> Ermine, little to nothing
<heat> i've heard it's generally better than CFS and LGTM ok heat@ Reviewed-by
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<heat> also fwiw i only recognize CFS as peak scheduling and anything newer is witchcraft
<mjg> peak scheduling is round-robin
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<nikolar> Indeed
<heat> is robin round or is robin thicc?
<heat> i pose the real questions they don't want you thinking about
<nikolar> Why not both
<nikolar> Truly an answer for everyone
<Matt|home> round thick and bouncy.
<Matt|home> wow im seriously digging this little computer health monitor tool for realsies
<nikolar> What kind of tools
<nikolar> Btw how is heterogeneous CPU scheduling done usually
<Matt|home> it's from ccleaner i think, it's called speccy
<Matt|home> check this out~
<Matt|home> sooon as i can frigure out how to screenshot..
<nikolar> scrot
<Matt|home> yep, temp just hit 90 C
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<heat> nikolar, no clue tbqh
<heat> scheduling isn't really my thing
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<nikolar> Heh
<heat> https://static.linaro.org/connect/san19/presentations/san19-220.pdf i found this a few days ago, might have some answers
<heat> i did go through it and got some ideas on cpu task migration
<Ermine> So I guess it's "CFS is Good Enough and everything newer is not worth it"?
<heat> i mean, it depends if you're linux and/or have some niche workload
<Ermine> Though I'd take a look at what android does
<heat> android does whatever upstream does :)
<Ermine> Iirc there was a discussion that android's scheduler handles big.LITTLE cpus better?
<heat> yes. android just has a bunch of patches on top of the linux sched
<heat> it's fundamentally the same scheduler
<Ermine> ah, I see
<heat> maybe with the ebpf sched we'll see more schedulers in the wild
<Ermine> maybe
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