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<freemangordon> Wizzup: how do you think, in this query:
<freemangordon> tracker sparql -q "SELECT * {?album a nmm:MusicAlbum; nie:title ?title}"
<freemangordon> is there a way to *not* select ?album ?
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: to select everything but album?
<freemangordon> Wizzup: no, to select title but not the album itself
<freemangordon> ?album is a column
<freemangordon> sec
<freemangordon> user@devuan:~/MyDocs/.videos$ tracker sparql -q "SELECT * {?album a nmm:MusicAlbum; nie:title ?title}"
<freemangordon> Results:
<freemangordon> Album%203, Album 3
<freemangordon> ,
<freemangordon> Album%20V2, Album V2
<freemangordon> Album%204, Album 4
<freemangordon> Album%202, Album 2
<freemangordon> Some%20Album, Some Album
<freemangordon> see ^^^
<freemangordon> so, I want to select nie:title property only
<freemangordon> sure, I can do: tracker sparql -q "SELECT ?title {?album a nmm:MusicAlbum; nie:title ?title}"
<Wizzup> hm, ok, for this I would have to dive a bit more into sparql
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<uvos> dsc_: some feedback on the weather app
<uvos> its great, but:
<uvos> 1. would be cool if it worked in portrait, atm there is lots of text overlap
<uvos> 2. maybe its just my theme but the "Grey" text is too low contrast to see outdoors.
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<dsc_> uvos: its not just the weather app, now we also have The Weather Device (c)(tm) https://cdn.kroket.io/~sander/pic/photo1685017809.jpeg
<dsc_> :P
<dsc_> regarding orientation; I need to figure out how to make hildon+qt do that
<dsc_> regarding contrast: was this d4 or n900?
<dsc_> could you show an example of overlapping text?
<uvos> dsc_: d4, its the grey on grey text like the date, outside i find this hard to read
<boshtannik> "boshtannik: https://space.nurdspace.nl/~buzz/maemo/batmon.py" - pretty nice code
<uvos> its not my theme as your device shows the same thing, the portrait mode is just a flag you set on the window see https://github.com/maemo-leste/osso-calculator/blob/2cf4e653f5942192e1bd8748f835e25352d3b749/osso-calculator-ui.cpp#L147
<uvos> dsc_: overlaping text occures if you force portrait
<uvos> on d4
<dsc_> will probably have to leave out some text on portrait
<dsc_> as well as the graph
<uvos> or rearange the layout
<uvos> the the problem is the current temperature get clobberd with the date and city
<uvos> those could just be benath eatch other below a certain horizontal window size
<uvos> anyhow
<dsc_> its a bit challenging as it is QML
<uvos> ok
<dsc_> so this weather app I made in exactly a week which is really tight
<uvos> its great, dont get me wrong :)
<dsc_> its good to get feedback after 'the first round', which is now :)
<uvos> where do you get network location from?
<uvos> qlocation?
<dsc_> its just ipv4 lookup @ API
<dsc_> it returns lat/lon
<uvos> ok
<dsc_> but GPS would also be nice in the future ;)
<uvos> yeah would be cool if we got liblocation working with geoclue backends
<uvos> gps is really overkill imo
<dsc_> hehe
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<dsc_> i am working on a browser currently where I also need to support portrait
<dsc_> so I will take my learnings from that to weather app later
<dsc_> (the browser will not be QML btw)
<dsc_> uvos: contrast of text, so just make city/country 'white' ?
<dsc_> and the others
<dsc_> except for the text in the graph
<dsc_> It could be a settings option 'high contrast colors'
<dsc_> ... that is enabled by default ;)
<uvos> maybe, or lower the brightness of the bg, or up the text brightness (but not to white)
<uvos> maybe make the text thats white now bold or something that it still stands out?
<dsc_> right
<Wizzup> uvos: does qml honour the themes at all?
<Wizzup> I am not sure if it does
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<uvos> Wizzup: pure qml dose not
<uvos> but stock controls like qtquick1 did, no idea with modern stuff
<dsc_> its usually a custom implementation where you measure the color palette on the C++ side (adopted from the desktop) and then forward it to QML
<dsc_> KDE decided to implement their own components in QML so it matches their desktop, it is called Kirigami; https://develop.kde.org/frameworks/kirigami//
<Wizzup> uvos: btw https://bpa.st/MUF2O - this is hostapd on d4
<Wizzup> I am trying to figure out if the problem is in the mgmt frame stuff or the p2p stuff
<uvos> Wizzup: no idea why that would be, it did work in the (now distant) past
<uvos> like 5.9 or somth.
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<Wizzup> uvos: not sure if it is kernel or hostapd
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<dsc_> having too much fun with this thing :D https://cdn.kroket.io/~sander/vid/zfbgeypp2.mp4
<dsc_> nice to have on the cabinet in the livingroom
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<uvos> Wizzup: well it was not working in recent beowulf, where presumably the hostapd was stattic since 5.9 era
<uvos> Wizzup: so i would suspect the kernel
<uvos> dsc_: you know what would also be cool, but only if really easy:
<uvos> if you could switch days by swiping the graph
<uvos> hildon-home style
<Wizzup> uvos: ah, I did not know that
<Wizzup> uvos: +1 I tried that too
<dsc_> you both tried to swipe the graph?
<Wizzup> dsc_: yes
<dsc_> ok ill forward this to the UX designer
<dsc_> the non existent UX designer, AKA myself :P
<dsc_> ill look at weatherapp after finishing "The Browser(c)(tm)"
<dsc_> regarding the browser Wizzup
<dsc_> Qt's webengineview does not provide functionality regarding password management
<Wizzup> it looked like this vulture browser removed it from the kde one
<dsc_> from C++ we have access to the javascript browser runtime
<dsc_> so one could in theory create all kinds of logic related to the detection of login screens
<dsc_> ... but thats custom
<dsc_> extensions not possible; https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-51185
<Wizzup> https://github.com/maemo-leste-extras/vulture-browser says it has built in ad block
<Wizzup> I guess that's not with an extension then
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