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<maxwelld> i used harbour-pinhole and it is so cool
<maxwelld> the icon reminds me piggz camera from sailfish, is it the port of it?
<maxwelld> btw right now maemo, i guess, is the only way to make nphotos with pinephone. megapixels is broken for months, at least on pmos.
<Wizzup_> yes
<Wizzup_> maybe someone wants to tell him about leste
<maxwelld> heh i'll try
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<arno11> Wizzup_: sicelo: weird but interesting, SIP calls only work with 4000Hz freq on n900 instead of 16000 or phone calls. Seems to be hardware limitation but 8000 and 16000Hz work fine in Fremantle iirc. The question is why.
<arno11> monitoring resampling stuff should be useful but because we use PA system mode i can't find a way to do it
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<Wizzup_> arno11: maybe mic recording?
<arno11> what do you mean exactly ?
<Wizzup_> 4000hz
<Wizzup_> maybe the mic only records on 4000hz?
<Wizzup_> oh I see
<Wizzup_> (reading your message again)
<Wizzup_> I think just testing if parec works on different frequences is a god idea
<Wizzup_> good*
<arno11> parec/arecord works with lot of different freqs. the problem seems to be after
<Wizzup_> what about parec | paplay or something like that (with hp on)
<arno11> for example alsa loopback works at 8000 but not calls
<Wizzup_> what is loopback necessary for?
<arno11> loopback is another word for arecord/aplay or parec/paplay
<arno11> loopbacks work at almost all freqs.
<arno11> so we can only monitor during real calls.
<arno11> it is not an easy task because tools like pactl doesn't work in system mode
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