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< rcurtin> zoq: does the benchmarking system set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or is it assumed that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is already set correctly?
< rcurtin> I am looking through the code and it looks like the latter, but I want to check in case I missed something
< zoq> rcurtin: It assumed that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is already set correctly.
< rcurtin> ok, thanks
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< naxalpha> hey guys anything about versioning...
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< rcurtin> naxalpha: you could build from a tag instead
< rcurtin> any released mlpack package should probably be built from a tag anyway, not a great idea to release some nuget/chocolatey package that isn't stable
< zoq> I guess you could also parse mlpack_alknn -V ?
< zoq> Has anybody deactivated the travis irc notifcation?
< rcurtin> as far as I can tell it is still enabled, I'm not sure why we aren't getting anything
< rcurtin> I looked at travis open issues, didn't see any recent problems with irc
< zoq> hm, maybe it's temporary
< rcurtin> yeah, with services like this, to me it always seems like it's best to wait a while before investigating too deeply because someone else probably already is...
< rcurtin> but it seems like it's been quite a while since we've heard from the travis IRC bot
< zoq> yeah, I'll wait a little bit longer :)
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< zoq> rcurtin: The ann install script fails since tars=`ls ann*.tar.gz | wc -l`; also matches with annoy*
< zoq> tars=`ls ann*.tar.gz | grep -viw "annoy*" | wc -l`;
< zoq> not sure there is a better solution, ls --ignore= doesn't work for me, also we have to change the extraction command:
< zoq> tar -xzpf `ls ann*.tar.gz | grep -viw "annoy*"` --strip-components=1 -C ann/ works for me
< rcurtin> zoq: yeah, I just changed to 'ann.tar.gz'
< rcurtin> I think I may do that with all the scripts, because the download scripts strip the version number
< zoq> that is a simple solution :)