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< naxalpha> hi guys, any update on jenkin-conf#2
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< rcurtin> matlab tunnel working again for the benchmark build slaves
< zoq> ah, I was wondering why the build passed
< rcurtin> which one? the matlab tunnel only got fixed a few minutes ago
< rcurtin> so I would imagine the matlab benchmark test would fail, but I see that has not run in a while
< zoq> just tested the PR
< rcurtin> ah, right, I see
< rcurtin> strange that the matrix build is failing, I wonder if masterblaster is exhausting all of its bandwidth trying to clone the mlpack repo from scratch many times simultaneously
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< zoq> rcurtin: Maybe we can set the depth?
< rcurtin> yeah, I guess there is no need for anything other than --depth=1
< rcurtin> ok, let's see if that improves things...
< zoq> yeah, not sure that solves the problem
< rcurtin> I think it solved one, now the issue appears to be that there is not enough space in /tmp
< rcurtin> ugh, the sysadmin who set this up gave it a 9GB root partition... I am not sure why I let him do it and didn't demand to do it myself...
< sumedhghaisas> rcurtin: Hey Ryan... Hows it going?
< rcurtin> pretty good, just busy as usual
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< zoq> great! ... 9GB
< rcurtin> yeah, I did some quick LVM magic to take it to 13GB
< rcurtin> I can do more if needed, we'll see
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