did as it was said until update - got again `unable to fetch ... - hash mismatch`
maybe because of date?
I don't think so, but yeah. I wonder if something is up with the vbox networking
datetime is up to date
but it pings
ohh. just done update
again hashes mismatch
run upgrade with --fix-missing
in parallel, on my actual device recompilinbg kivy from source with KIVY_..._PLATFORM set to 'rpi'
(it failed previous time, as on the forume is said, that it is known failure for 32 bit armv7 a8) . In hope to at least achieve same point, where i did fail prev time
did someone tried by modifying device tree, to be set to more than 600 mhz - to overclock CPU?
I missed why you're compiling kivi, it is not in repos, or?
after installing it from repos, it still complain, that it is not compiled.
on official website - it is advised to install it via downloadable script
which downloads all dependencies, build them, and on top of them - installs kivy.
what did you install from the repo and what complains?
maemo leste is just debian/devuan
so whatever works there should work on maemo leste
and mostly vice versa :)
it did not work.
also kivy heavily rely on opengl, sdl, cpython
to run as native gui speed
i just wanted to get some experience in writing kivy. It is not interesting to write regular apps onto my regular pc. It seems for me more interesting write, and run on n900 directly - it might help me get more experience in writing guis for embedding systems
i guess, there is the ton of similarity with kivy for rpi (raspberry pi zero i guess)
(it did not work.) - at least i have tried on previous leste distributive.
After switch to new distributive, regular apt-get intall python3-kivy python-kivy-examples - did not help
also creating venv - to install kivy lib directly there, also did not help
i guess that was segmentation fault, while running hello world app on installed kivy library (during initialization kivy)
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Now it donwloads all dependencies for SDL2_image, on which i got fail for previous time
boshtannik: you will *not* get opengl on N900
no matter what you do
also, there is no point to compile libs that will remain on your devices only if you plan to make application to be used for everyone
later on I will install kivy and examples on my d4, to see what does not work
Ohhh. I would be very glad.
there is the gl shim I guess, but yeah
I try now to find documentation about kivy, supportable window backends to draw graphics.
It was pygame, butnow i guess it is deprecated.
then it was sdl2, egl, or opengl i do not remember
it was possible by set KIVY_WINDOW=SDL2 python3 main.py or whatever, during app start
on my virtualbox machine 'sudo apt-get upgrade --fix-missing' thrown "Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg received a segmentation fault" So i'am not able to install kivy on it.
why kivy btw? you could use qt with python
and yes, n900 can be overclocked on linux mainline
because of the license
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kivy lets develop for free, even raise money with it. The company which i was working in, had troubles with qt, because of the specific license, because of use QT for c++ in embedded device.
so yes, license.
and because, i assume, it can run kivy