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<FireFly> yeah, I remember the default homebrew template basically has a shim that reads the controllers/etc and sets it in memory the arm9 core can read, for the arm7 program
<zid> FireFly: Funner fact, one of the main names in the DS scene is firefly
<zid> or rather, was, 20 years ago..
<FireFly> yes, I remember running into their work back when I looked into it maybe 15 years ago, which was confusing :p
<immibis> i tried to make an N64 emulator for DS, not knowing much about emulation or the N64. That failed, but it was a very fun project
<zid> They wrote the modified rt2560 driver that let you talk to the DS from a PC, importantly
<immibis> they are roughly comparable hardware
<FireFly> I used to be a fairly avoid consumer of DS homebrew at one point
<FireFly> good scene
<zid> (and sgstair who I am still friends with, wrote the ds side wifi library)
<immibis> casual reminder that the DS era was before the smartphone era.
<immibis> having DS homebrew was having a smartphone before smartphones. No internet though.
<FireFly> zid: oh TIL, didn't know that part
<FireFly> ... their nick is familiar
<immibis> other people had MP3 players, you had a multifunction device.
<zid> my steam friends list is better than my github friends list
<FireFly> oh right
<FireFly> wait that's probably it, I bet it's from zachtronics games back in the day
<immibis> I wish youtube could text-to-speech the automatically translated subtitles
<zid> yea sgstair loves zachtronics games
<FireFly> back when I got nerdsniped hard by TIS-100
<FireFly> yeah that checks out
<FireFly> small world
<immibis> someone ported TIS-100 to minecraft
<immibis> it's TIS-3D and it's very cool
<zid> he gets me the new ones for christmas :D
<FireFly> it's the kinda thing where once you drop out from it for a while it's really hard to get back in, at least for me
<zid> I'm still sad last call bbs's engineer of the people part was so limited
<zid> I miss engineer of the people
<FireFly> because it's so dependent on keeping weird quirks of the particular game's emulator cached in your head and abusing them
<zid> yea
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<zid> I need to just.. start over on shenzhen i/o at some point
<FireFly> same probably
<zid> I can probably beat spacechem in a single sitting pretty easily though
<zid> and opus
<FireFly> spacechem is one of the ones I could never get into
<zid> and exapunks probably
<FireFly> TIS-100, shenzhen I/O and exapunks vibed with me
<zid> exapunks isn't as hard as some of the others, and I can remember a lot of the tricks
<FireFly> and to some extent uhh, construction?
<zid> what was the premise
<zid> I'll tell you the name
<FireFly> what's the oldschool cyrillic silicon-substrate-y one called again
<FireFly> I forget
<zid> engineer of the people
<FireFly> oh huh
<bslsk05> ​www.zachtronics.com: Zachtronics | KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
<FireFly> ah yes
<FireFly> constructor, that was it
<FireFly> (but cyrillic)
<FireFly> I had the right idea :p
<zid> lastcall bbs has a small version of it
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<zid> it's not very exciting :(
<zid> The dungeons and dragons game and its solitaire are fucking rad though
<zid> I have erm.. 500 wins
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<pwng> Hi all. I have a 2-stage bootloader that does nothing but read 2nd sector to (0x07E0:0x0000, 0x7E00) & attempts to switch to protected mode... i get triple-faults unless I set segment registers to 0 in the second stage... my code is here: https://ideone.com/YRBhGt ... I'd appreciate if someone explains why does this happen :-) (there's a very
<pwng> similar problem here: https://forum.osdev.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=29687 but their problem appears to be loading 2nd stage at 0x7E00:0000, and then jump to 0x7E00) Many thanks in advance :)
<bslsk05> ​ideone.com: YRBhGt - Online IDE & Debugging Tool - Ideone.com
<bslsk05> ​forum.osdev.org: OSDev.org • View topic - Trouble with 2 Stage Bootloader - Calling 2nd Stage
<Mutabah> pwng: `ORG` specifies the load address - so all local symbols will be set assuming that the first address in the file is the value in ORG
<Mutabah> so, you've configured the assember to assume a segment base of 0
<bslsk05> ​www.nasm.us: NASM - The Netwide Assembler
<pwng> Thank you for your response... so i understand why it works (and i can just move on since it works), but do you see any potential issues with having the the segment values of 0? i already switched to protected mode so it's probably fine but just to make sure
<pwng> segment registers' values*
<pwng> Mutabah: ^ (i hope this is the proper way to mention someone :D)
<Mutabah> (Yep, that's how you do it)
<Mutabah> No issues with setting the segment registers to zero
<Mutabah> (while in real mode)
<Mutabah> well, maybe don't set `ss` to zero
<Mutabah> but `ds` (and the other data regs, but they're not really needed) should be zero for this code
<Mutabah> once you're in protected mode, you should reset all of them to the data selector anyway
<pwng> yes, now I understand... many thanks Mutabah
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<epony> ORG 100h
<epony> segmentation fault
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<Ermine> heat: https://i.imgur.com/X8KYMN8.png --- maybe it's another exception that happens only on gcc?
<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<Ermine> And what is tty line disc?
<epony> "thy" disc shall be of discipline and disciple
<epony> "tv-220" dookie
<epony> from the 80ies, glass upon glass
<epony> DEC terminals to your dust
<epony> you shall walk through the shaddow of the fields of magnetophillim
<epony> and discipline formalisation you will be gathering from all the sequences therein
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<Ermine> Ah, discipline. Read that initially as disk...
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<heat> Ermine, can you symbolize those libc .text addresses? just point llvm-symbolizer to sysroot/usr/lib/libc.so and pass the address after the +
<Ermine> like llvm-symbolizer -e sysroot/usr/lib/libc.so 65732 ? it prints '??' '??:0:0'
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<Ermine> However, 200300 points at /home/peter/code/onyx/src/musl/src/math/__rem_pio2_large.c:293:13
<Ermine> Oh, actually those are hexademical, seems like I need to convert those to decimal
<heat> just add a 0x
<Ermine> So, 646c1 -> musl/src/stdio/vfprintf.c:454:8 , 200300 -> GNU_EH_FRAME_HDR , 654a1 -> musl/src/stdio/vfprintf.c:634:3 , 65732 -> musl/src/stdio/vfprintf.c:683:13
<heat> wow that's weird and vague and annoying
<heat> i can only assume that top getting no /proc and gcc codegen might be making it blow up
<heat> but who knows
<Ermine> Probably I should switch to clang
<heat> you definitely shouldn't, you caught me a bad VM bug :P
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