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< kris1> zoq: Did you see my comments on NAG PR. What do you think
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< rcurtin> kris1: I am sure he got the email, it may be a little while until he can respond
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< etotientz> Hello world!
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< etotientz> i am a newcomer here and am finding template metaprogramming a bit complicated.Any easy way to go through it in mlpack?
< pvskand> Why is this error being shown when I make and run the tests? "/mlpack/src/mlpack/tests/krann_search_test.cpp(713): fatal error in "RAModelTest": critical check numQueriesFail < maxNumQueriesFail failed [28 >= 25]"
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< vivekp> zoq: I saw your comment on AdaGrad policy class PR regarding the SGD<DecomposableFunctionType, AdaGradUpdate> optimizer;
< vivekp> Actually, since that PR was updated after I had pushed some changes to SMORMS3 PR after your review including that change, I think it's better if I answer to your question. The reason is that basically it expects 6 arguments as specified by the SGD constructor
< vivekp> (detailed error:
< vivekp> Thus, I had to provide those 6 arguments for it build past that error.
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< zoq> rcurtin: Doesn't sound like fun ... probably not a good idea to make a challenge
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< zoq> vivekp: I'm not sure what comment you are referring to.
< vivekp> zoq: Sorry, my bad. I should've been more clear.
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< zoq> vivekp: The arguments provided aren't necessary to define the type; as I said in the comment 'SGD<DecomposableFunctionType, AdaGradUpdate> optimizer;' is just fine.
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< vivekp> I'm not sure what's wrong then but compiler always complaints about the arguments. I'll see if there's another issue with the code that causing that
< zoq> I can see at least one more issue that I haven't seen the last time, but maybe it's already fixed it. Can you update the PR?
< vivekp> Okay, I'll push the changes shortly
< zoq> okay, sounds good
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< pvskand> Please check this PR :
< pvskand> I checked the travis log but am unable to tell where the problem is?
< pvskand> Infact while running tests on my local machine, I got one error
< pvskand> The error said "/home/skand/Documents/mlpack/src/mlpack/tests/krann_search_test.cpp(713): fatal error in "RAModelTest": critical check numQueriesFail < maxNumQueriesFail failed [28 >= 25]"
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2077 (master - 36470e9 : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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< kris1> I am trying to train the nn with SGD<decltype(model), MomentumUpdate, NoDecay> opt(model, 0.01, maxEpochs * trainData.n_cols, 1e-5 , true, momentumUpdate, noDecay);
< kris1> But this doesn't seem to work. There is problem with model.Train(std::move(trainData), std::move(trainLabels), opt);
< kris1> Also one more thing i am writing test for decay learning rates. But the learning rates and the sgd function is not suited for that task.
< zoq> kris1: hm, maybe if you provide the error message we can figure it out?
< zoq> kris1: You can test it on LogisticRegression or write a simple network, if the simple SGD test function isn't going to work.
< kris1> zoq : Have look here.
< kris1> Also one more question. If we are implementing the new policy class can we just not inherit from the base Vanilla SGD and if we have to reuse some function from vanilla sgd it can be called there.
< zoq> kris1: We could create an SGD object an use that instead of inherit from SGD if we like to use functions from SGD, that's what we do here:
< zoq> kris1: Maybe your last message got cut off; all I can see is "Have look here."
< zoq> I guess, I know what happens here, let's see