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arno11: ok, I'll work on all of this in an hour :)
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Wizzup: adding a basic init.d script works for cmt_pulse
able to make and receive calls
but a bit buggy
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for example network connection applet is crashing most of the time (excepting if i use 'depend() after ofono' in the script)
the 15 sec weird bug happens for both inbound and outbound call now but pretty sure it is because the modem is starting too early.
to resume i think we have no troubles with cmtspeech, we just need to figure out the right order to start ofono, nokia-modem, PA and cmt_pulse
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oh and sphone is working better now :)
when you clic on 'recent calls' it start immediately instead of waiting 30-60 sec
arno11: huh, why would network applet crash?
19:57 < arno11> the 15 sec weird bug happens for both inbound and outbound call now but pretty sure it is because the modem is starting too early.
for the network applet: really no idea
I mean, did something change?
and what do you mean it crashes, the status menu goes away?
the status menu doesn't start
it start with dbus command with nothing in the window