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<buZz> lol not sure whats up with my d4 install :) percentage of battery never seems to reappear on full charges, and now 2G wont work anymore yet it does get a IP
<buZz> time for a reinstall i guess
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<sicelo> does it get a gateway address
<sicelo> can you reach/ping that gateway?
<buZz> i get a gw , i cant ping it (or anything else)
<buZz> on wifi it works like normal
<buZz> no clue whats up, but my install is pretty iffy it seems, i'll reinstall the SD from a fresh image soonish
<sicelo> you may need to do something like `ip route del default via <your gw> && ip route add default dev wwanX`
<buZz> oh i can try
<buZz> alas, no improvement
<sicelo> hehe
<sicelo> oh well
<sicelo> you're sure you have credit in the sim
<buZz> yeah i only used 115MB of the 1000MB credit yet
<buZz> typically when it runs out i wont even get a ip
<sicelo> oh, interesting
<sicelo> operators that I've seen do provide an ip regardless of remaining data plan. they may forward you to a page that advises you of this fact
<bencoh> I've seen the same as well
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<aczid> buZz: have also noticed my battery never gets to 100% on d4
<Wizzup> there's some stuff we need to fix there for sure :)
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<sicelo> Wizzup: i will be uploading fixed maeotp for chimaera soon. please remind me - current version in debian/changelog is 0.2.4-1, and i was thinking to change to 0.2.4-2.
<sicelo> question is: what will i name the git tag? or leave it at 0.2.4?
<Wizzup> What is the nature of the fixes?
<sicelo> just the extern stuff, similar to what you had to do for icd2
<sicelo> and i previously had some bad formatting in debian/changelog
<Wizzup> if the source changed, or you added patch to src, new tag
<Wizzup> if it's just a rebuild with different cflags or something, you don't need to make a new tag
<sicelo> so yes, sounds like i need new tag. what do i name it? :-)
<sicelo> or it's time to bump version to 0.2.5?
<Wizzup> yes, that's what I meant with new tag
<Wizzup> if you are upstream, this is np, right?
<Wizzup> if not, you could make
<sicelo> ok cool. i've already shutdown the vm ... i'll upload tomorrow morning
<sicelo> and it's nice that the vm has most tools already provided (git, etc.)
<Wizzup> :)
<Wizzup> I gave a talk today at CORS/CLUC in Zagreb btw
<Wizzup> BlagovestPetrov[ is also here, we have a stand with maemo devices
<buZz> cool!
<sicelo> sweet. any videos we can watch?
<Wizzup> not yet, probably will take a while
<Wizzup> it's nothing new for anyone who reads irc though :)
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