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<freemangordon> Wizzup: hope you will have some time soon to look at xdg qpa
<freemangordon> I hit another issue - smplayer opens second window to play the video in
<freemangordon> hmm, maybe it is some smplayer issue
<freemangordon> if I choose x11 output driver it is ok
<freemangordon> in VM that is
<Wizzup> hm, what do you mean xdh qpa?
<Wizzup> xdg*
<Wizzup> the window stacking?
<buZz> Wizzup: do you remember the 'fullscreen SDL isnt in center of screen' ? i installed scummvm on the latest image tarball and its offcenter again
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<dsc_> buZz: it does look in center for me
<buZz> on droid4. obviously
<dsc_> what, you dont play games in the VM?
<dsc_> :>
<buZz> i dont mess with VM at all
<buZz> its a old bug, but i believe its been fixed many times already
<buZz> so it was suprising to see it reappear, not sure if i did something wrong
<maxwelld> btw vm works very slowly on arm. unusable. it would be great to have an arm vm.
<maxwelld> i tried to make 2 of my friends to work on maemo but they had arm macbooks and vm was very slow for them.
<bencoh> maybe (probably) because it's fully emulated I would say
<maxwelld> yes, of course.
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<dsc_> what do people use for weather forecast on leste?
<dsc_> i want to write a GUI on top of the open meteo API
<dsc_> unless there is already a weather app
<bencoh> we had a few decent meteo apps on fremantle, in case you wanna have a look. I used for some time
<dsc_> cool
<dsc_> I think I can make something relatively fast... few days of work
<dsc_> its just querying an API and displaying some info really
<dsc_> but making it a bit nice with QML
<buZz> anything with desktop widgets plz :)
<bencoh> :)
<dsc_> ah 'widgets'
<buZz> bonuspoints if it includes radar animations
<buZz> ^_^
<dsc_> so these widgets would show where the battery is now?
<dsc_> what is a desktop widget on leste?
<dsc_> AFAIK. OMWeather seems to be a widget
<bencoh> O
<bencoh> OMWeather has both - a standalone app and an optional widget
<bencoh> desktop widgets are widgets displayed on desktop
<dsc_> ok :)
<bencoh> as for how they are implemented, iirc it's a loadable hildon-home(?) plugin
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<uvos__> yeah unfortionatly they are loaded as plugins
<uvos__> which made sense at the time with the n900 ram constrains in mind
<uvos__> but is pretty painfull now imo
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<freemangordon> uvos__: widget can be application as well
<uvos__> oh TIL
<uvos__> great
<freemangordon> TIL?
<uvos__> today i learned (soemthing)
<freemangordon> ah :)
<freemangordon> not sure it can be qt application though :)
<dsc_> was just about to ask ^^
<freemangordon> well, some XEmbed thing should work
<freemangordon> but still, you cannot avoid C code
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: pressing open button in smplayer:
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: looks great :)
<freemangordon> :)
<bencoh> neat :)
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<Wizzup> maxwelld: re: arm vm, so some generic arm64 vm with display?
<maxwelld> yeah i guess
<maxwelld> that should work on apple silicon.
<maxwelld> natively.
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<Wizzup> arno11: let's try to see if we can get most of your work integrated in leste soon? :)
<arno11> yep :)
<arno11> Wizzup: call stuff is not perfect but i think we can easily integrate it even with no ucm (using a fixed asound state temporarily)
<Wizzup> oh, right, the ucm...
<arno11> yes that's the main issue
<arno11> i tested lot of different configs and tbh modifying the asound state should do the trick for the moment with no real troubles
<Wizzup> did you manage to make asound state dumps from different configs/states
<arno11> i spent lot of time dealing with audio sync (incoming bug) and forgot to capture fremantle states...
<Wizzup> if we can get those dumps I can try to look at UCM
<Wizzup> maybe we need to dedicate some time to it, I think I should write the news post first though
<arno11> ok i'll try this week
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<arno11> Wizzup: once i've got dumps i'll send them to your mailbox
<Wizzup> great
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