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< kris1> zoq: I created the policy learning for the cart pole the program works fine but till 20 iterations is not learning very much
< kris1> here is code
< kris1> if you can see any obvious mistakes please point them out
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< mikeling> rcurtin: hi, which dataset I could use to test weighted decision tree?
< mikeling> Do we have that dataset in the data folder already? Or I need to find one by myself.
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< etotientz> I m getting segmentation fault(core dumped) on running mlpack_kmeans --help.. any help?
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< sagar> Hi, This issue was posted - . Should I take it up?
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< eugenelee> anybody here?
< eugenelee> can you see me ?
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< zoro_> hello ! i am interested in working on "Alternatives to neighborhood-based collaborative filtering". I am almost done with the reserach paper as mentioned so do we have to implement the algorithm using existing mlpack tools or something else ?
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< rcurtin> zoro_: the idea would be to implement it inside of mlpack; take a look at the mailing list archives to see other posts about the project that might help clarify things
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2016 (master - 5b97d37 : Ryan Curtin): The build is still failing.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2015 (master - ab04d84 : Ryan Curtin): The build is still failing.
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< rcurtin> zoq: ok to merge #925? (SGD with momentum from Arun)
< rcurtin> I think it's ready, I'll merge and handle the little style concerns
< zoq> rcurtin: Great!
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< fysal> i want to know more details ,what should i do?,tasks to start with?
< rcurtin> zoq: ok, I will go ahead and merge then when I'm back from lunch
< rcurtin> still digging out from my email backlog for the past few days...
< rcurtin> fysal: have you seen and those could be good places to start
< zoq> fysal: Have you seen: and; Also, definitely a good first step to take is to study the mlpack codebase closely and become familiar with its API.
< zoq> :)
< rcurtin> down to 22 flagged emails I need to address...
< kartik> <fysal> If u want to contribute see the
< zoq> rcurtin: I can send you some more if you like :)
< Trion> zoq: how can compiled executables carry the data they were trained on?
< rcurtin> zoq: haha, it is a little overwhelming some days...
< rcurtin> it'll probably take me most of the rest of the afternoon to get down to 0, if I am even able to put that much time into it today
< rcurtin> headed out for lunch... back later
< zoq> Trion: Maybe I misunderstood your comment, we still have to provide the model file (xml, csv, etc. ) that contains the parameters like weights, layer sizes etc.
< zoq> Trion: But we don't reconstruct the network structure from the model file like the first layer is a linear layer followed by a ReLU layer etc, we could do that, but I'm not sure we should.
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< Trion> But if we need to provide pre-trained models, then executables cannot be used as they get a fresh start every runtime
< Trion> For pre-built models, executables are best option for sure
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< zoq> Trion: The executable should be able to load the model (pre-trained) e.g. take a look at the nbc executable that is able to save/load a model.
< zoq> Trion: So let's say you have an executable for the GoogLeNet network you can train the network from scratch using something like: 'googlenet -i input.csv'
< zoq> Trion: But you could also use the pre-trained model file to initialize the model and do what ever you like: 'googlenet -i input.csv -m pretrainedmodel.xml'
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< Trion> Oh I understand now :D I also saw that MLpack already has a serialization interface
< zoq> Yeah, basically everything is already there, we just have to put it together.
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< sagarbhathwar> Hello
< sagarbhathwar> If I make add some functionality to a method, how can I verify if the method is doing as intended? Are there any tests available?
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< zoq> sagarbhathw: Hello there, all tests are located in mlpack/src/mlpack/tests/; you can use mlpack_test to run all test or mlpack_test -t TestSuite to run a specific test suite you can even run a single test case with mlpack_test -t TestSuite/TestCase.
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< sagarbhathwar> zoq: Thank you
< zoq> sagarbhathw: Here is some more information about how to run the test suites:
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< sagarbhathwar> zoq: Thanks. I will take a look at it
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< shikhar> Is it advisable for mlpack functions to have default parameter values?
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< zoq> shikhar: Sure, if you can provide resonable values.
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< cannon4> Greetings! Can I know the meaning of the words "relevant tickets" written on the ideas page?
< zoq> cannon4: Hello, open issues/tickets ( that are project related.
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< cannon4> zoq: Thank you.
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< kartik_> <zoq> i have opened an issue zoq #938 . Have a look ..
< kartik_> finally now remains the test..
< kartik_> lets discuss things there :)
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2020 (master - 85a80e8 : Ryan Curtin): The build is still failing.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2021 (master - 3b9917f : Ryan Curtin): The build is still failing.
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< kartik_> <zoq> how much time travis build takes..
< kartik_> on my local pc build was success...
< zoq> kartik_: Travis not only builds the code it also runs the tests.
< kartik_> i havent made the test .. sorry for that..
< kartik_> can u take a look at the code..
< kartik_> PR no 938
< zoq> Unfortunately not before tomorrow.
< kartik_> ill write the test soon..