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< mulx10_> Hello everyone
< mulx10_> I need some help regarding compiling the mlpack tests
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< mulx10_> when I compile I get /usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccfnzQbs.o: undefined reference to symbol '_ZN5boost9unit_test9ut_detail24auto_test_unit_registrarC1Ei' //usr/lib64/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
< mulx10_> I used 'g++ -std=c++11 -lmlpack -larmadillo -lboost_serialization lmnn_test.cpp' for compiling
< mulx10_> thank you
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< rcurtin> mulx10_: build the tests according to the build tutorial--- use 'make' and cmake instead of trying to compile manually
< rcurtin> that should help :)
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< mulx10> rcurtin thank you, it worked
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< seewishnew> Hey guys! I finally compiled and installed it on my mac os x mojave after struggling with some make issues and missing dependencies (I really miss Linux).
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< seewishn_> I saw in the issues list that Issue #364 regarding building of an OSX installer file is still pending. Although I do not have much knowledge about this atm, I would like to work on this if that is possible.
< zoq> seewishnew: Hello there, if you like to work on that issue, please feel free.
< seewishn_> zoq: Great! Awesome.
< seewishn_> Also, I was wondering if we could make some changes to the documentation for compiling from source particularly for mac os users, because as I have found out, it really is not that straightforward; for instance, the CXX_FLAG had to be set separately to include "-std=c++11" which isn't the case by default for Apple.
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< ShikharJ> rcurtin: You there?
< ShikharJ> zoq: Just noticed Marcus' board is a real thing now :)
< zoq> ShikharJ: I'll give it a shot. THe automation doesn't really work for me, everytime someone opens a new issue or pull request, it should show up in my inbox, but it dosen't ..
< zoq> seewishn_: Not sure I get what you mean, I build on mac OS as well, without any modifcation.
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< zoq> seewishn_: should set the necessary flag
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< ShikharJ> zoq: I'm curious though, do you listen to country music? Can you suggest me some good German artists? I've only listened to Andreas Kümmert from The Voice.
< zoq> ShikharJ: I'm not really I huge fan of country music :) ; good german artist what about Ludwig van Beethoven? But I guess that's not really what you are searching for :)
< ShikharJ> zoq: It's embarrassing to say I haven't even listened to Beethoven, apart from the usual Für Elise played every now and then at places.
< zoq> It's not really music for the masses at least nowadays.
< zoq> seewishn_: I figured maybe you din't build the latest version of mlpack?
< zoq> ShikharJ: Do you have something that you could recommend?
< ShikharJ> True, I recently discovered Warren Zeevon's music, and it sounded a bit like Andreas Kümmert, so gave it a thought. Beethoven and Richard Wagner are on my list of artists to listen to.
< ShikharJ> zoq: Try Zeevon for sure, and John Denver.
< zoq> all the classics :)
< zoq> werewolves of london
< zoq> queued
< ShikharJ> zoq: Yeah, as I'm growing older, my taste in music is becoming a lot better :) Started listening to ABBA as well. And from the new ones, maybe Lauv and HONNE might suit your taste.
< ShikharJ> And try Jon Bellion, but he writes slow and soft numbers, so might not be something you like :)
< zoq> If you like Beethoven try Nils Frahm, much more modern
< zoq> I know 'All Time Low' from the radio.
< ShikharJ> Oh yeah I've heard of Nils. And lastly, for some psychedelic, Tame Impala is the guy :) All Time Low was Jon's magnum opus, but literally every song he's written is gold.
< zoq> Tame Impala sounds interesting; queued as well
< zoq> Another duo I like is "Oh Wonder" really like the OW and Ultralife LP.
< ShikharJ> Cool, queued them up on Spotify :) That should make a good playlist alongside the classics.
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< dhawgupta> Hi, Dhawal Gupta here ,I am senior undergrad at IIT Patna, I am new to open source and wanted to explore about C++ libraries on Machine Learning. I am particulary interested in the Reinforcement Learning Algorithms , and their implementation according to the project page of Google Summer of Code. I have build the library from source and read the basic coding guidelines.
< dhawgupta> It would be really nice if someone can point to a starting point or any leads on working the RL part
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< rcurtin> ShikharJ: I've been listening to a lot of a guy named 'William Tyler', maybe that is similar to what you might be looking for? I am not a huge country music fan really though, that just has some "flavors" of it
< rcurtin> dhawgupta: hi there, maybe and might be a good place to start
< rcurtin> but I'm not sure that I can provide too much input on reinforcement learning... maybe take a look at existing open issues and through the code?
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< ShikharJ> dhawgupt_: Welcome, it might also be useful to talk to the mentor of the project that you're interested in. Though we appreciate if you keep the conversation within the IRC itself.
< ShikharJ> rcurtin: Thanks, I'll look up his albums.
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