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< mjscott> rcurtin: in response to the sparse SVD stuff, I can't guarantee that all rows/columns have entries
< mjscott> however, the density of W and H is about the same as V. Like, it is simply not training properly I think, and I'm not sure why. I'm using the SparseSVDCompleteIncrementalLearner, since gradient descent will be faster than alternating. Even though the residue goes to 1e-5, All of the predictions are about the same.
< mjscott> like, all of the entries in V are in the range 1-5, however, when I factor V with rank 100, I do dot(W.row(i), H.col(j)) for prediction of V(i, j), and for every prediction I get around 20-23, which is way over the range of the entries in V.
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< Trion> Thanks vss and zoq for the appreciation :-)
< Trion> How will gym_tcp's cpp files be added as dependency in agents?
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< zoq> Trion: I thought since it's header only, we can write a simple cmake subroutine that fetches the code and that's it.
< Trion> Nice, that would make the folders much cleaner. I think I should learn cmake :P
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< Trion> In the Copyright.txt I saw CodeAI, did it add its name in there by itself too? :O
< zoq> :) I guess you could learn that behaviour from the commits, but in this case no:
< rcurtin> they told me they would send more PRs but they haven't done it yet :)
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< Trion> :P Nice! AI is not going to take Coding jobs just yet
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