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Okay. I am tired of trying to get Eclipse to work on Windows 11. So I want to try to get it to run in Linux on Windows. So I see I can import any distro: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/use-custom-distro How do I find .tar for Maemo Leste 7?
I reckon, if Maemo Leste can run Git, Java and Python, then it can run Eclipse?
why not just use plain debian/debian? why Leste?
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leste better left on mobile, i dont see why you would run leste on a desktop
the UI was never designed for desktop in the first place
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I have a weird issue where my QEMU maemo VM is not registering mouse clicks correctly, as if there is some sort of mouse offset
Ah, my Ubuntu is set to 200% scale (increased DPI), this is causing this behavior in QEMU
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i heard someone that tried leste on a pinephone, and was disappointed at the scale of the UI
and lack of options to make it bigger
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qemu input not scaleing is unrelated to leste
but yeah leste being gtk2 and gtk2 not scaleing disqualifies leste on any modern device really
i find xt1602 plenty usable however @720p, 300DPI
but higer than 300 DPI i would not go
yes its a qemu (or ubuntu) issue
or nvidia driver issue, I had so many bugs lately..
uvos__: maybe we can add a x2 scaling mode without much effort
i mean, not scaling, just doing 'everything x2'
ok i guess thats still scaling
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not really
yes we can have xorg scale everythin 2x
but this simply means loosing 3/4 of the effective resolution
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uvos__: i ment more like making the theme x2 bigger
titlebars etc
sure you can do what android did <android 3.0 and have installable pixmaps for eatch dpi
lots of work however
might be better to port / rewrite in gtk3
well gtk2 is ded i guess
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Wizzup: sicelo: n900 phone calls update: 2G/3G/HSDPA calls are all working both ways but the tricky thing is latency/buffering not working the same way in 2G mode: the latency is so slow that i need to find a way to increase it (to avoid upload distortion, download is fine)...after spent hours to find a solution to decrease it for 3G lol
another small issue is recording not starting always at the right moment when you receive a call.
that's tricky and i'll probably need help i think. (this default is not specific to leste)
I'll send an email to leste ml with all stuff i found soon.
anyway i'm using calls on n900 daily and with average latency/buffering (not perfect) it works at 80-90% compare to my andro phone
freemangordon: if you find a solution to improve 3D accel on n900, you will be a hero :)
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arno11: great, thank you for the update
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