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<arno11> Wizzup: i need your help to test something with pulse.c
<arno11> using my pactl tweak pulseaudio is just using the correct 16ms latency request from pulse.c
<arno11> i see it from pactl
<arno11> but the real answer from pa is arround 29ms
<arno11> it can't do better i think
<arno11> that's probably why there is a huge cpu usage
<arno11> i think we should try to set pa_usec_to_bytes to 30ms (30 * 1000)
<arno11> this way i think we will have a real 30ms latency and less cpu power cons
<arno11> just a theory from what i see from pactl output
<arno11> so i think we should try to set pa_usec to 30ms from the stock pulse.c
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<Wizzup> arno11: hi
<Wizzup> arno11: maybe you can modify the source (change 16 * 1000) to (32*1000), or maybe go for 50-100ms first to see if it works at all
<Wizzup> since normally it was 600ms
<arno11> hi
<Wizzup> maybe try 100 * 1000 first for both sink and source
<arno11> indeed maybe 50-100 first
<Wizzup> and if it's still 5s then there's something else wrong
<Wizzup> (maybe what I am doing)
<arno11> makes sense for me
<arno11> so 100 or maybe 64 ?
<Wizzup> I think either is probably fine
<Wizzup> maybe higher is safer as a first step
<Wizzup> (so 100)
<arno11> ok
<Pali> Hello! I played with 0xFFFF again and implemented generating of mmc part layout for fiasco image.... Now it is possible to unpack all parts of Nokia MMC fiasco image and pack it back, and resulting fiasco image is byte exactly same as the original one.
<Pali> All changes are in git now
<Wizzup> cool!
<Pali> unpack via: 0xFFFF -M RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin -u
<Pali> pack back: 0xFFFF -m RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA:mmc:mmc_RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_part1_mydocs@mydocs#mmc_RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_part2%mmc_RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_layout.txt -g
<arno11> Wizzup: could you pls make the change on gh if you have time ?
<Wizzup> arno11: ok, sure
<arno11> :) thx man
<Wizzup> pushed
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<Wizzup> (to latency-test branch)
<arno11> ok :)
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<Wizzup> huh, a local build of maep doesn't crash
<Wizzup> well, with -O0 -ggdb at least
<Wizzup> arg
<Wizzup> ah:
<Wizzup> osm-gps-map-osd-classic.c:817:41: warning: iteration 8 invokes undefined behavior [-Waggressive-loop-optimizations]
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<Wizzup> c
<Wizzup> oops
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<Wizzup> sicelo: can you check for your extras pkgs and see which ones aren't marked yet:
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<arno11> Wizzup: now your changes from yesterday work ;)
<arno11> with 100ms settings
<arno11> but surprisingly pa configured 30ms request
<arno11> and 43ms result
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<arno11> sound is good
<arno11> comparable to my previous tweak
<arno11> and no real diff in latency perception
<arno11> the weird result are probably due tsched and number of fragments
<arno11> i can change that in daemon.conf iirc
<Wizzup> arno11: great!!
<Wizzup> arno11: can you elaborate on the tsched and fragment numbers?
<Wizzup> the pa doc said to leave that unset so that PA can figure it out
<arno11> yes indeed but per default (like 4000hz freq) pulseaudio use 4 fragments and tsched is active iirc
<arno11> let me check
<Wizzup> I think -1 in the case of the source code it just lets PA figure it out
<Wizzup> I don't know what it means in context of daemon conf
<arno11> daemon.conf is on top of all other stuff apparently
<arno11> same s**t than frequencies lol
<Wizzup> hm, does that void the code I wrote, I don't think so, right?
<arno11> i'm wrong that's not in daemon.conf so no risk to void the code
<Wizzup> ok, great
<arno11> yes
<Wizzup> how is the cpu usage?
<arno11> still high
<arno11> and not understanding why
<arno11> 3 or 4 pa process at the same time
<arno11> looking similar
<Wizzup> probably related to rate conversion honestly
<Wizzup> anyway, we can deal with that a bit later I think
<arno11> yes
<Wizzup> do you want to reply on the ml to let pavel and others know that this fixes the latency issue mostly?
<arno11> ok no probs
<arno11> now i think the 2 next things to fix are: the portrait/landscape issue with sphone and the tricky way to start nokia modem with no sphone/ofono crash
<arno11> for nokia modem i think i should find a solution
<Wizzup> sphone can be worked around with a one liner, but I don't think uvos wants it because he thinks we should fix rotation in n900 driver
<Wizzup> which is fair enough
<arno11> indeed
<Wizzup> sphone needs to pick up on modems being added
<Wizzup> though
<Wizzup> and we should ensure ofono on n900 can deal with modems being added ok
<Wizzup> meanwhile I fixed all compile warnings/errors in cloudgps at least
<arno11> cool !!!
<Wizzup> for the sphone modem added bug, I think that is one for uvos
<arno11> ok
<Wizzup> is there still also a bug loading the module?
<Wizzup> on boot say
<arno11> no idea
<arno11> i'll try on next reboot
<l_bratch> Good afternoon, exciting news for N900 voice calls on the mailing list and above! :-) P.S. Is there a working mailing list archive anywhere? The one at gives a 404. Thanks!
<Wizzup> I tried to contact the dyne folks about it and they didn't reply
<Wizzup> let me try again
<l_bratch> thanks very much
<arno11> google "maemo leste" first link ;)
<Wizzup> the archives 404 for me
<Wizzup> what link do you have arno11 ?
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<Wizzup> yeah, weird
<Wizzup> it's just one of them that 404s
<arno11> otherwise 404 error too
<l_bratch> Ah, I didn't know about that one, yes that works thank you. The scary new world of a non-pipermail archive!
<Wizzup> dyne offered to host the mailing list for us and we just kind of went with it
<Wizzup> :)
<arno11> ttyl guys (sunday home repairs)
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<Wizzup> arno11: in case you read the logs, I already replied to the ml just to let pavel kno
<Wizzup> w
<sicelo> what exactly is the modem problem you guys are experiencing with n900? doesn't probe properly or what?
<Wizzup> well it does now on mine
<Wizzup> I think there are some ofono problems
<Wizzup> sicelo: I think with /etc/modules-load.d/nokia-modem.conf we're ok
<Wizzup> which is alrady solved
<sicelo> Wizzup looks like my packages are marked already
<sicelo> what's the ofono issue
<Wizzup> sicelo: ok, so is maeotp done, or not?
<Wizzup> sicelo: good question. I think sometimes ofono needs to be restart if modem is offline/online'd or something like that, I don't recall
<sicelo> hah, I forgot maeotp. let me check again
<Wizzup> freemangordon: btw, it looks like telepathy-gabble makes a /debian/ dir (in root?)
<sicelo> sounds like a new problem. I've never had issues with ofono before
<Wizzup> maybe
<Wizzup> udev rules are making my life miserable again :(
<Wizzup> ok, works now
<Wizzup> arno11: you have chmod 777 in your email, I am wondering if we can figure out what user/group is needed for /dev/cmt_speech
<Wizzup> I was thinking of this:
<Wizzup> KERNEL=="cmt_speech", MODE:="0660", OWNER:="root", GROUP:="pulse"
<Wizzup> but perhaps this is not correct
<Wizzup> at least we can modify this rule
<Wizzup> arno11: I wonder if we can make /etc/dbus-1/system.d/pulseaudio-ofono.conf and not touch /etc/dbus-1/system.d/pulseaudio-system.conf
<Wizzup> I think we can
<Wizzup> freemangordon: rc-status | grep pulse
<Wizzup> pulseaudio [ started ]
<Wizzup> pulseaudio-enable-autospawn [ started ]
<Wizzup> we really don't pulseaudio-enable-autospawn to run
<Wizzup> this writes autospawn=yes to /run/pulseaudio-enable-autospawn
<Wizzup> of course debian just starts it by default
<Wizzup> do we displace it, or somehow disable it?
<Wizzup> I think we can add it to blacklist_start in policy-rc.d
<freemangordon> no idea what is this
<freemangordon> re telepathy-gabble - when does it create that dir? on install?
<Wizzup> I don't know, I just saw it on my n900
<Wizzup> maybe it's just a problem on my n900
<freemangordon> dpkg -S /debian?
<Wizzup> just dpkg -S said it was owned by tp gabble
<Wizzup> yeah
<freemangordon> right, same here
* freemangordon cheks
<freemangordon> checks even
<freemangordon> Wizzup: not on d4 though
<Wizzup> heh
<freemangordon> ugh
<freemangordon> 0.18.4-leste4+2m7 does not have that issue
<freemangordon> 0.18.4-leste3+m7 has it
<Wizzup> oh, so maybe i had not updated yet
<freemangordon> Candidate: 0.18.4-leste3+m7
<freemangordon> no idea what's going on
<freemangordon> that's again some repo mess
<Wizzup> sorry, I don't understand what you are saying
<Wizzup> I doubt that our jenkins makes things install into /debian
<freemangordon> chimaera version should be .18.4-leste4+2m7, no?
<freemangordon> but, it is not available for installation
<Wizzup> Version: 0.18.4-leste3+m7
<freemangordon> or, maybe it comes from -experimental, dunno
<Wizzup> beowulf is newer one
<Wizzup> did you build for the correct codename?
<Wizzup> btw, PA installs /etc/pulse/client.conf.d/01-enable-autospawn.conf as symlink to /run/pulseaudio-enable-autospawn and /etc/init.d/pulseaudio-enable-autospawn
<Wizzup> and /etc/init.d/pulseaudio-enable-autospawn runs on boot
<Wizzup> we really don't want this
<Wizzup> not sure what the cleanest way to deal with it is
<freemangordon> Wizzup: anyway, I don;t see how we can build tp-gabble now, because of the broken dependencuis
<freemangordon> *dependencies
<Wizzup> can you remind me?
<Wizzup> is that the dh python crap?
<freemangordon> yes
* Wizzup faceplams
<Wizzup> I tried to forget about the debian stupidity there
<Wizzup> shall we just build our own dh-python and ignore them?
<freemangordon> wait
<freemangordon> I don't understand why tp-gabble has python-is-python2 dependency
<freemangordon> if I install dh-python, I can happily build it
<freemangordon> and yes, it installs stuff in /debian
<bencoh> maybe they required python2 at some point?
<Wizzup> point is that debian broke python-is-python2 and dh-python
<Wizzup> even though it worked fine from backports
<freemangordon> yeah
<freemangordon> E: dh_python2 dh_python2:408: no package to act on (python-foo or one with ${python:Depends} in Depends)
<freemangordon> can;t we port whatever has to be ported?
<Wizzup> no
<Wizzup> unless you want to move to gtk3
<Wizzup> bbiab
<freemangordon> no, wait, I n=mean - for that particular package
<freemangordon> *I mean
<Wizzup> you can, but the system as a whole will remain broken
<freemangordon> ok, what does this package need python for? tests?
<freemangordon> so, do you tell me that we can;t have pythin3 and python2 installed in parallel?
<freemangordon> IIUC we should just port tests from python2 to python3, shouldn't be that hard
<freemangordon> Wizzup: btw, it is commit 61014ecc8c9d7f191f8fa50ad13d43b90e9688bf that causes to to place stuff in /debian
<Wizzup> freemangordon: no
<Wizzup> what I am saying is
<Wizzup> we cannot build any python 2 package anymore
<Wizzup> period
<Wizzup> they just broke that
<Wizzup> and there is no gtk2 for python3
<Wizzup> so yeah
<freemangordon> ok, but for that particular package, we don't need gtk at all
<freemangordon> also, it needs python for its tests only
<freemangordon> thus, I don;t see why we cannot port it to python3
<Wizzup> sure you can do that, and iirc it was already done
<freemangordon> umm, where?
<Wizzup> some other tp pkg
<freemangordon> in upstream?
<Wizzup> but I won't do it, because I want python2 + dh-python to just work
<freemangordon> ah
<freemangordon> ok, lets ship our dh-python then
<freemangordon> Wizzup: ok, but what shall we do now we have a broken tp-gabble? it does not use python because of the removed tests and yet it requires dh_python
<Wizzup> freemangordon: shall I just ship a fixed dh-python
<Wizzup> and then we can build it?
<freemangordon> package does not need it now
<freemangordon> E: dh_python2 dh_python2:408: no package to act on (python-foo or one with ${python:Depends} in Depends)
<freemangordon> I (force) installed dh-python
<freemangordon> but it does nothing because of the disabled tests
<freemangordon> so I don;t understand why you want dh-python in our repos for that particular case
<Wizzup> I don't know what the error that you shared means
<Wizzup> but I think this is the same that I am talking about
<Wizzup> where they just broke dh python 2
<freemangordon> no
<freemangordon> there is no error
<freemangordon> sec
<Wizzup> so iirc, 5.20221122 is the last version that worked
<Wizzup> what one do you have installed?
<freemangordon> 4.20201102+nmu1
<Wizzup> I need to dive in the logs to see if that one worked
<Wizzup> sorry, I have to go for a bit
<freemangordon> it has a conflict with python-is-python2
<freemangordon> 5.20230130~bpo11+1 is broken
<Wizzup> good
<Wizzup> I will do dh-python2 tonight
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<arno11> Wizzup: (for cmt_speech) i don't know but i can try with chown and see if it works
<arno11> (for dbus ofono stuff) i already tried iirc but no success
<arno11> but maybe i made a mistake
<arno11> i'll try again in a bit
<arno11> ok changing cmt_speech to 0660 root pulse is working
<arno11> and better than 777...
<arno11> let's try modifying dbus conf stuff...probably another story
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<Wizzup> cool, ty
<Wizzup> freemangordon: will do 5.20221122
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<arno11> Wizzup: success ! with a trivial way...pulseaudio-system.conf back to original file lol
<arno11> i made a reboot to be sure and it's ok
<arno11> we don't need to change anything
<arno11> back in a bit. testing latency stuff
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<Wizzup> ok, check
<Wizzup> makes sense since I don't think it's pa that talks to ofono
<Wizzup> but cmt_speech
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<arno11> Wizzup: yes makes sense
<arno11> so to resume
<arno11> cmt_speech 0660 root pulse works
<arno11> no change needed to dbus blabla
<arno11> i tried other tweaks for latency and 30-40 is still the max
<arno11> loading modem on boot is still not working for me
<arno11> and i know why
<arno11> that's because off the 2 additional modules on boot for calls
<arno11> omap_ssi and cmt_speech
<arno11> according to texas inst. docs that's tricky to load them all on boot
<arno11> iirc
<arno11> maybe we need to load them directly from the kernel config ?
<sicelo> what TI docs are these?
<arno11> let me have a look on another device
<arno11> arrgh can't find it
<arno11> it was on i think
<arno11> but everything is pdf
<arno11> so difficult to search from google
<arno11> and not easy from
<arno11> back in a bit
<sicelo> no problem. i was just curious
<Wizzup> arno11: did you use modules-load.d ?
<Wizzup> # cat /etc/modules-load.d/nokia-modem.conf
<Wizzup> # This is not autoloaded on the N900 somehow on Linux 6.1
<Wizzup> nokia-modem
<arno11> oh
<arno11> nice thx
<arno11> need to reboot to try
<arno11> sicelo: sorry now i remember it i not but simply in cmtspeech docs
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<sicelo> i'll do my own tests too in next few days. afaict, it's been autoloading for me ... even on 6.3-rc1 (nokia-modem)
<sicelo> rc6, i mean
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<arno11> nokia-modem loaded on boot but not working
<arno11> just shows pin stuff
<arno11> sure it is because of the other modules
<arno11> sicelo: should be interesting to see if nokia modem works if you load cmt_speech and omap_ssi on boot on your device
<arno11> to be sure i'll block the 2 modules to test
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<Wizzup> arno11, hm... I see
<Wizzup> I recall way back we had some init script that loaded the module a bit later, IIRC
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<arno11> Wizzup: ah an init script a bit later makes lot of sense to me according of what's happening on my device
<arno11> because removing other modules doesn't work
<arno11> modem is loaded correctly but is not working
<arno11> i need to check if i forgot a change i made...
<arno11> anyway if modem is loaded after boot everything is fine
<arno11> Wizzup: which var log could be helpful to check what's happening with modem on boot ?
<arno11> oh i found the error
<arno11> it is not working on my device because startup-pin is looking for the wrong device...
<arno11> n900_2 instead of n900_4
<arno11> that's probably because of stuff i tested with ofono scripts...
<arno11> according to syslog
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<arno11> weird thing is startup-pin is looking on the wrong device only if modem is loaded on boot
<arno11> anyway that's a waste of time, everything should be ok on other n900's
<freemangordon> Wizzup: I still fail to see how it will install instead of version in debian repos
<freemangordon> also, besides tp-gabble, what other packages depend on that?
<sicelo> arno11: that makes sense ... as i said, n900 + ofono been a rock solid combination for a long time. i was really surprised you were experiencing issues lately.
<freemangordon> OTOH, this is the patch to fix installation in /debian
<freemangordon> arno11: wait, we have device name hardcoded somewhere?
<arno11> sicelo: apologies
<arno11> freemangordon: i don't know but possible
<freemangordon> "(22,51,36) arno11: n900_2 instead of n900_4"
<freemangordon> did I miss some context?
<arno11> i think n900_* is only the name of the modem
<freemangordon> "(23,14,44) arno11: weird thing is startup-pin is looking on the wrong device only if modem is loaded on boot"
<arno11> when i say device i mean the modem
<freemangordon> how do you know that?
<freemangordon> sure
<freemangordon> this is modem provided by ofono, no?
<arno11> yes
<arno11> i know that according to syslog
<freemangordon> so, how do you know startup-pin-query is doing something wrong?
<freemangordon> I am not saying it is not, just want to know what makes you think that
<arno11> i tried to boot with modem loaded and one unloaded on boot
<arno11> *once
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> ok
<arno11> and then checked in syslog to compare
<freemangordon> but, startup-pin gets modem names from ofono
<arno11> i suppose
<arno11> that's why that's weird
<arno11> why a difference
<freemangordon> ok, maybe it is time to boot my devel n900 and try to understand what's going on
<freemangordon> not now though :)
<freemangordon> but will put that in the queue
<freemangordon> I want to teach dsme to act properly on reboot/poweroff issued in console
<freemangordon> first
<arno11> yes lol no probs
<Wizzup> 22:30 < freemangordon> Wizzup: I still fail to see how it will install instead of version in debian repos
<Wizzup> freemangordon: hm?
<Wizzup> freemangordon: +backports_jobs="mesa python-hildon python-osso python-alarm python-hildondesktop python-location python-conic python-mafw telepathy-gabble"
<Wizzup> freemangordon: at least those, probably more
<freemangordon> dh-python is the only package we use from backports?
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: yes, well, for mesa others
<Wizzup> freemangordon: but keep in mind, what debian currently did, in stable AND in backports, we cannot use
<Wizzup> so I plan to just remove these python packages from backports and use our dh-python which is newer than debian stable version
<freemangordon> so, you will increase the epoch?
<Wizzup> no, just not use backports :)
<freemangordon> "(23,53,03) freemangordon: dh-python is the only package we use from backports?"
<freemangordon> :)
<Wizzup> well point is
<Wizzup> we used to have backports_jobs="mesa"
<freemangordon> ah
<Wizzup> and now I have to add all of those while they had a working one in backports
<freemangordon> ok
<Wizzup> and now they broke it again in backports
<freemangordon> ok, got it
<freemangordon> and mesa does not require python2 I guess
<freemangordon> ok, makes sense
<Wizzup> right, just newer libdrm and such
<freemangordon> ok, but this still does not fix tp-gabble tests requiring missing packages
<freemangordon> but I guess we can live with that for a while
<Wizzup> I wonder what happens if you rebuild tp-habble with the right dh-python installed
<freemangordon> we lack python-openssl etc packages
<freemangordon> they are not in the repos anymore
<freemangordon> so nothing will change
<freemangordon> we have to port to python3, thus the link to SF repos
<Wizzup> agreed
<freemangordon> ok, I am going afk, will fix tp-gabble packaging tomorrow
<freemangordon> and will try to use SF patch after I finish with dsme
<freemangordon> night!
<arno11> gn
<Wizzup> oh it didn't pass yet
<Wizzup> arno11: I am not sure what's up with the modem working differently depending on when it is loaded
<Wizzup> we can look at that another day I think
<arno11> Wizzup: no worries just a weird thing on my device
<Wizzup> sure it's just yours?
<arno11> everything should be ok with modem on other n900's
<Wizzup> how did you conclude that?
<arno11> syslog
<arno11> my modem name is n900_4 instead of n900_2
<sicelo> you could burn a new image (after backing up current one first if you need to refer to it again)
<sicelo> i don't even know why it's n900_2 ... sometimes i feel like asking udev to rename it to n900_0 (or 1)
<arno11> sicelo: any tip to rename my modem ?
<Wizzup> arno11: this should not affect anything
<Wizzup> this is ofono naming
<Wizzup> not udev
<Wizzup> and maemo should not care
<arno11> ok
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<sicelo> ah yes. you could remove everything under /var/lib/ofono or some such
<Wizzup> nah
<Wizzup> just restart ofono
<Wizzup> but it should not be a problem
<arno11> ok. have to go. night guys
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<Wizzup> arno11: btw, if you can let me know how I can test 4000Hz recording, please lmk
<Wizzup> I tried parec but didn't quite get any sensible results
<Wizzup> freemangordon: btw, what do you think on the pa autospawn findings