norayr: (last offtopic msg) apparently there is #fpc-alt and the fpc folks do not advertise #fpc anymore on the website because of this person
arno11: btw you can read tech mode (2g/3g/etc) from ofono
(in case we want to switch audio delay based on network)
what if technology is being switched while in a call?
then we have to adjust call latency
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freemangordon: Wizzup: switching tech on the fly seems to not affect cmtspeech so probably possible during a call. have to check
Wizzup: good idea but i think that's a hard task to implement
(for audio delay based on network)
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i think Wizzup meant switching your delay parameters, not the tech
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sicelo: i understand :)
but switching delay parameters is not easy
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Wizzup: ok so for fmg question switching tech during a call close the connection
can't we change the latency params at runtime?
arno11: you do that through ofono?
freemangordon: yes
my point was - what if modem do that
afaik it can fallback 3G->2G
then ofono will know
and will indicate this
ah ok
so I was not at all suggesting we tell ofono to switch tech
all I said was
let's change PA latency params if ofono informs us the modem switched tech
maybe more clear now :D
lol yes very clear
maybe my question was not clear
that's just 2 different scenari
i think it should work if the modem do that
Wizzup: definitely really complicated to change PA latency during runtime
sorry guys. kids time so that's complicated to talk lol
back in few hours
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Wizzup: do we have a replacement for QAbstractKineticScroller?
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QScroller it seems
yes, QScroller
and it kind of needs to be added just about everywhere
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Wizzup: weird thing but cool: as previously discussed i'm now using 44100hz with resampling (soxr hq) and the weird incoming bug almost disappeard...
with no ofono audiosettings/voicacall modifications
it means PA does a lot of things dynamically (not a surprise) and resampling method has a huge inpact on how PA reacts with cmtspeech (half a surprise)
anyway it seems stable
cool, but the incoming call bug you also has fixed with better ofono interaction right?
yes indeed but once the issue solved a new issue appeard...lol
using soxr
once removing ofono fix everything is fine
so weird
the new issue was recording starting to late...
so IMO cmtspeech with very few modif is enough
my explaination is unclear: in fact the 15 sec bug was due to wrong resampling (undirectly) so the root cause was not cmtspeech code
Wizzup: have OMP compiled here :)
my ofono fix works with no/different resampling method and causes other troubles i didn't notice
not that it works though
we will need mafw-tracker-source
freemangordon: yes, and that needs porting to new tracker iface I think
arno11: ok
also great @ compiled,
but I will first try to make it work with iradio source
I used
I got to that point long time ago but ui was white, at least where lists where
then I thought it was not working
rigth, the issue with style plugin
but maybe it was just empty list
Wizzup: used 'porting' branch, is that ok?