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< systematic> I'm new to mlpack. I want to make a program that thinks about any topic. Here is my general algorithm: 10--pick or accept topic. 20--Make statements relevant to topic. 30--Ask why about ethical questions. 40--statements-->questions. 50--questions-->open-ended questions. 60--Brainstorm several answers to open-ended questions. 70--prove/disprove answers. 80--estimate truth values for those answers neither proven nor disproven. 90--
< systematic> Would machine learning be able to learn those skills?
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< rcurtin> systematic: I think that is a bit optimistic :)
< rcurtin> I am not sure current machine learning algorithms can handle the problem in the way that you want
< systematic> How do data scientists figure out how to make machine learning figure out whether they are looking at a pen. I guess it would be similar to that sort of machine learning. I want to be able to tell the program: This is a good argument. This is a bad argument. Tell me whether this other argument is a good argument.
< systematic> How do I get the ml to recognize a pattern?
< systematic> What kind of patterns has machine learning been able to find, and what formats does it accept? If I have to make tables, I'll make tables.
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< systematic> Let's say I wanted to compare how far something was on the y axis with several other dimensions, which tool would I use to find those correlations?
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< rcurtin> systematic: sorry for the slow response, I had to get some sleep :)
< rcurtin> typically machine learning algorithms will recognize patterns by the use of large sets of labeled training data
< rcurtin> so your typical data scientist might solve a problem by casting their problem as a classification problem for instance
< rcurtin> to take an example say you want to classify spam vs. clean emails
< rcurtin> obe way to do this will be to gather a dataset of millions of spam emails and millions of clean emails
< rcurtin> *one way
< rcurtin> then you would train some machine learning model using that data
< rcurtin> so part of the problem with your idea is that you would have to obtain a very large set of true and false statements, for the part where you want to infer truth
< rcurtin> and unfortunately that is a very hard thing to do
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< Trion> systematic: seems like you want create a chatbot. I think this will get you an idea, when the person says something e.g. "Hello how are you?", tokenize using a nlp package, create a token vector of 1s and 0s and use a classification algorithm to map the [ tokenvector ] to [probability of replies]. Send back the reply with most probability
< rcurtin> yeah, I think this could be an approach that gets you close, but the part about ethics and truth will probably unfortunately not be feasible with the data that is available today
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< Trion> :P Humans love bots that make mistakes! Must be because our brains be like "Haha! you can't achieve it in a day of training what I achieved in millions of years of evolution"
< rcurtin> hah
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< rcurtin> zoq: you beat me to the krylov fix, I was just looking into it when I saw the commit emails :)
< rcurtin> unfortunately there's not time to re-run the matrix build; masterblaster will go down in four hours for the move
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< zoq> rcurtin: oh, okay ... hopefully it is back by the end of the week?
< rcurtin> yeah, it should be online by friday... hopefully
< rcurtin> I will post updates as I hear them
< rcurtin> the guy in LA I am working with says he'll box it up immediately after I shut it down and send it off
< rcurtin> hopefully he'll give me a tracking number so I can hit 'refresh' in my browser over and over again :)
< zoq> sounds promising :)
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< Trion> zoq: can I assume for the lines that come after a for loop with openMP pragma that all the loops have completed before it?
< rcurtin> Trion: yeah, the for loop itself will run in parallel, but it will all be synchronized after the loop ends
< Trion> Nice :-) makes code so easy!
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< rcurtin> ok, goodbye masterblaster...
< rcurtin> let's hope the downtime isn't too long
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< sumedhghaisas> zoq, rcurtin: Hey... Do we have baysian regression? just wanted to run couple of experiments... I did not see that as a module though could part of some module
< rcurtin> sumedhghaisas: no, no bayesian regression... but feel free to implement as always :)
< rcurtin> masterblaster UPS tracking number: 1Z6R981Y0191859151
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< zoq> rcurtin: 25.90 lbs, I thought it's heavier.
< rcurtin> yeah that has to be an error, that thing is a 2U rackmounted system
< rcurtin> 25.9kg maybe I could believe but even that seems light
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