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< kris2> @lozhnikov you there
< kris2> :lozhnikov
< lozhnikov> kris2: hi
< kris2> Hi
< kris2> lozhnikov: just wanted to ask if you had gone through my proposal. Did you find the api okay.
< kris2> Also should i first implement RBM
< kris2> or GAN portion
< lozhnikov> I think it doesn't matter
< lozhnikov> As for me we have to correct the API
< kris2> I think stacked GAN's are pretty difficult. That's why i wanted to start with RBM's
< kris2> Ok, thats fine the API was just meant as a reference.
< lozhnikov> ok. I am not sure of your variant of gibbs sampling
< kris2> What exactly do you mean ?
< kris2> Gibbs distribution is just sampling from a conditional distribution P(x_i| x_1,x_2,.....x_i-1,x_i+1,.....x_n) right?
< lozhnikov> I mean the 10th page of your proposal
< lozhnikov> actually we have to sample sample hidden variables from visible and then visible variables from hidden k times
< kris2> Yes that's correct. Yes i see, my gibbs sampler implementation was more of a general gibbs sampler
< kris2> I will change that implementation to more RBM specific
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< kris2> I was also little unclear about block gibbs sampling
< kris2> I will try to read about it tonight i think. We would need that for implementing the Persistence-CD
< lozhnikov> I'll take a look at that.
< kris2> :lozhnikov do you have any links/ books that you want to me study before we start coding.
< lozhnikov> And I've got another question: It seems that your variant of RBM is not modular. As for me it is better to implement hidden and visible variables in terms of LayerType.
< lozhnikov> As for me an implementation at could be very helpful
< lozhnikov> you could find that here
< kris2> Hmmm, okay i have gone through that, i will look at it again.
< kris2> Will you be attending tomorrow meeting btw.
< lozhnikov> yeah, I hope I'll be at home
< kris2> cool, btw i know its a little late for a intro but still. i am masters student in iit hyderabad india. studying machine learning
< kris2> my focus right now is submodular functions in ml. Earlier i was working on graph kernels
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< lozhnikov> yeah, you pointed out that in your proposal:) did you work with neural networks before?
< kris2> Yes, i have quite a lot actually.
< kris2> mostly in the computer vision space. image captioning and stuff
< kris2> though i really love reading Deep RL paper haven't gotten my hands dirty with RL yet.
< kris2> What about you?
< lozhnikov> I am a postgraduate student at the moscow state university. Right now I work on computer modelling of Navier-Stokes equations, gasdynamics equations and so on
< lozhnikov> ML is my hobby
< kris2> oh that's really cool.
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