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Hello guys! I'm testing latest Maemo Leste for Nokia N900, it's awesome
A bit slow, but after overclocking it's usable. Great that you added dialer and conversations apps
Is there any screenshot app & can you recommend any usable web browser?
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calls will also work some time soon :)
not really @ web browser, maye sicelo has some ideas
no recommendations on browser - after all, there's too many variables involved with that, the major one being the sites themselves (heavy)
wunderwungiel: nice to see you here btw :-)
screenshot - i believe the standard maemo way of Ctrl + Shift + X already works? if not, might be just a small modification needed somewhere... i forgot what
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screenshot? Would be Ctrl Shift P saving to $HOME/MyDocs/.images/Screenshots, if same as Fremantle.
ah, yes, P, not X
X would be terminal on maemo.
Ah, so thanks
Didn't think about that :)
freemangordon: yeah looks like it is sparqc
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not something I know
Wizzup: maybe you should revert all the places you added QScroller to
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hey, so for conversations I made a QML (QtQuick) frontend
what is giving me trouble is the blending of Qt and rtcom on the backend
because rtcom is a glib C library and Qt is C++ this is a bit awkward
so, rtcom is used to interact with the sqlite database (el-v1.db) that contains our text messages
which means that if I want to make a specific SQL query (to get (group)messages), that is actually quite complicated
in some cases modifications to rtcom is needed to facilitate the creation of specific SQL queries
meanwhile, Qt has a very capable SQL library that can interface with sqlite databases and I would argue that is, at least for now, the pragmatic way to make some advancements over at conversations
kind of the same situation over at OMP, where it uses mafw, meanwhile I could have made a Qt based media player ... in like a week ;)
(but I do recognize that rtcom, or mafw have certain specific qualities)
could we maybe list all those 'default maemo shortcuts' on a wikipage? like ctrl-shift-P
anyway, I am kind of 'dissatisfied' with the speed of development for conversations due to the hard requirement to use these libraries (like rtcom)
hmhm, and rtcom not being adopted much by stuff like sphone
it is good to note I am speaking from a Qt GUI developer perspective and *not* a C systems engineer perspective. So, as a C developer, rtcom might be great, I am just used to operate in the 'Qt realm' so-to-speak.
the alternative I am proposing is to use Qt functionality (like their built-in sqlite adapter) in favor of me making progress
dsc_: just to let you know - the issue with OMP showing white window had nothing to do with mafw - it was buggy maemo style plugin
I don;t know how to tell it to open a video file :)
but regarding conversations, the scope is:
- chat application with Qt (QML)
- multiple protocols
- rtcom as db backend
in the "normal world" this project would require different expertises
I constantly hit obstacles, specifically in the telepathy/rtcom parts
this is problematic because 1) the C wizards cannot handhold 24/7 2) mixing glib with Qt is akward by definition 3) the scope is so large I cannot tell when conversations will be finished because it will become very complex (inherent to multi-protocol chat applications)
I fear Qt development is very much a different world than Maemo's GTK-based stuff
to offer some solutions/alternatives (and not just complain):
- possibly dail back the scope
- possibly dail back the hard requirement on rtcom
- someone dedicates their time to work *with me* so I can focus on more of the GUI/frontend parts of conversations (and someone else the backend)
I think it is standard to have someone work on frontend, and someone doing backend.. as knowing QML is totally different from figuring out some 15yo Nokia library
and of course we can also conclude I am not suited for the task, at which point someone else can takeover
anyway, thats my thoughts on current situation with conversations, bbl
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freemangordon: did you add the qscroller insert to the style?
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dsc_: let's talk tomorrow
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Wizzup: I am not sure auto adding QScroller to QGraphicsView is a good idea
where did I do this?
you don;t
I did, in style plugin
QGraphicsView is child of QAbstractScrollArea
and as a such it gets a kinetic scroll in maemo style plugin
the issue is with album art in omp
TBH it looks like a bug in OMP
because scrollbars are not disabled
I guess it behaved differently in qt4
anyway, will see what I can do to fix in OMP
nokia had many hacks in qt4
looks like they exercised their freedoms extensively, given they owned qt by then ;-)
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maybe conversations could just be a sphone ui modlue, then it would not have to worry about any backend stuff, and scope would be quite limited at first - to the stuff sphone supports
recent qt style changes have broken at least smplayer btw