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< vss> hi , for getting the line number in backtrace i found a gnu tool that converts address to file name and line no . So maybe we can use this for #891 ?
< rcurtin> vss: please take a look at the backtrace code that we already have in mlpack
< vss> i looked at it
< vss> both log and backtrace
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< ironstark> I had a question regarding the weka benchmark files. When I run the weka block on my terminal I get an error message that the command could not be executed. How do I run that on my local system
< rcurtin> ironstark: do you have weka installed on your system, and is the weka jar in your default java classpath?
< rcurtin> if not you may have to set one of the configuration options in the makefile
< rcurtin> I dunno if you saw the PR I just submitted, hopefully that should make things a bit easier in the future
< ironstark> Yes I saw that
< ironstark> I am working on implementing the same for annoy
< ironstark> Yes weka is installed. I'll take a look at whether it is in my default classpath or not
< rcurtin> yeah, if not, maybe the Makefile can be modified
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< zoq> ironstark: You also have to compile the java files for the weka methods either via: javac -cp $(shell echo $(WEKA_CLASSPATH)) -d methods/weka methods/weka/src/*.java or 'make scripts' should also work.
< zoq> rcurtin: The install script looks great.
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< rcurtin> zoq: if you like it, go ahead and merge it, and I'll start working towards getting Jenkins to use those scripts automatically
< zoq> rcurtin: done
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< rcurtin> zoq: done with the rmsprop PR? if so I'll hit 'merge'
< zoq> rcurtin: hit 'merge'
< rcurtin> easy enough :)
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< rcurtin> ok, finally, the third sparc64 build system, is online and set up in jenkins
< rcurtin> that one was hard to install because the cd drive was failing, but I did not have any other way to install it
< rcurtin> so I had to use the existing OS to copy a prepared image from aunty (one of the other sparc64 systems) and then set it up, install the bootloader, etc.
< rcurtin> not much point in sparc64 build slaves, which is why it hasn't been a big priority, but still fun to have :)
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< zoq> Who could say "hey the code is tested on sparc64" :) and of course we could add a new batch to the readme just because ...
< rcurtin> hah! yeah we could add another badge I suppose :)
< rcurtin> someday I will get a MIPS and ARM system online too
< rcurtin> but there is no way I'll be able to get enough cores of those for a matrix build
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< zoq> ah forgotten to look up collector: here we go
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< rcurtin> zoq: I think it was easier to come up with hostnames from 'Live and Let Die', I think Mad Max has fewer named characters :)
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