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<Wizzup> freemangordon: do you think it'll be a lot of work? mafw-gst-renderer?
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<freemangordon> no idea
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<arno11> Wizzup: combining your n900-pm script (with off-mode blocked) + cpufreq conservative + overclock 250-850MHz + modem ON + hsdpa ON and connected, I get 44mA/165mW idle ! (battery 1337mA / 30 hours idle)
<arno11> and for calls, it wasn't working anymore after Sunday's upgrade...now it's repaired and i have a simple process to test on a fresh install before we send stuff to Pavel
<arno11> it still works only in one way
<arno11> but no crash or weird things
<arno11> and sound is good
<Wizzup> ok, please mail any instructions :D
<arno11> ok
<Wizzup> and great @ pm
<Wizzup> that's probably the serial idle?
<arno11> the serial idle ?
<Wizzup> the effect of the pm script is just to idle the serials
<arno11> ah yes ok
<Wizzup> n900 has a serial port
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<dsc_> I looked a bit at porting `mafw-gst-renderer` and its quite a bit of work I think
<dsc_> for one it depends on "libhal" https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/archived-projects/hal/hal
<dsc_> which in turn depends on an older version of glib
<freemangordon> libhal is replaced with udev
<freemangordon> afaik
<dsc_> exactly
<freemangordon> but it udev should provide the same functionlaity
<freemangordon> or similar
<dsc_> sure, its not the end of the world in terms of implementation, but I was seeing if I could port `mafw-gst-renderer` myself
<freemangordon> ah
<dsc_> but this libhal->udev might be too much for me
<dsc_> ;')
<freemangordon> what exactly does it need from libhal?
<dsc_> well
<freemangordon> anyway
<dsc_> I think libhal is used to signal if the "tv output" is connected/disconnected
<freemangordon> oh
<dsc_> so, the screen basically
<freemangordon> well... that's something we shaould reconsider
<freemangordon> *should
<freemangordon> like, what behaviour do we want
<freemangordon> ok, so...
<dsc_> brb supermarket
<freemangordon> lemme do mce input-ctrl module firs (whatever it is)
<freemangordon> and then I'll try to port that
<freemangordon> brb
<Wizzup> I think we can stub that signal for now, we just need it in some working state to test OMP
<Wizzup> dsc is working on OMP atm
<freemangordon> right
<Wizzup> even maybe just copying a db from fremantle could work
<Wizzup> well, I guess not, for the renderer
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<dsc_> freemangordon: some info I guess: https://github.com/maemo-leste/mafw-gst-renderer/issues/1
<Wizzup> gst 0.10 -> 1.0 is a little annoying, depending on what is used
<Wizzup> both fmg, uvos and I have done the ports before
<Wizzup> there is also gnome vfs -> gio porting
<Wizzup> but as I understand it, this is just one piece, right?
<Wizzup> this isn't actually the db indexing
<dsc_> i got the impression that db stuff is done by libmafw
<dsc_> in OMP, the `player/mafw` directory provides a Qt wrapper around libmafw
<dsc_> actual playlist management/logic is in libmafw
<Wizzup> right, but there is also a daemon that searches the fs for music files and adds them automatically
<Wizzup> and I am not sure what does this
<dsc_> am sure that after fixing the renderer we'll have other OMP portings to do, for example I have not verified that the QML stuff works (OMP has some QML bits)
<dsc_> but at least now its ported to CMake and we know that the renderer is broken
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<Wizzup> right
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<Wizzup> arno11: thanks for the mail, mind sending it to the ml too?
<Wizzup> dsc_: for some reason I thought the qml bits were what was causing the white screen
<Wizzup> but now I guess I realised it's just an empty list?
<Wizzup> or is even the playling mafw gst, and not qml/qt?
<Wizzup> playlist*
<arno11> Wizzup: sure, but maybe we should try the process on a quiet 'fresh clean install' first
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<arno11> anyway it doesn't matter
<Wizzup> I mean, in general having to kill PA is not ideal, but it's a starting point
<Wizzup> I think I was able to also get the same call audio that you do, without killing PA
<Wizzup> but not both sides
<arno11> yes i was able too but it was really unstable
<arno11> and now it doesn't work anymore on my device
<arno11> sound is greater with alsa and better in cpu usage
<arno11> but probably impossible with just alsa to get sound both sides
<arno11> dealing with pa is essential
<arno11> pulseaudio-module-cmtspeech is maybe/probably the key ?
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<dsc_> Wizzup: (afaik) the screen is white because there is no mafw *renderer*
<dsc_> as in, it tries to render things but there is no renderer :P
<dsc_> I think the db/playlist comes in later, and yes playlist is part of mafw
<dsc_> well, it may not immediately try to render things per-se, but it does try to setup a "rendering context" upon constructing the video or music view
<dsc_> this is what is making it white
<Wizzup> hmm I see
<Wizzup> arno11: well, per the mail from pavel he had some suggestions on what to look at first
<Wizzup> arno11: btw, re: n900 pm, I wonder if we uncomment the off mode line for now but otherwise ship it
<Wizzup> (for serial pm)
<arno11> (for pavel) ok
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<arno11> Wizzup: (for pm) there is still the weird lightning screen using off mode
<arno11> we can ship it
<arno11> i mean, the 4 remaining blockers are weird
<arno11> what are they exactly ? kernel modules ?
<freemangordon> Wizzup: indexi
<freemangordon> part is tracker
<freemangordon> *indexing
<Wizzup> arno11: well, when we don't enable off mode we can still idle serial
<Wizzup> arno11: well, clearly touch screen, as it seems to still use power :P
<Wizzup> (one of them)
<arno11> Wizzup: yes and yes indeed
<arno11> i just have a look on last pavel emails
<arno11> and the question is how enabling full duplex mode on n900
<arno11> i already tried but no succes :(
<arno11> anyway it's late, i'll try to find docs about it tomorrow
<arno11> gn
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<Wizzup> gn
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