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< kris1> For implementation of General Gibbs sampling i could have any n cond. distribution and these cond. distributions will take different number of parameters. How should i go about implementing this any ideas?
< kris1> The only solution i had was to create a new class called ConditionalDistribution which lets the 1 necessary function double sample(std::vector<double> variables)
< kris1> is this the correct way ??
< lozhnikov> Hi Kris. You can just add an activation function
< kris1> do you mean to say that the conditional distributions would be activation functions
< kris1> That would be true for the case of the rbm but i was trying to build a more general gibbs sampler. What do you think ?
< kris1> lozhnikov:
< lozhnikov> Why do you think that shouldn't work with the general sampler?
< kris1> Activation functions are not probability distributions right they don't need to integrate to 1??
< kris1> and in gibbs sampling you require a bunch of conditional probability distributions
< kris1> so how are these two connected ??
< lozhnikov> I think activation functions can just sample values with given probability. And LayerType::Farward() can calculate those probabilities
< kris1> Suppose i use the identity function as the activation function can you explain to me how it would sample from a let's say a normal distribution
< lozhnikov> I am not sure that I understand your question right. Do you mean that the activation function should know the mean and the variance?
< kris1> Suppose i have n variables distribution P(x1,x2,.....,xn)[Joint probability]. I would need n conditional distributions right something like this P(x1| x2,x3,....xn) = N(sigma(x_i),1) and similarly for the other variables also.
< kris1> What i understand from what you are saying is that P(x1|x2,x3,...xn) = ActivationFunction
< kris1> ActivationFunction(x2,x3,...xn) which is now used to sample the value of x1
< kris1> is that what you are trying to say ??
< kris1> Lozhnikov:
< lozhnikov> I think it is better to pass the mean and the variance to the activation function than variables x1,...xn
< kris1> But how would the activation function be equivalent to Normal Distribution or Gamma Distribution
< lozhnikov> you could use std::normal_distribution for sampling 1D samples
< kris1> Wait i think i should post a gist it would make the doubt more clear.
< kris1> The question is the there can be multiple distribution for each conditional distribution
< lozhnikov> Hmm.. If I remember right each conditional distribution is gauss distribution with diagonal covariation matrix. That means all components are independent. So you can sample each component separately
< lozhnikov> Well.. I think I have to prepare a gist with my vision of the problem. I'll prepare that tomorrow
< kris1> That is true if the joint distribution is Gaussian then yes you are correct that the conditional will be gaussian
< kris1> but we cannot make such a assumption in the general case
< kris1> maybe you could look here
< lozhnikov> ok, I'll take a look tomorrow
< kris1> Thanks.
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