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<vai> morning all
<klys> gm. hello
<klys> I had been trying to recompile japheth's jwlink for use with the hx-dos source tree, to no avail.
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<heat_> geist, now you got me wondering
<heat_> those same questions wrt JITting and knowing what the microarchitectural state is? those also apply to real hardware
<heat_> like, if an x86 CPU fuses "cmp $0, %rax; jnz 1f" into a single macro op, and you get an interrupt. can you ever observe a uarch state between the cmp and the jnz
<heat_> and what if you turn on single-stepping, do they stop fusing instructions?
<zid> Heat do you like my special cpu
<heat_> no :(
<heat_> have you tried warranty?
<zid> It's in warranty but I'd have to go without it
<zid> until they replaced it
<zid> They have a service for lending you a 3600 or something, but only for bios flashing purposes
<heat_> buy an AM4 mobo and ask for a 3600 xD
<zid> You need to have a specific cpu and board combo, with receipts
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<zid> It'd be cheaper to get a new 2011 mobo I think and start using my 1650 again, than to get a temporary am4
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<bslsk05> ​github.com: edk2/UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableMap.c at d65b183f92446a3a2855c1c7dd4a7a1b760af381 · tianocore/edk2 · GitHub
<heat_> enjoy this horrible function
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<zid> Correct, that is horrendous
<GeDaMo> I have snow here :|
<zid> GeDaMo: You're in shortbread land, ofc you have snow
<zid> It is.. -0.3C here, no snow though
<GeDaMo> I haven't seen it this thick in a few years and the council hasn't gritted my road yet
<GeDaMo> Just as well I have no particular place to go
<zid> You could go to the shop and get me an athlon 200ge, and a battered sausage
<GeDaMo> My GPU failed a few weeks back so I'm using an older one
<gog> -5°C
<GeDaMo> A Radeon 4850
<zid> I'm rocking a 1050ti
<zid> good enough for the girls I go out with
<gog> 1650 because i'm a laptop gamer and my computer is a block of dust
<GeDaMo> This might be the year to buy a new machine
<gog> i orderd new thermal paste and i'm going to actuall remove the heatsink
<zid> don't forget PADS
<zid> pads are why I don't take laptops apart
<zid> or gpus
<heat_> wow gog you're a gamer??
<heat_> you're an endangered species
<zid> I prefer my gpus use tampons basically
<zid> another scot just linked this to me GeDaMo
<gog> heat_: they targeted gamers
<gog> _gamers_
<GeDaMo> Aye, that's aboot right :P
<zid> I told him to break up some shortbread into fingers, hide them in various piles, and tell the locals he's having a scavenger hunt
<zid> and if that doesn't work, find some skagheads and convince them it's heroin
<kof123> *gamen ? or is that just game :D
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<gog> hvað segirðu
<zid> moo?
<gog> gott
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<mcrod> hi
<gog> mcrod: hi hi
* mcrod hug gog
* gog hug mcrod
* vdamewood fish gog
* gog chomp fish
<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<vdamewood> :D
* kazinsal pets gog
* gog prr
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<Mondenkind> gog: :3
<gog> :3
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<nikolar> ok so i added a syscall to unix v7 on pdp11
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<nortti> what's the new syscall?
<Ermine> epoll
<zid> gog: I think I am LGBTQ, as long as the G stands for Grimace, the purple one from mcdonalds
<bl4ckb0ne> the G stands for GUID
<gog> zid: i can't pronounce htat word
<gog> terrible fucking acronym
<zid> That's because it isn't a word
<gog> oh
<zid> it's an initialism
<zid> you're suppposed to say the letters
<zid> like FBI
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<gog> lasagna garlic bread time, quick?
<zid> correct
<gog> let's go be trashy, queen?
<zid> lovely grimance, begone temptation, quack.
<gog> that's nonsense
<nikolar> the new syscalls is the answer , life and everything
<nikolar> sorry, answer to life, the universe, and everything
<nikolar> nortti: ^
<heat> Ermine, kqueue!!!
<gog> mmap
<gog> wait did unix v7 have mmap already
<nortti> no
<heat> yeah no
<nortti> I'd presume mmap came from 3bsd since it was the first unix with paging
<heat> mmap came up in BSD when VAX
<heat> there's a whole paper i linked here a bunch of times
<gog> makes sense
<heat> brk was getting too crappy for THE GREAT POWERFUL VAX
<gog> praise VAX
<gog> anti-vaxxers BTFO
<gog> yes
<geist> VAAAAX
<geist> vs3800: {2} uname -a
<geist> NetBSD vs3800 1.5.4_ALPHA NetBSD 1.5.4_ALPHA (vs3800) #0: Sun Dec 10 19:31:01 PST 2023 root@vs3800:/usr/src/sys/arch/vax/compile/vs3800 vax
<geist> ooho i should get irssi or something on this
<nikolar> geist do you have a vax machine
<geist> yes, many
<nikolar> very nice
<nikolar> hitch() {
<nikolar> u.u_r.r_val1 = 42;
<nikolar> }
<nikolar> full source of the syscall btw
<heat> SPARC
<nikolar> SPARCV9
<geist> i dont have my sparcs on righ tnow
<nikolar> i want to get one
<heat> do you have a parisc
<nikolar> but there are none near me
<nikolar> and shipping is ridicuouls
<geist> yeah
<geist> i do not have a parisc
<geist> or a not mac based POWER, or an alpha
<heat> BRUH
<nikolar> guess we have to settle for emulators
<heat> i was going to ask if you had all the architectures linux supports
<heat> but it seems not :(
<nikolar> are there even linux distros with sparc support
<nikolar> i know it's in the kernel, but is anyone using it
<geist> linux is piddlywinks compared to the POWER OF NETBSD
<geist> in terms of running on things
<nikolar> yeah netbsd is neat
<geist> ansd yeah i tried to find a modernish sparc distro for linux but debian/etc seems broken
<nikolar> netbsd it is then
<nikolar> i installed it in qemu on sparc
<nikolar> couldn't get openbsd to work
<nikolar> so netbsd for the win
<heat> gentoo at least?
<geist> noice. y eah i have netbsd 9 on both my sparcstation 20 (sparcv8) ad a ultra 2 (sparcv9)
<geist> heat: i guessi coulda tried that but i really dont have the time to rebuild the whole world on an old machine like that
<heat> does netbsd actually get testing on their ports
<heat> cuz according to dr. mjg, the answer is no
<heat> but he's also biased
<nikolar> not all of them i think
<nikolar> but yes on sparc
<geist> tje ultra 2 maybe, because it has a lot of ram, but something without much ram, even if you have the patience to let the compile run, modern C++ code would insta swap the world
<heat> RUST
<mjg> i'm not biased mofo
<nikolar> kek
<mjg> amd64 is defo being tested, past that looks very mixed baggey
<geist> no i'm pretty sure you're right. unless someone reports a bug it'll probably not get fixed (and even then...)
<geist> it's very much volunteer based. i saw on some mailing list that soemeone was actually doing some vax fixes the last cycle
<mjg> now openbsd is used in "production" on bare metal sparcs
<mjg> qemu is plausibly the one spot where it does not work ;)
<geist> i was actually surprised to see that openbsd has someone more usage than net, according to the internets
<mjg> that or you picked unsupported combo to emulate
<heat> openbsd doesn't work in qemu?
<mjg> i don't know who has bigger usage
<mjg> i do know obsd has very dedicated users
<geist> of the bsds it was somehting like freebsd 60, openbsd 30, netbsd 10. or something like that
<heat> freebsd 60??
<mjg> it definitely helps that their developers use it on their laptops
<heat> this is wrong
<heat> no one uses freebsd
<nikolar> kek
<geist> heat: within the bsds
<mjg> no love for LulBSD or other flavor forks
<nikolar> btw sparc64 is tier 1 arch on netbsd
<nikolar> i imagine that means it's tested
<mjg> it may be it is tested, but that's not what tier 1 guarantees in practice
<geist> yeah it seems stable on my ultra 2
<geist> i've rebuilt the kernel, stressed it out, etc. it's not crashy at least
<geist> production ready? dunno, but it's at least somewhat stable
<heat> LGTM push it to prod
<nortti> geist: gentoo has started shipping binary packages for very base of the system, https://ftp.lysator.liu.se/gentoo/releases/sparc/binpackages/17.0/
<bslsk05> ​ftp.lysator.liu.se: Index of /gentoo/releases/sparc/binpackages/17.0/
<nikolar> kek even netbsd doesn't support ITANUIM
<geist> nortti: noice
<heat> mjg, one must wonder if actually *anyone* uses dragonfly
<geist> seems if qemu ever got itanium support it'd be much easier to continue to support to be honest
<mjg> there are non-developer users
<mjg> for real
<geist> the emulation situation with itanium never got good
<geist> i dont know why
<heat> yeah i agree
<heat> qemu is great and it seems like it holds a lot of weight
<sham1> hi
<heat> no one wants to use or debug simh or ski
<nikolar> is there a pdp11 qemu vm
<heat> no
<geist> from an emulation point of view itanium doesn't seem to really be any more difficult than any other big architecture
<geist> but maybe JITting the vliw bundles is somewhat tricky
<geist> dunno
<geist> nikolar: yeah you have to use simh for that, but it's pretty easy
<geist> you can download a pre generated BSD 2.11 for it if you want, there's a github project that has the images
<nikolar> yeah i am using simh
<nikolar> just asking about qemu
<geist> i have it on my real PDP11 and it runs lovely
<nikolar> i want a pdp11 lol
<geist> i always did too, i completel lucked out with this
<geist> a guy was just giving it away back in october
<geist> along with a lot of other hardware
<nikolar> how lucky
<geist> very
<nikolar> meanwhile basically now cool vintage tech where i live
<bslsk05> ​redirect -> photos.google.com: Shared album - Travis Geiselbrecht - Google Photos
<heat> nikolar, how did you hack on v7? did you build it inside simh?
<nikolar> heat yup
<geist> the vax underneath the pdp is where i have netbsd 1.5.3 on
<nikolar> geist: that's a pretty machine
<nikolar> well machines
<heat> machinen
<geist> well the pdp is pretty ugly actually, it's the metal rackmount that's sitting sideways. but the VAX server is pretty
<geist> it's also *really* heavy
<heat> geist, what's that sun thing?
<geist> like probably 70kilos maybe?
<nikolar> and the sun machine
<geist> that's a disk box
<geist> already had it. the pdp11 has a scsi card so i'm running an external scsi cable to it
<geist> 2GB scsi disk i had floating around
<nikolar> you're using sun hardware with a pdp11
<nikolar> nice
<geist> yah i *do* have a DEC scsi box, but its bigger with 3 drives, and i didn't want to use it for this
<geist> anyway gotta go, bbiab
<nikolar> bye then
<geist> well, just afk
<nikolar> don't pdps have pretty front covers
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<nikolar> heat: unix is pretty hackable actually
<heat> yep
<zid> that's because unix uses swapgs
<zid> oh, wrong kind of hackable
<zid> fredfredfredfred
<heat> swapgsswapgsswapgsswapgsswapgsswapgs
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<nikolar> kek
<sham1> UNIX!
<nikolar> !XINU
<sham1> ¡XINU
<sham1> ¡UNIX!
<heat> XENU
<nikolar> GNU
<sham1> ew
<Mondenkind> EWE ENN EYE ECKS
<Cindy> eeee
<Cindy> eyou enn eye ecks
<zid> heat send crusados
<heat> where
<zid> me
<heat> are we going to constantinople
<zid> can do
<heat> ok
<heat> gog can you bring the boats
<zid> does paypal
<zid> accept crusado
<sham1> No, you can't go back to Constantinople
<heat> sham1, but 4th crusade :(
<nikolar> well someone has to liberate it
<sham1> ew
<gog> been a long time gone, constantinople
<zid> that's nobody's business but the macedonians'
<nikolar> zid waht
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<geist> nikolar: it depends. the one i have is a very late model PDP11/53, which is once it has been mostly smashed into ASICs
<geist> the main board is a full sized QBUS slot with 1.5MB ram on board
<bslsk05> ​pdp-11.nl <no title>
<geist> so, there are no front lights for it, like there were on the earlier 70s ones (like a PDP 11/70)
<geist> and it runs too fast anyway for it to matter, sic eit's at 15Mhz
<geist> the lights would probably be a blur at that point
<nikolar> no blinkenlights :(
<geist> right so this is in a what looks like about 3U full length case. called a BA23. it came weith a front panel and plastic cover originally, but the one i have has nothing
<geist> so it looks like a metal case with no front panel
<geist> but all there is on the front is a power switch and a reset button anyway
<nikolar> if it's not too expensive, i'd have something 3d printed
<geist> https://gunkies.org/w/images/b/b0/Pdp11-53.jpg is what it would have looked like originally
<geist> but that picture belies how large it actually is
<nikolar> the original tower computer
<geist> also really heavy
<geist> DEC made shit out of thick ass steel
<geist> so yeah the outer plastic shell would be fantastic
<bslsk05> ​gunkies.org: BA23 Enclosure - Computer History Wiki
<zid> even my cheap 2000s desktop was good steel, capitalism is a process by which sheet metal gets 4% thinner per year
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<nikolar> my laptop is aluminium ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<geist> https://gunkies.org/wiki/File:BA23_Power_Supply.png is basically what it looks like without the plastic case, except i have a metal top and bottom to it, so it's at least a solid thing i can put stuff on
<bslsk05> ​gunkies.org: File:BA23 Power Supply.png - Computer History Wiki
<heat> geist, how did the pdp11 support 1.5MB?
<heat> did it have any sort of segmentation?
<nikolar> yeah
<geist> yes. PDP11s went up to 22bits, so 4MB of ram
<nikolar> though each process had only 64kn if i remember correctly
<nikolar> kb
<geist> PDP11s have a kinda fixed style segmentation. basically there are 2 or 3 modes (user, supervisor, something else)
<nortti> 64K instruction + 64K data
<geist> per mode, per I and D side there are 8 sets of registers, each corresponding to an 8KB region of the 64KB aspace (I and D are separate)
<geist> the sets of registers describe base physical address + length + permission bits
<geist> i forget what the granularity is, i think maybe 64 bytes
<nikolar> 32 maybe?
<geist> so it's sort of like a pre 286 style thing, sort of a paging thing, since the 8KB regions are fixed, but they can be located anywhere in physical
<geist> and yo ucan fault on them and whatnot
<geist> also i think they can grow upwards and downwards
<nortti> can you restart after a fault? that is, could one do demand-paging on pdp-11?
<geist> yep
<nortti> neat
<zid> be a prety crappy mainframe otherwise
<nikolar> unix v7 does swapping
<geist> so that's why i was saying before yo ucan have up to like a 300KB binary on BSD 2.11, because it does something where A) data is a sepearate address space, so that gets you 128KB (64K I + 64K D)
<nortti> nikolar: pretty sure it's per-process tho, no?
<geist> and B) you can specify one of the 8KB I segments to be swappable, like na overlay
<geist> and the linker i guess generates thunks that let the process call into the kernel to swap one of the 8KB with another one
<nikolar> geist: you're right 64b or 32 words
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<nikolar> nortti: not sure, i was reading the code and saw some swapping stuff
<geist> so basically i you generate more than 64KB of text it can spill it into a overlay segment
<geist> i'm thinking that this is the origin of 'segmentation fault' since that's what these 8KB things are called in PDP11
<geist> note that early PDP11s only supported 16 or 18 bit physical aspace, but the later ones (in the 80s) had the full 22 bit
<nikolar> crazy for a 16b machine
<geist> the IO region for devices only uses up like the top 8KB or something
<nikolar> yeah i just read that
<geist> fairly flexbile for a 16b machine, vs say a 64c186, which could go up to 24bits, but only did it in units of 64KB
<geist> 64c816 sorry
<nortti> did the LSI-11s have full segmentation support?
<geist> but then that cpu did it the way 8086 should have done it: have the segment just provide the top 8 bits of a 24bit address, instead of the weird, 16 bit shifted by 4 addition thing
<nikolar> oh it's 6502 derived
<geist> nortti: yes. this is an LSI-11
<nortti> oh, okay
<nikolar> thought it sounded familiar
<geist> nikolar: yeah it's a 16 bit extension to a 6502. Apple IIgs, lots of consoles, etc used it
<geist> it's pin compatible too in 8 bit form, and you can still buy new ones
<nikolar> yeah 6502 has had a crazy long life
<nikolar> and it's relatives
<sham1> m68k!
<sham1> But yeah, the 6502 is nice
<geist> anyway in the simple form the PDP11 you could say have a 64KB binary that used say 20KB of text/data + say a stack growing from the top
<geist> in that case you'd use the bottom 3 segments (8KB + 8KB + 4KB) to map the 20KB, and then a grow down segment in the 7th segment that expands as the stack faults
<geist> and the kernel is basically heap style allocating segments out of the physical address space
<nikolar> pretty neat
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<geistvax> woohoo, got the vax on irc
<geistvax> running ircII
<geist> what was the command to get infos about the client?
<nortti> ctcp VERSION
<nikolar> kek alpha
<zid> ircII 4.4Z NetBSD 1.5.4_ALPHA :ircii 2.9: AT&T you will (ojnk!)
<zid> *what*
<nikolar> VERSION
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<geist> haha
<geist> the 1.5.4 ALPHA is because i had rebuilt the kernel on the tip of the 1.5 tree
<geist> FWIW
<nikolar> almost correct
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<heat-onyx> geistvax: helo
<nikolar> kek heat had to do it
<heat-onyx> i had to
<heat-onyx> between my system and geistvax's there's like, 30 years
<geistvax> yay
<geistvax> i should move this over to another terminal so i can properly use it on a vt320
<nikolar> now i need to get the pdp11 on irc somehow so i could say the same lol
<geistvax> yah i was just thinking that, wonder if anyone ever made an irc client for BSD 2.11
<heat-onyx> ofc
<geistvax> there are of course other things to run on it, like RSTS or RSX-11 but i seriously doubt those had an IRC client ever
<heat-onyx> worst case you can grab a crappy one like sic
<geistvax> i only built the version of ircII that was in the pkgsrc from the netbsd 1.5 era. i should try something slightly newer like a mid 2000s bitchx or whatnot
<geistvax> or i guess for lulz try something modern
<heat-onyx> IRSSI!
<geistvax> yah
<geistvax> this vax is pretty capable, 32MB ram, but the main thing is it's just slow. only like 3 or 4 VUPs
<nikolar> maybe even ii
<heat-onyx> didn't you connect to IRC from lk once?
<geistvax> so it's like... i dunno running a slow 486
<geistvax> yah and i started to get an irc client going on LK
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<nikolar> what's lk again
<geistvax> yeah i meant i had it working from newos years ago. but started to get it working for LK
<heat-onyx> nikolar: littlekernel
<nikolar> ah fair
<nortti> what, if any, relationship do newos and lk have with each other?
<geistvax> heh i should jsut fire up the lkuser project, add a few syscalls to connect to a socket and then build a user space binary that connects to IRC
<heat-onyx> ITT: geist loses his sanity implementing BSD sockets
<geist> not much, newos very much followed the BeOS kernel api model. so it worked pretty similar to that, which is why haiku forked it for their project
<geist> heat-onyx: nah i implemented a fair amount of it for newos back in the day
<geist> for LK though i just wanted a little embedded thing that has at least fairly full featured threading support
<geist> hence 'little kernel'
<geist> i am not a very good namer of things
<heat-onyx> geist: and you'd port it?
<geist> port what?
<heat-onyx> the BSD sockets layer
<heat-onyx> from newos
<geist> nah, the newos code is mostly from an earlier version of me, and has questionable style and whatnot
<geist> enough that i'd maybe look at it, shake my head, and copy ideas
<geist> that's what you get when you look at code you wrote like 25 years ago
<heat-onyx> or 4 years ago
<heat-onyx> feeling never changes ;)
<geist> i think at the time i had implemented enough bsd to basically follow the general strategy of socket(), listen(), accept(), etc
<geist> vs doing something different frmo that pattern
<geist> and iirc i had it all routed through somehting like ioctls on top of /dev/socket, which would then mint a new dynamic FD for you, etc
<geist> hey i thought it was pretty sophisticated at the time
<heat-onyx> ew :(
<heat-onyx> should've called it /dev/SocketFactoryFacade
<geist> i think it was at least something like /dev/net/socket, maybe
<heat-onyx> very bashy
<bslsk05> ​github.com: newos/kernel/net/socket_dev.c at master · travisg/newos · GitHub
<bslsk05> ​github.com: newos/kernel/net/socket_dev.c at master · travisg/newos · GitHub
<netbsduser> i have a traditional sockfs
<netbsduser> unmountable
<geist> yeah it wasn't intended tha tyo udid anything with /dev/socke,t it was just an interface to ioctl on top of to get sockets interface
<heat-onyx> hah that file is older than me
<geist> vs adding raw syscalls for it. i wanted to reuse the machinery of devfs, which was an in kernel thig
<nikolar> kek heat-onyx you scared me for a sec
<netbsduser> i thought heat was 26
<nikolar> turns out off buy a couple years
<heat-onyx> i'm 21
<geist> nortti: anyway long story short i wrote both of them, but they were both for different purposes
<geist> newos kinda hit a dead end at some point where haiku forked it, started making huge progress, which frankly took the wind out of my sails
<nikolar> hmm how hard would it be to add networking to unix v7
<heat-onyx> hard
<nikolar> or a hack that let's it use the host networking over serial or something
<netbsduser> reassuring that the legendary best-in-class unbeatable scalability of solaris was at least remembered by someone half a dozen years my junior
<geist> and then i started a new job that was much busier at the time, so then when i started doing osdev again, i was more into embedded stuff, sinc ei had worked with ARM for the previous few years
<geist> and then i started doing more embedded stuff, hence lk
<geist> and then that unexpectedly took off, so i still fiddle with it
<nikolar> netbsduser: kek
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<heat-onyx> netbsduser: the legendary Sun Microsystems engineering ethos will never be forgotten as long as i'm around
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<netbsduser> heat-onyx: be sure to initiate a new apprentice into the order of the sun, that it might never set over the world
<nortti> nikolar: you'd need to add poll / select (as there was no way to wait on multiple fds on v7) but otherwise you could potentially implement internet connectivity by running a slip client and simple tcp/ip stack in-process, connected over emulated serial to a slip server on host
<heat-onyx> mjg: have you heard of our lord and saviour bryan m cantrill
<nortti> nikolar: I'd possibly look at what ELKS is doing with their networking stack
<nikolar> i was thinking the most basic thing through serial
<nikolar> like let the host handle tcp/ip lol
<heat-onyx> sounds like you need PROTOBUFS
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<nortti> ah so similar to like what the wifi pseudo-modems for retrocomputers do?
<heat-onyx> or
<heat-onyx> SUNRPC
<nikolar> heh
<nikolar> nortti: sort of yeah
<nikolar> much less work
<geist> capnproto
<nikolar> sun DOORS
<geist> so there's some fun stuff with networking on the PDP11 and BSD2.11 it's there but it literally compiles a separate kernel that it context switches with
<geist> since the kernel + networking cant fit in 64KB
<nikolar> oh kek
<heat-onyx> ;_;
<geist> so you have /unix and /netunix
<nortti> lol
<nikolar> nortti: though you might be right about poll/select, might be necessary
<heat> testç
<geist> i dont think it's necessarily a full context switch, to be fair, but it thunks between the two binaries
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<nortti> I always presumed it was using the overlays system, that's amazing
<CompanionCube> most bootleg 'microkernel'
<nikolar> kernel modules then
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<geist> the kernel + netunix + static data uses about 300KB overhead
<heat-onyx> i don't understand what's wrong with my irssi but all !ASCII get transformed into astersks
<geist> out of the 1.5 which leaves about 1.2MB free for user space
<nikolar> ради
<heat-onyx> fuck you too nikolar
<geistvax> yeah those d
<nikolar> ke
<nikolar> kek
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<nikolar> wonder why
<geistvax> yeah those definitely do not get displayed properly on the vt320
<heat> not even ç?
<geistvax> not even that
<heat> á?
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<nortti> does the netbsd know about unicode?
<geistvax> looks like A??
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<geistvax> well, eve if it did, this is an ascii terminal
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<heat-onyx> oh i think irssi uses LANG for locale autodetection
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<heat-onyx> and i have LANG=C by default
<nikolar> make sense
<sortie> Curiously my default locale on Sortix is UTF-8
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<sortie> nl_langinfo says UTF-8 if you ask
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<heat-onyx> hmm let me try something
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<heat-onyx> nikolar: can you type radi again?
<nikolar> ради
<heat-onyx> haha
<nikolar> доес ит њорк
<heat-onyx> C.UTF-8 actually switches something in musl's behavior
<nikolar> thought musl didn't care about locale
<heat-onyx> the "p" was getting all fucked up in LANG=C, re-launched with LANG=C.UTF-8 and it works perfectly
<nikolar> weird
<nortti> https://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/tree/src/locale/langinfo.c seems to support exactly two kinds of locales – ascii and utf-8
<bslsk05> ​git.musl-libc.org: langinfo.c\locale\src - musl - musl - an implementation of the standard library for Linux-based systems
<nikolar> interesting
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<heat-onyx> i wonder if doing LANG=C and then manually forcing it to utf-8 just borked it
<heat-onyx> *shrug*
<heat-onyx> cuz i don't think musl treats UTF-8 differently?
<nikolar> works now so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<heat-onyx> sortie: isn't LANG=UTF-8 invalid?
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<sortie> heat-onyx, I think C.UTF-8 is technically valid as an extension, but idk I'm the implementation so I decide. To be exact, LANG is unset by default in Sortix, so it's the default behavior when LANG is not set, and also the default behavior when setlocale is not called
<nikolar> maybe you need C.UTF-8
<sortie> Which isn't allowed but fuck you, UTF-8 has won
<sortie> I.e. I'm *not* in LC_ALL=C by default before setlocale, but rather C.UTF-8
<nikolar> is that even a thing
<nortti> utf-12 support in sortix when?
<sortie> nortti, where's the MR?
<heat-onyx> sortie: "the implementation will decide your fate" "I am the implementation"
<sortie> UTF-9 for pdp11
<bslsk05> ​ahti.space: UTF-12
<nikolar> heh
<sortie> heat-onyx, *Bryan Cranston intensifies*
<heat-onyx> you have the wrong reference there
<heat-onyx> i was referencing ster wers and not breaking bad
<sortie> one of us is cooking crystal sortix and other one is not the sortix you're looking for
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<heat-onyx> skyler: "I fucked glibc"
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<sortie> :D
<sortie> heat-onyx, pray I don't alter the staging any further
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masoudd_ is now known as masoudd
rorx has joined #osdev
experemental has quit [Read error: error:0A000119:SSL routines::decryption failed or bad record mac]
<Ermine> oh wow, I missed stuff
<nikolar> hello Ermine
<Ermine> hello
<Ermine> and good night
<heat-onyx> Ermine: kernal
<heat-onyx> quick everyone visit http://kernal.org
<bslsk05> ​kernal.org: ArmageddonSoon.com
heat-onyx has quit [Quit: leaving]
* Ermine chokes from laugh on kernal word
<Ermine> armarm
Left_Turn has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<nikolar> ARMageddon
<kof123> solaris doors: i am the one who knocks