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< zoq> ironstark: Sure, no problem.
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< vivekp> zoq, rcurtin: After changing adaMax parameter to a template parameter, I'm facing some issues with logistic regression tests
< vivekp> although simple tests work fine (found out after commenting out logistic regression tests)
< vivekp> Here's the errors that I'm getting: and Adam constructor def looks like this after making adaMax as template parameter:
< vivekp> Do you mind taking a look?
< zoq> vivekp: Can you test change to 'template<typename...> class OptimizerType = mlpack::optimization::L_BFGS' and test again?
< vivekp> Thanks, I tried that but I get different errors now:
< zoq> ah, should also be 'template<template<typename...> class OptimizerType>'
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< vivekp> zoq: Thanks again, that fixed errors due to the change in logistic_regression.hpp but the issue with tests still persists
< zoq> vivekp: Can you push the code, so that we can take a closer look?
< vivekp> zoq: Yeah, I was about to ask that :)
< vivekp> anyway here's git diff output:
< vivekp> pushing the code in a few minutes
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< zoq> vivekp: hm, I'll have to take a closer look at the issue. I guess it would work if you define an alias but I thought I tested it without using an alias ...
< zoq> vivekp: I'll do that tomorrow
< ironstark> zoq: I have made the suggested changes. Please take a look whenever you find time :)
< sumedhghaisas> zoq: Hey marcus
< sumedhghaisas> got some time?
< sumedhghaisas> I will try to submit my proposal tomorrow by the end of the day ... hopefully
< sumedhghaisas> Finally got around a proposal involving Batch Norm, Layer Merging and NTMs
< sumedhghaisas> Fitting pretty well in the timeline
< sumedhghaisas> On a completely different note... wanted to talk to you about the idea I had about using gradient better while optimizing
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< richukuttan> zoq: have a few doublts, listed in the comments. Please look it over when you have the time.
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< vivekp> zoq: Ok, thanks!
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< naxalpha> Hi, Kindly review my proposal and provide me feedback!
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< cult-> /usr/include/boost/serialization/access.hpp:118:9: error: ‘class mlpack::tree::HoeffdingTree<>’ has no member named ‘serialize’
< cult-> it has Serialize but not serialize.. what can i do?
< rcurtin> ah, use data::Save() to save the model
< rcurtin> or 'data::CreateNVP()' if you want to serialize to an existing boost::archive object
< rcurtin> so either
< rcurtin> data::Save(model, "model name", "filename.bin" /* or whatever format */);
< rcurtin> or
< rcurtin> ar & data::CreateNVP(model, "model name");
< rcurtin> where 'model' is your HoeffdingTree<> object
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< cult-> i need vector of chars because im saving this to database instead of disk..
< cult-> createnvp would workj?
< cult-> ok got it
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< sumedhghaisas> zoq: Hey Marcus
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< ironstark> I had a few questions regarding the current way of projecting the visualizations generated in
< ironstark> Are those benchmarks tests run periodically and then the graphs generated or are those graphs static?
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< ironstark> zoq_ : I have updated the PR(#33) (Annoy Implementation). The error crept up because my dataset folder was outdated and the iris_train file in it had no labels
< ironstark> Please Review whenever you find time
< kris> If the ffn is output layer type is NLL then how do we ensure that the out put given to the nll layer are log probabilities.
< kris> I didn't see that in the code
< kris> unless at second last layer we use log soft max layer
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< zoq_> kris: The negative log likelihood layer expectes that the input contains log-probabilities for each class. Obtaining log-probabilities is easily achieved by adding a LogSoftMax layer before the last layer.
< zoq_> sumedhghaisa: Hello, feel free to ask anything; once I have a chance I get back to you.
< zoq_> ironstark: The old benchmarks view is deprecated and has not been updated since we switched to the javascript interface.
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