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i looked at our xkb-data fork, thank you. i grepped pine and pinephone in the files, also in git log. nothing about pine or pinephone.
i guess xkb-data is not what we want. but i found pinephone related layouts in xkeyboard-config, so i guess that's what we need to fork.
interesting that i found 2 commits for xkeyboard config with i think the same data:
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maxwelld: xkb-data == xkeyboard-config ... debian names it that way
maxwelld: my suggestion would be
get latest xkeyboard-config from git, see if it builds fine under Leste/chimaera, then submit a pull request to maemo-leste-upstream-forks.
if you've tested it working on pp, and it doesn't break other devices (i think it won't), I'm sure Wizzup will happily merge it
yeah, and otherwise file an issue and I'll see if I can make a new release
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i was not able to build xkb-data when replaced all files except debian directory. it failed on patching readme.
then i tried to only replace symbols and rules directories only - also failed.
i will install the generated .deb and try now.
well, replacing these 3 files and rebuilding the package didn't help me. kbd works like before.
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