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< clicksaswat> hi guys! i submitted a proposal for gsoc under the title "Research and Implementation of Augmented RNNs", but due to timing constraints, never had a chance to ask for feedbacks, if you guys have time for it now, any comments for the proposal would be really appreciated.
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< zoq> clicksaswat: I can comment on the proposal, if you like.
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< clicksaswat> zoq: hey zoq! that would be really great. I would like to hear especially about the part where I've mentioned extending RNN architectures to support for external memory. Is it feasible? Also, if you have comments/doubts about any other parts of the proposal, feel free to mention it.
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< rcurtin> no word from the team that is supposed to be installing masterblaster...
< rcurtin> don't know if they will have it done before they leave tonight
< rcurtin> if they don't that means downtime until probably Monday or Tuesday
< rcurtin> but... at least it is better than the year it took to get it online...
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< sumedhghaisas> rcurtin: Hey Ryan... did you get a chance to look at that softmax regression problem?
< sumedhghaisas> :)
< rcurtin> it's on my queue
< rcurtin> actually pretty close to the top finally :)
< sumedhghaisas> haha... cause I was thinking... I am right now implementing a neural net architecture nd suddenly realized in classification we always have a softmax layer on top
< sumedhghaisas> so I have this mathematical question
< sumedhghaisas> if we call our thing a reduced softmax...
< sumedhghaisas> softmax has many optimums... as we can subtract any vector from the weights
< sumedhghaisas> but reduced softmax has only 1 optimum
< sumedhghaisas> thus an optimization should be more stable in reduced softmax right?
< sumedhghaisas> I am not so sure about it but it feels right
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