Could we get new arm64-generic image (https://maedevu.maemo.org/images/arm64-generic) to make chrooting on Android possible again? The only one present (20200114) is very outdated, repos alread changed...
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<WunderW_PL> Test
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<WunderW_PL> I have a chance to get Motorola Droid 4 very cheaply soon, so I will be able to try a better Leste than on N900 :P
<WunderW_PL> However arm64-generic image would be useful for chrooting, so I could try it on F(x)tec
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I set up Telegram bridge successfully
Is it no problem?
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What channel is this bridged to?
WunderWungiel: what broke android chrooting for you? Do you mean to chroot to maemo leste from android?
<WunderW_PL> @Re maemoleste_irc_bot: @Wizzup What ch… https://t.me/maemo_leste
it looks like the current image builds are broken due to some size constaints, I will look into that and then try to remember to also re-enable the generic arm64 images
if you can file an issue for it it might be easier for me to remember
also the github instructions upgrade from ascii to beowulf, and we're on chimaera, so better to start from chimaera when the images build
<WunderW_PL> Thanks, would be really nice. Unfortunately playing with Leste on N900, even overclocked and with some SanDisk SDXC Ultra class something it's too slow. Firefox runs 15 minutes :D
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yeah, firefox on n900 or even any modern browser won't work, with leste or any other distro
it's just too old hw
but some browsers can kind of work OK
<WunderW_PL> Links2 is ok
<WunderW_PL> But we need a full GUI browser :P
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<WunderW_PL> Best current phone for trying Leste is Droid 4? Or perhaps PinePhone?
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I think the droid4 is the best currently
power management wise
<WunderW_PL> Yes, I want to buy it. keyboard seems to be great (five-row)
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there is a jolla on ebay with tohkbd, for about $400
i have seen instructions on how to hack jolla to run pmos from sdcard or even from emmc.
but if u understand correctly with binary old kernel?
<WunderW_PL> I bought Jolla C for 10 Euro
<WunderW_PL> Waiting for it now
i have one without tohkbd. it was not possible to order neither jolla nor tohkbd to armenia back then. my friend brought me jolla when went to netherlands. that was the only way. today we have postal forwarders that work very well.
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tg-bridge-bot, where? i was searching for intex aquafish and never found one on ebay recently.
<WunderW_PL> tg-bridge-bot, hah :DName is after <tg-bridge-bot>, in my case <WunderW_PL>. It's Telegram bridge
<WunderW_PL> I bought mine on TMO
<WunderW_PL> It was 50 Euro but seller sold it to me for 10 Euro
btw i believe that jolla and some of nokia lumia phones look amazing. i love there square corners (not sure in english those are called square).
<WunderW_PL> I love Jolla phones too, and some Xperia. Exactly for reason as you :)
and some nokia lumia phones are hacked to run pmos and there r instructions.
i was very disappointed in sailfish at some point when i realized that all the efforts put in to writing ui apps for sailfish require full ui rewrite to run on "normal" linuxes and other mobile oses.
is jolla c still supported by jolla and does sailfish receive updates?
because regular jolla is not.
and there r problems with old libssl.
<WunderW_PL> Jolla C is supported I think
<WunderW_PL> I've seen photos with C running official 4.4
<WunderW_PL> So probably it is
there is a program that can apply colour luts to photos. on openrepos. very good photo editor. well, i do it by scripts on d4. i sometimes restart to android, loose a way to communicate, take photos, reboot to maemo, mount android partition, move photos to maemo and run my imagemagick scripts with custom luts that improve the quality of photos in terms of colour, it doesn't look that digital anymore
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<WunderW_PL> Now the bridge shouldn't spam that much...
Rose (@MissRose_bot) has joined the Telegram Group!
Ehh still spams
<WunderW_PL> But I disabled as much spam as I could
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<iaroslavchep> Hello
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uvos__: I think I have a xt910 here, it's different from the three xt912 that I have here since those actually say they are XT912 on the back
this one says nothing, and the android on it says XT910 in 'Model' (about phone)
<WunderW_PL> XT894 is the standard Droid 4?
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<WunderW_PL> Cool
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