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<Wizzup> arno11: ok, I'll work on all of this in an hour :)
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<arno11> Wizzup: adding a basic init.d script works for cmt_pulse
<arno11> able to make and receive calls
<arno11> but a bit buggy
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<arno11> for example network connection applet is crashing most of the time (excepting if i use 'depend() after ofono' in the script)
<arno11> the 15 sec weird bug happens for both inbound and outbound call now but pretty sure it is because the modem is starting too early.
<arno11> to resume i think we have no troubles with cmtspeech, we just need to figure out the right order to start ofono, nokia-modem, PA and cmt_pulse
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<arno11> oh and sphone is working better now :)
<arno11> when you clic on 'recent calls' it start immediately instead of waiting 30-60 sec
<Wizzup> arno11: huh, why would network applet crash?
<Wizzup> 19:57 < arno11> the 15 sec weird bug happens for both inbound and outbound call now but pretty sure it is because the modem is starting too early.
<Wizzup> ah
<arno11> for the network applet: really no idea
<Wizzup> I mean, did something change?
<Wizzup> and what do you mean it crashes, the status menu goes away?
<arno11> the status menu doesn't start
<arno11> it start with dbus command with nothing in the window
<Wizzup> at all? I see
<Wizzup> what dbus command in this?
<arno11> let me check
<Wizzup> you cna check with gdb
<Wizzup> also keep in mind that status menu will, depend on how it exits, start in safe mode, so then not all plugins were loaded
<Wizzup> you probably need to stop it first with dsmetool -k /usr/bin/hildon-status-menu (as in the wiki)
<arno11> ok thx
<arno11> so i think it happens because the modem is loaded to early on boot
<Wizzup> ok, well, please attach gdb and check
<Wizzup> it might also be relation the telepathy accounts for example
<Wizzup> do you know how to use gdb?
<Wizzup> let me get my d4 in a few mins, I'll check what pkgs you need to install to get the debug symbols
<arno11> sorry, i can't do it now (battery empty on N900 and i need to modify the script again to reproduce the crash)
<Wizzup> ok :)
<arno11> i can try in 30 min (dinner time)
<Wizzup> take it easy :)
<arno11> :)
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<arno11> battery is ok, able to restart hildon-status-menu by simply pkill it.
<arno11> but i don't know anything about gdb
<arno11> brb
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<Wizzup> the wiki contain dsme instructions
<tg-bridge-bot> <t​taepi> how is Maemo Leste experience on tablets? are there any currently maintained devices?
<tg-bridge-bot> <W​underW_PL> Hello everyone, I was thinking about Waydroid on Leste, imagine it :P It'd be so fun.
<tg-bridge-bot> <W​underW_PL> And how is new arm64-generic image?
<tg-bridge-bot> <W​underW_PL> Still the old one on site so I can't use Leste on Pro1
<tg-bridge-bot> <W​underW_PL> But freshly-bought Droid 4 waits for me
<Wizzup> @ttaepi it could work on the pine tablet but we haven't built any images recently I think
<Wizzup> @wunderw_pl that might be hard without wayland, maemo leste runs X11
<Wizzup> unless waydroid is adding a x11 backend?
<Wizzup> arno11: also this lists what debug pkgs to get https://leste.maemo.org/Debugging#Things_break._How_do_you_debug_the_problems.3F
<Wizzup> that could work
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<Wizzup> I don't know if it will work well on the d4, though
<Wizzup> that's a pretty old even device even for regular lightweight android
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<arno11> Wizzup: back. ok thx
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