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< zoq> rcurtin: I think #972 is ready to be merged, let me know if you have any thoughts
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< Trion> zoq: I was getting "couldn't find erlport.cli" so I remaked it, now getting "python :"builtins.SyntaxError", '(unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 289-290" in server when agent creates an environment
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< rcurtin> zoq: I agree, I think it looks fine, maybe the bibtex URL for the adam paper cna be added after merge
< rcurtin> easy change :)
< zoq> Trion: Have you modified any file?
< zoq> rcurtin: Yeah, easy change
< zoq> Trion: Maybe you can start with a clean project?
< Trion> Nope, files were same, all modifications were after the couldn't find erlport.cli :P
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< zoq> And with "I remaked it" you mean calling 'mix deps.get' right?
< Trion> nope, "make release" in deps/erlport :P
< zoq> rcurtin: "non-human contributor" :)
< zoq> Trion: Can you test if it works with 'mix deps.get'?
< Trion> mix deps.get says everything is upto-date
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< rcurtin> yeah, I think we are still many steps away from having a "real" non-human contributor, but it seems like maybe CodeAi could be a useful tool
< rcurtin> we'll see what else it comes up with
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< zoq> Trion: hm, so if you haven't modified the file, can you remove line 288-291 (envs.monitor_start(instance_id, directory, force, resume) etc.) and try again, I'm not sure what the error could be ...
< zoq> rcurtin: Yes, I wonder if they found other issues.
< Trion> Still didn't work.. I'll try with a clean copy then
< zoq> Trion: Okay, let me know if that helps
< Trion> zoq: "No module named erlport.cli" is back
< zoq> Trion: I think you already tested 'pip uninstall erlport' as suggested in:
< Trion> Yeah erlport doesn't exist, so uninstall doesn't work
< zoq> Trion: so make release resolves the first problem but results in another right?
< Trion> make release in erlport folder gets server to run :P but then it doesn't work for environmetn
< zoq> What's your OS and python version?
< Trion> Ubuntu gnome and python 3.5
< zoq> Ubuntu 14.04?
< Trion> nope 16.04
< zoq> never tested the code with python3.5
< Trion> It used to work few weeks ago, today it suddenly became "nah.."
< zoq> Can you test if the example code works?
< zoq> I can try to replicate your setup later today
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< Trion> Yeah the example command "{ok, P} = python:start()" is also giving Syntax error "keyword argument must be followed by space after: python:"
< zoq> I guess, what you could do is to use python2.7 instead of python3.5
< rcurtin> delivery of masterblaster to the new location should be within 90 minutes according to UPS
< rcurtin> I updated DNS too, so hopefully the folks in Springfield will get it racked and plugged in quickly :)
< Trion> What is masterblaster? :P
< zoq> cool
< rcurtin> Trion: it's the big build server that Symantec got for mlpack when I joined the company
< rcurtin> it runs the Jenkins instance we use for benchmarking, matrix build, testing, etc.
< rcurtin> I would send a link but it is currently offline :)
< Trion> Ooh nice!
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< zoq> Trion: Another idea is not to use the latest erlport version.
< Trion> mix deps.get doesn't get the latest?
< zoq> Trion: change line 34 in mix.exes to {:erlport, git: "", ref: "50b16d7ffecc1cadd367e68de723eea0580077c2"},
< zoq> Trion: it does
< Trion> hmm maybe it doesn't install it as python dependency
< zoq> Trion: maybe the latest change doesn't work for you
< Trion> nope :-( still "unicode error"
< Trion> It says 289-290 in 38 in is invalid
< zoq> okay, I'll see if I can reproduce the issue later today, until then feel free to use the demo server
< zoq> you can try to delete the lines
< Trion> ok
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< systematic> rcurtin: I think you hit it right about the chatbox. That is a big problem with machine learning today. Namely, you can't teach the computer something that you do not yourself know.
< Trion> :P Deleted the comment at that line, then JSON decoder error poped up, I hope peace can be established with erlport
< zoq> Trion: ah right, if you delete the lines you also have to comment "env.monitor.start("./dummy/", true, true);" in example.cpp
< systematic> I think that the best results would come from giving the computer raw data rather than trying to get the data from users.
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< Trion> then I won't have a recording of my funky agent, right?
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< zoq> Trion: yeah, but if that works, we can probably find a way around the issue.
< Trion> systematic: That is possible but the amount of depth in that case would need lots of firepower :P which many tech giants will have hard time affording
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< Trion> zoq: JSON decoder error again.. erlport seems to have some severe issues
< Trion> have to go for now, I'll check logs, try the setup in free time :P I hope it is easier to replicate
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< systematic> trion: So, option B, have experts supply data.
< systematic> *option C
< zoq> Trion: What's the exact error you get if you use:
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< rcurtin> not sure why gitdub is going crazy and sending way too many commit emails
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< zoq> rcurtin: it's sending out of the blue?
< rcurtin> after I pushed to mlpack-2.2.x
< rcurtin> it seems like maybe gitdub was not aware of those branches, but that doesn't seem right because it has sent emails for those branches in the past
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