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<zid> nikolar: do serbia have olympic teams?
<zid> do es
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<nikolar> Serbia have Olympic teams yes
<zid> greco roman wrestling, greased pig catching, and soviet tank driving?
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<nikolar> Don't forget target shooting
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<zid> Ah yes, the "trying to hit a barn with an ak-47 full of mud" event
<nikolar> That's too easy
<nikolar> Gold medal, ggwp
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<sham1> hi
<gamma63> hi
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<bslsk05> ​'There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent' - 'We got some answers from Intel, and more are on the way.'
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<osdev199> Hi everyone. For those who were interested, I want to tell them that I have solved the NVMe driver error ("checking admin completion queue is going into infinite loop") that I was facing for 2 months.
<osdev199> I rewrote the driver from scratch following the wiki and the specification and the following commit finally made it worked.
<bslsk05> ​github.com: nvme: ERROR solved! getting or reading response in ACQ · robstat7/Raam@eb9bd8c · GitHub
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<osdev199> Thank you so much for your help :) I learned a lot along the way.
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<Matt|home> o\
<GeDaMo> ⏻
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<heat> nikolar, your olympic team is surprisingly large man
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<heat> it's like, 2 or 3x as large as portugal's
<nikolar> Lel yeah
<nikolar> We pretty much always get gold medals too
<heat> i suspect fielding a team for some team sports is also a cheatcod when it comes to numbers
<heat> football is already 20-25 ish athletes, basketball is around 10-15
<heat> and tbf i have no idea why we're not doing football, it's like our thing isn't it
<nikolar> Yeah guess so
<nikolar> Last time, we had a basketball team at least
<nikolar> Probably a couple more but can't remember
<heat> yeah serbia is pretty stronk at basketball
<Ermine> I've got a feeling that pipewire is way too abstract
<nikolar> heat indeed
<heat> who wins, 10 ripped USA mofos that breathe and live basketball
<nikolar> What do you mean too abstract
<heat> or a chubby serbian boy that really likes his horses
<nikolar> The answer is obvious
<Ermine> No focus on audio/video stuff or something. Sorry, can't give you concrete definition. It's a feeling after all
<Ermine> I'm trying to map fields in pw-dump output and fields in pipewire's data structures
<nikolar> Interesting
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<heat> are you debugging pipewire? if so, consider giving up
<heat> the linux desktop gods do what they wish
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<Ermine> Person who reported this says the problem only happens on alpine
<heat> musl problem?
<Ermine> Idk
<Ermine> It might be musl, it might be eudev, it might be something else
<Ermine> I'm investigating
<heat> debog
<Ermine> I'm betting on eudev though
<Ermine> (Context: pavucontrol shows internal mic as unplugged, I've tracked it down to one of PW's EnumRoute having "available" set to "no". Should be unknown)
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<adder> that's it, I'm starting over
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<bslsk05> ​news.ycombinator.com: Managarm: Pragmatic microkernel-based OS with asynchronous I/O | Hacker News
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<netbsduser> wow, my first time seeing this incredible OS. i am blown away
<Matt|home> https://i.ibb.co/zS1SMcs/IMG-1184.jpg <-- new project workstation for almost anything >:D
<Ermine> seems like someone is good at electronics
<Matt|home> oh god no luls, this is just where i build weapons
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<heat> dude lists a bunch of C++ kernels but no sortix and no onyx lol
<heat> and somehow serenityos is the peak of C++ kernels ever
<netbsduser> heat: some of them also appear to be in dubious state of maintenance
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<heat> hey we do not speak of serenityOS like that!
<Ermine> No Sortix and Onyx? Preposterous!
<Ermine> Matt|home: you're good at weaponry? That's even better!
<Matt|home> lol no, it just kills everyone who touches it
<dostoyevsky2> So what's cool about serentyOS?
<dostoyevsky2> Screenshots look like Windows 12
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<Matt|home> dostoyevsky2 - let's take a look. is this a user created OS?
<Matt|home> oh my god that's my fucking dream OS yo
<dostoyevsky2> Matt|home: do you have a lot of nightmares?
<Matt|home> not particularly.. well i did have a nightmare two days ago
<Matt|home> so, i was a front-line commander fighting in this big fantasy war, i was on the human paladin's side but i was not with the church - but it didn't matter
<Matt|home> cuz the war devolved into a lot of guerilla-style warfare tactics, and nobody could gain an advantage, so i had the brilliant idea to escape, retreat and come back with more advanced weaponry for like aerial assaults and shit
<Matt|home> and i _wanted_ the fucking air force fleet and the army and marines and shit, but these jackasses susggested we go with like, fire breathing dragons and other bullshit instead
<Matt|home> those morons thought that something flying at fucking 40mph glowing and blinking red wouldn't be a massive target? fuckin dipshits
<Matt|home> it was so scary ;_;
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<Matt|home> thankfully i alone persevered, the dragons and the guerilla fighters killed each other but i was the lone survivor, so of course everyone obviously assumed i had killed everyone, and after talking about what to do with it they all decided that i should just be honered by the kingdom pmuch
<Matt|home> but yeah it was still scary dude :\
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