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<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: gist:b2624a05bd211e00ab7417fb5526cc5f · GitHub
<mcrod> wonderful
<heat> note that compiler-rt/libubsan/libasan are much larger and more complex than my implementations
<Griwes> speaking of debugging, I should start looking at implementing a debug server in my OS, so I can actually track processes, because doing that manually has been a PITA so far
<Arsen> i've decided that my next kernel ought to start with the debugger and proceed to other parts to prevent tearing my hair out
<FreeFull> Rust doesn't do TBAA, so in that way it's more permissive than C and C++
<FreeFull> You can just, go from *mut T to *mut U for arbitrary T and U, as long as you don't break some constraints
<FreeFull> C++ might have something for doing this, but in C you'd have to memcpy
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<epony> what's TBAA ?
<FreeFull> Type-Based Aliasing Analysis
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<gog> hi
<netbsduser> good morning
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<Ermine> gog: may I pet you
<gog> yes
<kazinsal> ninja pet!
* kazinsal pets gog
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* Ermine pets gog
* zid gets pog
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<zid> I've got a custom 5800x heptacore
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<gog> are you heptapilled
<gog> why does it have 7 cores
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<zid> cus one of them is broken so I turned it off
<heat> zid, i have a C question
<zid> ok
<heat> void *ptr = (void *) 2;
<heat> is this UB?
<zid> int to void * conversion is idb
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<heat> yes, but is (int) ptr guaranteed to reverse the conversion correctly? can a pointer just point to a random address like this?
<zid> no
<zid> void * might be smaller :D
<heat> ... ew
<zid> or more realistically, might have tag bits or something
<zid> or a dirty bit or something else
<zid> but yea, it's like, "fine", cus it's all IDB and you won't find a I where the DB is weird enough for it to matter
<nortti> I do believe on essentially every platfor, including cheri ones, you can go from intptr_t to void* to intptr_t
<zid> yea inptr_t is the "int that is big enough to hold pointers"
<heat> for context, i'm looking at void * as a Win32 HANDLE kind of thing. stash an integer in a void*
<zid> yea windows does it a lot
<heat> and it sounds kind of UB, probably is
<zid> cus windows only runs on sane platforms
<goliath> "An arbitrary integer may be converted to a pointer. The result is implementation-defined."
<heat> and then an equivalent concern pops up for stuff like "void *ptr = (void *) ((unsigned long) otherptr | 1);" where you have a pointer that's pointing at a wrong thing with a wrong alignment
<zid> Let's make an implementation where you have integer registers and address registers
<nortti> m68k
<zid> and if you load an address register with a value that isn't &1==0
<zid> it faults
<nortti> I think that's also m68k
<nortti> oh, wait, nvm. setting register, not loading using it
<heat> lets make an architecture that has all those properties but also took a huge fat L from x86
<heat> wait, that's also m68k
<nortti> but yeah, this has caused some funnies with functions returning ints punned as pointers or vice versa
* Ermine reads phoronix comments
<Ermine> > slowlaris
<zid> The int / pointer punning's problem is usually the opposite way
<zid> that you truncate a pointer by shuffling it through an int
<nortti> aye
<Ermine> (c) someone who didn't kiss girls
<heat> Ermine, do not read phoronix comments
<nortti> also losing provenance, in case your implementation cares about that
<nortti> (e.g. cheri)
<zid> oh, uintptr_t actually adds a guarentee, heat
<zid> you're good to go on converting it back again losslessly
<Ermine> heat: I've already done for today
<kof123> i thought it was a "spotted the m j g" comment
<heat> mjg does not comment on phoronix
<heat> he's not that insane
<heat> yet
<zid> typedef HANDLE uintptr_t; NOBODY WILL EVER KNWO
<heat> zid, i want lossy conversion a-la jpeg
<zid> xor with 7
<zid> then shift right by 12
<zid> that's lossy
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<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<zid> same
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<Ermine> please, be honest
<sham1> My code is perfect
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<Ermine> do you use rust?
<Matt|home> why is it everytime i read something and go "ooh now i get it" and then i read the next sentence and then im back to confused depression
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<heat> no one actually uses rust
<zid> people *experiment* with rust
<zid> Then they find out return 4; is an impossible program to write and give up
<heat> no, i'm not sure a line of rust has ever been written
<heat> maybe all lines of rust are just the one line of rust moving very quickly
<zid> You know like how people say they went off to college, 'experimented' with being gay, but found out that they weren't, once they were staring down the barrel of a genital? It's like that, but rust.
<bl4ckb0ne> how was college zid
<heat> i'm memory-safety-curious 😳😈
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<geist> zid: silly, that's because you just type 4 at the end of the function
<geist> duh.
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<gog> hi
<Matt|home> afternoon :\
<gog> :/
<gog> you aight buddy?
<zid> what's up gog
<Matt|home> nah, just frustrated at my snail-like progress
<gog> oh
<Matt|home> i have 2 weeks to land a job so i can pretend i've been working and didn't immediately get fired
<gog> why do you have two weeks?
<Matt|home> because i was going to get paid on friday in 2 weeks before getting fired on day 1
<Matt|home> so y'know
<gog> oh
<Matt|home> i haven't really told my family that i got fired
<gog> why did you get fired?
<Matt|home> so to that end i've decided to learn python c++ java kotlin and assembly to land an opdev job in two weeks
<Matt|home> it's pathetic and i'd rather not say. i didn't do anything, just failed to realize something
<gog> oh
<Matt|home> but yes i got fired from dunkin donuts before i even started my shift so, go me
<gog> i've been fired from many jobs
<gog> every job i've been fired from was a bullshit job anyway
<gog> you'll get something
<gog> even if it's another bullshit job
<Matt|home> yeah but i kinda told my folks my first deposit would be the 19th -_-
<gog> oh
<Matt|home> well, whatever
<gog> what happens if you tell them the truth ASAP so the lie doesn't snowball and ruin your life for awhile?
<gog> like is this about pride or are you in delicate circumstances
<Matt|home> they'll be extremely disappointed in me, i'll have to deal with being yelled at for at least two hours, and they'll probably tell me to get out so they don't have to look at me
<Matt|home> for a while
<gog> your parents kinda sound like they suck ngl
<Matt|home> to be fair im disappointed in me too. anyway, yeah im just focusing on OOP hoping to get a devops or IT job or something
<Matt|home> and being sad and confused because of it
<gog> not a bad plan
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<geist> it's so cold here!
<geist> well, cold for here, which my house is not prepared to deal with
<heat> it's 13C here atm
<heat> TL;DR i'm freezing
<geist> yah it's like uh, -7C maybe?
<gog> it's 7°C here
<geist> problem is my heat pump doesn't work below freezing so the house just starts getting colder and colder
<geist> about uh, 15C inside now?
<gog> we're going to have high temps around -10°C next week
<gog> idk if it's the same weather system
<gog> but brrr
<heat> brrrrrrrrr
<Matt|home> fuck it, bad idea time. stressed
<zid> heat are you proud of me, I didn't feed a troll, even though it means I didn't get to correct someone on the internet who was wrong
<zid> mad self will
<heat> congrats
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<mcrod> hi
<zid> mcdoor
<heat> mcdonalds
<zid> macdoogles
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<mcrod> ziddy
<mcrod> zidster
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<mcrod> zidvicious
<zid> It's pronounced zid, spelled out, like an infectious disease
<zid> (no it isn't)
<heat> zid sounds like a zfs thing ngl
<heat> here at zfs we don't have inodes numbers, we have zids
<mcrod> i think i'm going to have a stroke
<heat> zids index into the ztable for the znode
<mcrod> shit like https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/mov is where C++ shines for JITs
<bslsk05> ​www.felixcloutier.com: MOV — Move
<mcrod> you know what I can do? emitter.mov(WHATEVER AND IT JUST FUCKING WORKS)
<heat> ok we've went through this
<heat> c++ can't jit for you you fucking dumbass
<mcrod> i didn't say it could?
<mcrod> i'm saying it would make this construct easier
<heat> C++ can't help you there
<mcrod> tell that to xbyak
<heat> who
<bslsk05> ​herumi/xbyak - a JIT assembler for x86(IA-32)/x64(AMD64, x86-64) MMX/SSE/SSE2/SSE3/SSSE3/SSE4/FPU/AVX/AVX2/AVX-512 by C++ header (268 forks/1895 stargazers/BSD-3-Clause)
<heat> Feature
<heat> header file only
<heat> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
<heat> hahaha
<heat> hahahha
<heat> ha
<mcrod> although in truth, in my ignorance I don't understand what the overall problem is with writing an emitter
<mcrod> for x86_64 I mean
<mcrod> you output bytes, that's it
<heat> what
<mcrod> what
<mcrod> what is your question fuckface
<heat> that... that doesn't make any sense
<mcrod> .
<heat> an emitter outputs bytes yes, that's the point
<mcrod> emitter.mov(whatever) -> bytes that make up `mov whatever` are emitted
<mcrod> yes
<mcrod> but I don't understand why some people say that's so hard here?
<heat> here where?
<mcrod> here as in
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<mcrod> in context, why people say doing exactly that is hard
<mcrod> i can't make that any simpler
<heat> bud the page you just linked shows you 35 different forms for the "MOV" mnemonic
<mcrod> right
<heat> and it's still missing some
<mcrod> *but* as far as I know
<mcrod> with some function overloading magic xkyak (AS FAR AS I KNOW) is able to select the correct mov shit to output while you just type a .mov()
<mcrod> which, sounds great and intuitive
<mcrod> how much of that I believe, I don't know
<heat> x86 instructions don't even have a stable bitfield format across opcodes
<mcrod> note that I have absolutely no idea how much any of this is true
<mcrod> that's why i'm exercising caution
<sham1> They used to, until Intel and AMD ruined the relatively simple design of 8008, 8080, and 8086
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: x86 is an octal machine · GitHub
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<mcrod> wait a minute
<mcrod> heat: 35 is not the right answer?
<bslsk05> ​www.felixcloutier.com: MOV — Move to/from Debug Registers
<bslsk05> ​www.felixcloutier.com: MOV — Move to/from Control Registers
<heat> and this is just "MOV"
<mcrod> death
<bslsk05> ​www.felixcloutier.com: MOVSX/MOVSXD — Move With Sign-Extension
<bslsk05> ​www.felixcloutier.com: MOVZX — Move With Zero-Extend
<mcrod> i don’t understand how anyone learns this
<mcrod> it’s possible of course
<Mondenkind> x86 isn't _that_ irregular
<mcrod> fine i believe you
<sham1> You know what was also a regular ISA? m86k
<sham1> Err, m68k
<sham1> Combining 8086 and m68000 would be odd
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<heat> mcrod, there's a special sub opcode for EAX
<heat> sub $imm, %eax is one byte shorter than sub $imm, %ebx, with a special completely different form
<heat> so does add
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<bslsk05> ​stackoverflow.com: assembly - rbp not allowed as SIB base? - Stack Overflow
<Mondenkind> it doesn't seem super unreasonable?
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<kazinsal> just shut down my work laptop for the last time. feels weirdly cathartic
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<kazinsal> time for three weeks of funemployment!
<heat> wooo
<heat> did you get funlayedoff or did you funquit