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uvos: over the next few days I would like to try to make some progress on additional devices - droid3, razr, etc
if you're around I'd appreciate some help/thoughts etc
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Wizzup: sicelo: finally i fixed 2g calls issue. Sound is clear and latency is...well...very low...arround 5ms ! the problem is PA cpu usage: it causes audio sync troubles if other apps are running. 3g works with the same config with 300ms latency as usual.
the 15 sec weird bug in incoming calls is still there
(my 10 sec sleep trick doesn't work anymore)
so i think i need help to solve this weird bug and need to talk about why PA is running in system mode (too much cpu usage for n900)
arno11: 5ms latency on 2g seem impossible?
do you mean PA latency
yes pa latency
pa in system mode shouldn't use more cpu fwiw
are you sure ?
why would it?
i just remember reading stuff about it and the high cpu usage but maybe i'm wrong
anyway the cpu usage is really to high
well, I often get high cpu usage and crackling audio when using twinkle (sip client) on droid4/leste
not sure if it is related
I don't see why system pa would take more cpu tbh
(pulseaudio* cpu usage)
no idea about system vs user mode
bencoh: did you noticed high xorg cpu usage using twinkle too ?
not that I remember
(I use it mostly in commandline mode anyway)
yes but for example on n900 during calls, xorg burns 40% cpu in command line
so weird
xorg burning cpu is weird yes
that we want to figure out for sure
i'll try to monitor what's going on with xorg
during calls
freemangordon might have some idueas
arno11: does it also happen if you don't use sphone btw?
or if the screen is off?
oh good question
pretty sure it happens with screen off but not sure for sphone
let me check
so weird: 2 pulse processes, 20 and 40%. xorg 25
even without sphone
using ofono scripts
Wizzup: i already asked freemangordon about xorg few weeks ago
something is really wrong: creating a loopback using arecord/aplay, PA burns only 10% and xorg 10
Wizzup: the main question is why things are working differently with calls since the last kernel update ? or maybe PA reacts differently when we use UCM files ?
arno11: I don't think pulseaudio and x really interact
interesting though @ 25%
i think so
anyway we have few remaining troubles but 2g calls quality is really good now
what did you change?
when you say sync troubles with other apps, do you mean when other applications are playing sound?
just if apps burn cpu
not necessary playing sound
oh didn't see your question about changes
few lines in PA daemon.conf again, one sleep in cmtspeech_ofono_test and fragsize/tlength set to 256 !
this way 2g calls work well and no inpact on 3g calls
in pulse.c
hm, ok
can you share a diff or git patch against something?
sorry guys, I am very short on spare time recently :(
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uvos: yo yo
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uvos: so I hope to make some time for the d3 and razr soon
I'll be in the US for three weeks where I can't really use the d4
Wizzup: okay
us razr wont work either
eu razr will
because of the spi modem?
uvos: yeah, but I will probably need some guidance from you :D
I might have this one sent to the office because I think I mostly have xt912's even though they were called xt910's
well for d3 dumping emif regs would be usfull
the same is usefull for the crtc controller on xt91x
okay, so this requires flashing a certain android version, rooting it, and then running a certain tool?
right, the razr had some display update issues right?
(I'm asking now so then I'll update the github issues)
display roles around
like a tv out of hsync
I see
I don't remember, did I send a droid 3 to both you and tmlind ?