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<freemangordon> hmm:
<freemangordon> chromium_flags.append(" --enable-oop-rasterization --enable-gpu-rasterization --enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers --use-gl=desktop");
<freemangordon> why is that needed at all?
<freemangordon> ah, I see
<freemangordon> ok, seems GPU is used, also, I don;t see much difference compared with qtwebbrowser
<freemangordon> there is an issue with user agent though - YT refuse to open (browser too old)
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<maxwelld> i installed vulture-browser from ham, and it looks like the package does not contain proper maemo icon..
<maxwelld> ah i see your discussion
<maxwelld> maemish_, here i think it is written in details about packaging and icon too.
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<le0nklcpp> freemangordon: user agent will be updated in new version, on hardware acceleration: these options also do something, at least font atifacts appear :)
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<Wizzup_> le0nklcpp: font artifacts means it's gpu rendered currently unfortunately :p
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<freemangordon> le0nklcpp: what options?
<freemangordon> what do you set for QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS?
<le0nklcpp> only these --enable-oop-rasterization --enable-gpu-rasterization --enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers --use-gl=desktop, also added option to change it to egl, and it needs to be enabled manually
<le0nklcpp> by default it is not applied
<freemangordon> are you sure it is 'gles'?
<freemangordon> and not gles2?
<freemangordon> also, I think it shall use HW accel by default
<freemangordon> hmm, it seems to be gles
<freemangordon> or not?
<freemangordon> le0nklcpp: QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS="--enable-logging --log-level=0 -v=1" /usr/bin/falkon
<freemangordon> you can play from the shell, instead of recompile to test
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<arno11> Wizzup_: sicelo: now i'm able to use stock asound.state.leste with calls. Sound and mixing work great :)
<arno11> able to use jack headphone
<arno11> only earphone is still not working
<arno11> probably a tricky mixer setting needed
<arno11> if we find the trick we are ready for UCM
<Wizzup_> great!!!
<Wizzup_> are you asking in general about earphone (earpiece) audio output?
<Wizzup_> on n900
<Wizzup_> or call specific
<le0nklcpp> freemangordon: GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil_supported
<arno11> Wizzup: i'm asking in general. i found no way to get sound with earpeace
<Wizzup_> ok, so if I can make music play on earpiece, that is helpful?
<arno11> yes sure :)
<Wizzup_> I have that somewhere for 7-8 years ago when I ran gentoo on my n900 I think
<Wizzup_> from 7-8*
<arno11> oh nice !
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<arno11> Wizzup_: i've to go ttyl
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<freemangordon> le0nklcpp: I think it uses GPU by default
<freemangordon> I see no difference between qtwebbrowser and falcon when opening a pretty heavy news site
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<le0nklcpp> fremangordon: I guess you are running it not on N900?
<freemangordon> on d4
<freemangordon> but it should be the same
<freemangordon> both use the same GPU driver stack
<freemangordon> and same kernel
<freemangordon> sgx530 vs sgx540 (iirc)
<le0nklcpp> that's right, but on N900 it uses SWAP, that's an issue
<freemangordon> well, I don;t think we have any chance running any modern browser on n900 given the state websites are nowadays
<bencoh> true
<buZz> they run though :D
<buZz> just, slowly
<le0nklcpp> it is still possible with enough patience and if it is really needed
<buZz> <- this browser is so cool
<buZz> chromium modded to get textmode output only
<le0nklcpp> sounds interesting, why I never heard of it
<bencoh> hmm, I'll have to give it a look
<sicelo> i think N900 users have accepted that browsing is now no-go
<sicelo> still a lot of other fun uses besides browsing though
<buZz> le0nklcpp: its pretty new
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<le0nklcpp> buZz: it is also html2svg to convert web pages after rendering through electron, not what I expected, still nice
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<buZz> le0nklcpp: thats a different browser, but indeed related
<buZz> there's no electron involved in carbonyl
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<le0nklcpp> with adblock disabled falkon seems to act better on N900
<bencoh> is it really usable?
<dsc_> im still working on my browser
<dsc_> it will be a simple one, for example no tabs
<dsc_> but hope I can hack password managemnt into it
<dsc_> if it doesnt take an unreasonable amount of time, that is
<le0nklcpp> it does, couple of minutes on wikipedia page
<le0nklcpp> The more choice the better
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<buZz> le0nklcpp: how are the touch controls of falkon?
<buZz> oh n900 so no multitouch i guess
<le0nklcpp> browser scrolling works fine, context menu, right click simulation and other gestures soon
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<maemish_> On telegram one new member of maemo forum have started to be really active with symbian users group but also with linux on mobile group. He knows how things work and is very helpful there but there are lots of people who are buying N900s and some are not familiar with everything how things work. So more detailed instructions could be helpfull if more people are gonna try Leste.
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<Wizzup_> maemish: hm, which telegram is this
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