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< Trion> Made this medium article explaining the Evolution strategy algorithm gym_tcp might get popular in my friends now :P
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< vss> Trion : was pretty fun to read your post :P
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< zoq> Trion: I agree with vss really neat post.
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< mjscott> Hello, does anyone have experience with the mlpack SparseSVD factorizers?
< rcurtin> mjscott: yes but I am stepping out for a while so it might he a bit before ai can respond in full
< rcurtin> *before I
< rcurtin> *be a bit
< rcurtin> phone spelling is hard :)
< rcurtin> if you want to leave a request I can answer when I am back in a couple hours
< mjscott> Sure yea, I just mainly have a question. I'm using the SparseSVDCompleteIncrementalFactorizer for a huge dataset, the matrix is about 20000 x 500000 with a density of ~ 0.01 (1% of entries are filled). When I run the factorizer, it converges successfully, but produces matrices that are sparse :/
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< kaspian> asd
< kaspian> heya
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< rcurtin> mjscott: are there at least a few entries in each column and row? it might converge to zero if there are no nonzero entries in some of the columns and rows
< rcurtin> took me more than a couple hours to get back, sorry about that...
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< sumedhghaisas> zoq: Hey Marcus, so I was going through the LSTM code and was wondering... all the gates are represented with 1 single linear layer with output dimension equal to 4 times the dimensional of each gate
< sumedhghaisas> thats technically not the same as training 4 different linear layers right?
< sumedhghaisas> wait... its just a linear layer ... sorry it is ... they are same....
< sumedhghaisas> stupid of me :P