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< Trion> If I create an object inside a for loop and pass its pointer into a ptr_vector, after the loop scope ends will the object get deallocated?
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< rcurtin> ok, I've got word that masterblaster is racked and cabled, but apparently it is not powered on because I can't access the system (or the remote management console)
< rcurtin> I think it's possible this will be resolved by the end of the day, I am hoping
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< zoq> rcurtin: fingers crossed
< zoq> Trion: ptr_vector will delete objects that are stored in them when the container goes out of scope, does this help?
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< rcurtin> ok, masterblaster back up :)
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< rcurtin> need to get one firewall rule changed so that it can access dealgood again (and so that the benchmarking slaves can have matlab available), that may take a day or two
< rcurtin> but that is through Georgia Tech not Symantec so it will not be horrendously slow
< zoq> jenkins-mlpack: welcome back
< jenkins-mlpack> zoq did you mean me? Unknown command 'welcome'
< jenkins-mlpack> Use '!jenkins help' to get help!