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< ironstark> zoq: So basically those graphs are static images?
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< sumedhghaisas> zoq: Hey Marcus, I know its quite late for feedback... but could you take a quick look at my draft?
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< zoq> ironstark: yes, we used matplotlib to generate all images and some handrafted html template to generate tables etc.
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< ironstark> zoq :thanks for the info
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< Trion> zoq: if I create workers in an agent with their own environments using #pragma omp parallel default(shared), will they share the weights? I want workers to differ in actions but optimize the same weights. Can multiple optimizers running at same time cause conflict with each other?
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2235 (master - 4057d14 : Marcus Edel): The build is still failing.
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< zoq> Trion: Yeah, that can cause conflicts which aren't that easy to solve right out of the box.
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< cult-> does NumChildren() refers to the size of the tree?
< cult-> how can I measure the size of the model i created or to validate if its big enough?
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< Trion> zoq: ok now I understand A3C's necessity and beauty :-) The workers have their own environment and a copy of model too. :D YAS!!! So we can use a for loop to initialize workers that will accumulate gradients for n steps and apply in order that is marked by Agent's workerNo and only allows a specific worker to make change taking away the conflicts
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< sagarbhathwar> Is there a binomial/multinomial sampling feature in mlpack?
< sagarbhathwar> Found it in the C++ standard library! Thanks
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< zoq> Trion: I agree it's a really simple and neat idea.
< zoq> sagarbhathw: Sounds like you figured it out.
< sagarbhathwar> zoq: Hey Marcus. I know the deadline for GSoC is less than 24hrs from now. Is it too late to submit the proposal?
< zoq> sagarbhathw: I don't think it's too late, as you said the deadline is April 3.
< sagarbhathwar> zoq: Maybe you won't be able to review it before submission
< zoq> sagarbhathw: Yeah, I guess it's unlikely that we have the time to review new drafts and to make comments at this point.
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< kdkw> Is it a good idea to create a PR for minor typos that I have found while reading the source code?
< zoq> kdkw: Of course: "restoring balance to the universe" ->
< kdkw> Haha, I will shortly restore balance to the universe :)
< sagarbhathwar> zoq: I have shared my draft. This is my first time writing a project proposal, so if you feel it's a huge blunder, feel free to let me know :P
< sagarbhathwar> zoq: That is, if you have time!
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< kdkw> zoq: created the pull request
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< manojbharadhwaj> Hi
< manojbharadhwaj> Anyone?
< zoq> manojbharad: Hello, there!
< zoq> kdkw: great
< cult-> HoeffdingTree object has constructors only with parameters. It makes it very hard to store the object with constructor initializers. How should I store it in memory?
< cult-> Whenever I tried to store it as a pointer (at other algorithms) it did produce super strange undefined behaviours
< cult-> So i assume, that would be a false path this time too
< cult-> Serialization is an overhead to store it in memory only
< cult-> Obviously I am missing something in c++ ?
< manojbharadhwaj> How do I make a submissiom?
< manojbharadhwaj> Submission *
< vss> register here and then click on mlpack and submit your proposal
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< vivekp> zoq: Just opened a PR for RMSprop update policy.
< vivekp> Correct me if I'm wrong -- I guess, this was the last remaining optimizer that could be implemented as a SGD update policy?
< manojbharadhwaj> What is the format to upload a submission ?
< manojbharadhwaj> Thaks
< manojbharadhwaj> Thanks*
< vivekp> manojbharadhwaj: It's recommended to upload your final proposal in PDF format (if that's what you meant?)
< manojbharadhwaj> Thanks
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< kdkw> @zoq, I believe mlpack doesn't currently support deconv, right?
< zoq> kdkw: Right, there is no deconvolution/transposed convolution layer.
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< kartik__> <zoq> im working with proposal to complete all 4 algorithms in Neural Evolution project in that i liked 2 features to be added. to write and load config file to save and resume saved progress ..
< kartik__> 2nd to plot the network in real time for which im thinking of using cairographics which is a C++ library ..
< kartik__> will mlpack allow this additional dependancy
< zoq> kartik__: I think we could use the serialization code to load/save/resume the training process. I don't think adding another dependency for a single method is a good idea, but it could be an option for the models repo.
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< kartik__> thanks, i will see it .. so should i drop the idea to plot the network in real time ..?
< kartik__> <zoq> can u guide me more about the serialization code..
< zoq> kartik__: You could build a demo an top of the method and use some additional dependencies. That is basically what we do if we train the method on the mario task.
< zoq> kartik__: The serialization is based on and allows you to save/load defined model parameters (xml, csv). You could take a look at the HMM or NBC code.
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< kartik__> thanks <zoq> that really helped
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2243 (master - eca65e4 : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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