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< ironstark> zoq : Thanks for the info.
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< naxalpha> Hi, guys I am back after a long and hectic week
< Trion> Welcome back :-)
< naxalpha> Thanks :D
< naxalpha> I have to discuss #919
< Trion> zoq: I am planning an Evolution Strategy based agent, but weights in layers are private attributes, how can I add a randn matrix in weights?
< zoq> Trion: layer.Parameters() returns the weights so layer.Parameters().randn() should work in your case I guess?
< zoq> naxalpha: Sure go ahead.
< naxalpha> Is nuget package for executable is really good idea?
< naxalpha> because as a windows user, I know that I will never use NuGet for installing command-line app
< naxalpha> instead I would prefer chocho package for that
< naxalpha> or it would be nicer if i get GUI instead of command-line
< naxalpha> yes in linux, apt-get is standard to install packages
< naxalpha> but if we install packages with NuGet, it downloads local package in current directory with extra meta data
< naxalpha> even if we add package directory to PATH,
< naxalpha> every person installs package, this directory will go in PATH
< zoq> We could also provide an chocho package for the executables, I guess the idea is there is the possibility to use nuget.
< naxalpha> causing lots confusion
< rcurtin> my opinion is that we should only provide one package; I don't think it's necessary to put it in the user's PATH
< rcurtin> to say to a user 'you have to install the base library with nuget but everything else with choco'
< rcurtin> that's a confusing thing, in my opinion that's more confusing that just giving them the executables in the package directory and letting them set their path however they like
< rcurtin> remember that if you have a command prompt you can just cd to the directory of the mlpack programs and use them from there
< rcurtin> if you can show me examples of where other software has packaged executables through a different way than nuget but packaged the base library through nuget, I would appreciate it
< naxalpha> ok fine! but still i am confused why would someone do this as a windows user?
< rcurtin> why someone would do what?
< naxalpha> install executables locally
< rcurtin> I don't mean to sound combative, I am just trying to help come to the best solution here; sorry if it comes off that way
< Trion> zoq: I was thinking of creating a copy of main model for each worker and then add the noise inside the weights, this method will get me the weights but then how can I make a new model that uses the modified weights? Maybe there should be a SetParameters function in all layers?
< rcurtin> ok, I see, nuget is typically used just to install a dependency for a visual studio project
< naxalpha> I am also just discussing alternatives,
< rcurtin> this is different than what I remember from before
< naxalpha> mostly windows user like installer (msi) which can be downloaded from mlpack website (most suitable solution)
< naxalpha> also we can provide downloads for linux (deb) and other platforms etc
< rcurtin> naxalpha: we will not provide debs, that is the responsibility of the downstream distributions
< rcurtin> I agree that an msi installer would be the most useful, but we don't have an automated way to set that up
< naxalpha> I think, I might be able to set that up!
< rcurtin> this nuget / chocolatey thing is kind of a mess... one is for libraries being used in development of a particular project and another is a systemwide package manager ?
< naxalpha> yes
< naxalpha> exactly and also NuGet is mostly used for .Net Libraries but there is room for C/C++ Libraries as well
< Trion> yeah, windows user prefer msi, everyone likes installing things by just pressing Next Next Next :P
< naxalpha> :v
< rcurtin> so I agree now that I read this that if nuget is a development-only tool, there would be no need for including the command-line programs in that (I guess it would not hurt to do so, but it wouldn't be likely to be used in that way)
< rcurtin> chocolatey seems like the better solution for a user who actually wants the mlpack library and command-line tools installed on their system
< naxalpha> yup
< rcurtin> but it also seems like chocolatey can be built on an MSI, suggesting that maybe an MSI would be a first step towards that
< rcurtin> I'm sorry I misunderstood earlier, nuget has changed from what I remember it being before
< naxalpha> No problem! I may not be old enough to remember that.
< zoq> Trion: Not sure I get your question, you are right layer.Parameters() returns the weights you can do the same to modify/set the weights like: layer.Parameters() += arma::randu(...) adds noise or layer.Parameters() = arma::zeros(...) instalize the weights with a zero matrix you can also alter a single parameter: layer.Parameters()(0) = 0.5.
< rcurtin> at least windows is making some attempt to have some kind of package manager, as long as I can remember windows system administration has always been a disaster due to lack of coherent package management
< rcurtin> chocolatey might be a step in the right direction...
< rcurtin> I have to get lunch, I will be back in a while
< naxalpha> ok
< rcurtin> thank you for the clarifications about these windows package managers...
< Trion> zoq: I didn't know assignment to fiunctions was possible in C++ and that even changes the weights!!! :O That's cool!
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< kartik_> hi <zoq> Sry im late..
< kartik_> should we start with the NEAT implementation ?
< kartik_> the potential error with large MLPs .. that failed it to complete super mario ..
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< zoq> rcurtin: Do you have any information about what issues they can detect?
< zoq> kartik_: Not sure what you mean by start with NEAT? If you like we can finish the CMAES method, if you push the latest updates I'll go over the PR.
< rcurtin> zoq: no idea, we'll see what they come up with
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< ben_______> hey guys, I'm new to this project. What is the preferred method for submitting and getting feedback on pull requests?
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< zoq> ben_______: Hello there, GitHub is the preferred way, the process is straightforward, also might be helpful.
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