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<maxwelld> recently i charge d4 a lot, overcharge it, and i noticed it survives load with dino better, and longer. formerly with same 100% charge it would maybe survive three hours running dino, but now 6 or 8.
<buZz> 'dino' ?
<buZz> oh, this? https://dino.im/
<buZz> but why? doesnt leste have its own XMPP integration already?
<Wizzup> not proper enough yet
<buZz> ah ok
<bencoh> uh, I didn't expect to see vala code
<Wizzup> dino is a mess unfortunately, although I do use it on my laptop
<Wizzup> calls hardly work, the UI is all weird, it uses a lot of ram and regularly crashes
<Wizzup> it's kind of weird
<eloy> maybe it's a known issue but the latest status link in the IRC topic refers to a 2020 update
<buZz> i guess
<buZz> tbf the topic was also editted last in may 2021 :P
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<maxwelld> yeah, i was also using mcabber, and integrated it with vibration, implemented by fmg. later my sdcard died. and i had to replace and lost many things. and on a new system vibration stopped working. i was updating the old system every couple of days and it seemd to work. so i wonder what happened. i guess i did not add some package.
<Wizzup> eloy: oh, oops
<maxwelld> but still, the battery seems to have a better shape since i keep it charged most of the time of day.
<maxwelld> i don't know why, because usually it is a way to kill a battery to keep the phone on charge always.
<maxwelld> well maybe wizzups kernel patch which prevents d4 to charge fully is a reason. i don't know.
<maxwelld> dino on chimaera is not good, but it becomes better and better on gentoo. 0.4.2 here.
<maxwelld> i am chatting in irc, btw, via dino and my irc gw.
<maxwelld> with this nick
<maxwelld> with other nick i am in pidgin.
<maxwelld> well dino is heavy. and i prefer multi window interfaces like in psi or pidgin.
<maxwelld> and dino is heavy on my intel desktop too. probably that's because of gtk4 or vala, no idea.
<maxwelld> when i switch workspaces it redraws itself slowly.
<maxwelld> but it supports omemo so i can chat with my friends who use android/ios and i can get their omemo encrypted messages.
<maxwelld> and omemo is enabled by default today in de facto standard android/ios messengers.
<maxwelld> and i don't want to tell them to open the lock
<maxwelld> because they don't undertsand why i am doing this - telling to use jabber because it is secure, and then asking them to unsecure it.
<maxwelld> so i just use dino.
<maxwelld> so that also means that maemo conversations should have omemo integration.
<buZz> would be great :)
<Wizzup> my kernel patch to prevent d4 from charging fully? I don't know what you mean
<buZz> maybe the kernel mod pavel made to stop charging at 100% ?
<bencoh> charging at 4.2V vs 4.3V maybe
<Wizzup> could be, but it's probably not my patch :)
<buZz> :)
<buZz> git blame Wizzup *
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