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< Trion> zoq: Should I also open a PR for the Evolution Agent files? and should we have a separate branch for Agent development?
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< zoq> Trion: Yeah, sure open a PR for the Agent, and I would recommend to developed the agent in another branch in your own repo, makes the update process easier, but it doesn't matter for the PR.
< Trion> It looks quite complete :-) Generation 4! PewPew!
< zoq> cool, how many iterations?
< rcurtin> I couldn't get the video to load :(
< rcurtin> probably using a browser that doesn't work or my packages are out of date or something... sigh
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< Trion> 5 parallel workers, they play until the episode ends, So 5x4 Episodes :P I think I should have a matric for iterations
< Trion> rcurtin: :P After I fix one last issue, you can run it on your own!
< zoq> Trion: That sounds good :)
< Trion> Best thing about OpenAI's ES algorithm is that it doesn't need backpropagation so you can go crazy even on crappy CPU!
< Trion> zoq: :( Creating an Environment* is not working
< zoq> Trion
< Trion> Environment* env = envs[i];
< zoq> ah
< zoq> do you have a minimal example?
< Trion> envs is a vector of Space-Invaders Environments, I want a reference to one of those. Earlier I made a new environment but 1 worker randomly died and when OpenMP started it again, it crashed the whole system
< zoq> that might have several reasons, maybe the PR give us some more hints?
< Trion> ok, PR incoming!
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< zoq> thanks, I'll take a look later today
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