freemangordon: i dont get any of your points
rn any desktop app can and dose play notifcation sounds itself - ingoreing the profile
if you implement libnotify sounds then we have a chance to have those respect the profile
as we can for instance not play those when the profile saies to be silent
so i dont see how this is not a sreight imrovement
regarding actions i dont understand what you mean, if you imelment actions aplications can and do use those, its more about getting existing destop applications to work than anything else
i dont see why "if i implement actions, they will get used" is a problem
the categories work sortof ok
another imrtant failing of the notification system is, btw that non hardcoded notifications dont stack
this is for instance a huge roblem with gpodder and telegram
both of these create a notification for an event (message for telegram or finished download for godder)
unfortionatly h-h will simply create a new window for eatch
this quickly effectively hangs the system with open windows
if you for instance get a lot of messages with telegram catching up to some chat or godder downloading an entier podcast season
btw also if a application dosent set an image h-h will substitue a big "image could not be loaded icon" this is qute undesirable as the message image is optional in spec, but this makes it look like there is somehing worng
i think letting the user choose we
*if he wants the device to vibrate for "other" libnotify notifcations is quite sane
idealy per category
but i agree that is schould probubly default to no
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Wizzup: hm i forgot to ask you if you have cmt_speech and omap_ssi loaded on boot
arno11: re n900 3d performance - I am not sure it worths it spending time on that
freemangordon: really not essential
just for fun
n900 has bigger issues performance wise than this - like, no matter what we do, there will be no usable modern browser
that's the main issue
and that's a HW limitation
256MiB of RAM
yes but swap works fine
sure, but it is slow
with overclock not
just don;t get me wrong - I love n900 and I am still using it as my daily device (with fremantle)
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but I don;t feel it makes sense to put too much effort in regards to leste
given there are so many other things that are not device specific and we still lack
like conversations, or BT, or ...
not a lot of things
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conversations is not user friendly but works
BT ok but is it essential in 2023 ?
hmm? do you drive a car?
oh yes
and no, conversations do not work
? what do you mean
well, not properly at least
they are still not properly integrated with TP, or were not, last time I checked
also, you cannot start a chat
it is possible using a bitlbee gateway
start a chat with whom freemangordon :)
dsc_: contact :p
address book
which is a GTK widget
no, that's one way
but, conversations should handle TP requests for chats
arno11: dsc_ just reminded me one more big thing we lack - properly expose addressbook via either dbus or some other means to non-gtk2 applications
dsc_: BTW, did you see mafw progress?
gst-renderer that is
freemangordon: yes indeed
I think it is important to emphasise my skills is over at C++ *GUI* development, not "low-level" TP/rtcom/dbus work (expectation management)
umm,... I don;t wanted to sound like I accuse anybody
I am just saying that we lack functionality, which IMO is more important than 3d performance on n900 :)
*didn;t want
* freemangordon
needs more coffee
lack of coffee is always the main issue :)
as we speak I'm working on groupchat support, which is mostly graphical (GUI and a little bit of rtcom) but *not* TP, I will however dive into TP later but this an area where its "hit or miss" - For example fmg or Wizzup would work 10x as fast here in figuring stuff out
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dsc_: oh, I was left with the impression you work on OMP
same @ OMP; when it goes "too deep" I hit an obstacle - initially the request was "fixing the QML" but that quicly turns into "mafw gst renderer needs to be fixed"
which has nothing to do with Qt GUI dev
i.e: I am unwilling to go outside my lane, so-to-say ;)
dsc_: right, that's why I fixed it an now it works :)
thus my question 'did you see mafw-gst-renderer is fixed'
were you able to try the C snippet I provided where it tests for an available renderer?
I did try your fix but couldnt get it to work, something with needing to run a daemon... some other stuff, i dunno
I think there were 2 fixes
there was an issue with starting the daemon
but now everything is ok
the example on maemo.org works as is
okay ill check OMP out
I am able to play internet radio with it
dsc_: keep in mind that at least in virtualbox VM we have issues, as XV is not supported but is required by it
via OMP?
via example code on maemo.org
lemme try to find it
im using QEMU btw
does it have XV acceleration?
doesnt seem like it
"no adaptors present"
IIRC I did try your fix but the renderer just wouldnt show up
but then failed to mention it
it will not work in the VM now
because of that said lack of XV
ok, I'll try to come-up with a fix and will let you know when I am ready
we have to agree though on what the fallback would be
performance certainly wouldnt be of importance as VM is solely for dev
it is not about the performance
pick whatever is easiest I suppose
the problem is that x11imagesink does not support color key
so UI will look weird
you dont have to fix the VM
i can just use real hw
nobody will watch media in a VM anyway
developing there will be hard, no?
not really
our dev environment should be usable
its ok, a little slower but my workflow is already with a remote debugger, VM or real HW doesnt matter much
hmm, ok
well. you can start with real HW then, until I fix it under VM
arno11: another big thing - media player ;)
well, that depends on if I can actually boot into real HW (drained battery issue)
lets see
this is d4, right? if yes, you should be able to boot to android to charge
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freemangordon: mplayer with smplayer works great. even able to stream online content. internet radio works well with audacious. but ok it is not user friendly
i have a working d4
so thats good
anyway, what I was working on just now was figuring out the db schema for rtcom regarding groupchats
Wizzup is sending me an example db soon that contains xmpp group chats for reference
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Wizzup: tweaks in the code only run once a call is made. if you have error messages when you start cmt_pulse that means something is wrong between cmt-dbus-ofono-modem. So that's why i asked for modules on boot (cmt_speech and omap_ssi).
cmt_pulse must start with absolutely no errors
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freemangordon: i agree regarding n900 3D performance. still worth working on the vrfb stuff though?
arno11, yes you may send me an email, absicsz at the popular G provider
CMTSPEECH: backend_common: CMT Speech Data state machine activated with SSI_CONFIG_REQ.
ERROR: CMTSPEECH: backend_common: ERROR: SSI_CONFIG_RESP returned an error 1
cmtspeech_ofono_test: ERROR: invalid state transition
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arno11: I do have them loaded on boot btw
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btw i have been migrateing my rather complicated home audio setup from pulse to pipewire
and so far have been not so terribly impressed
its a pretty "special" setup, but so are our phones
I use pipewire because it's great for echo cancellation
and it seems just a bit more clever than PA for that
can't comment on other things
s/echo cancellation/noise cancellation/
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so so my setup looks like this: so i have a htpc that has a creative xi-fi and is connected to speakers in 3 rooms, so the 7 channels are split into 3 stero sinks. My main workstation is a amd epyc server mainboard with no soundcard (dont ask) that networks streams the audio to the htpc that then is supposed to output that to the right channels
so far this has been a pretty unplesent expirance migrateing this setup to pipewire
maybe I need to start omp from the device itself, not ssh (possible dbus issue)
freemangordon: so this C snippet worked for you? strange
I will document my findings on Github
and continue with conversations
Wizzup: i think you should try pa_test first instead of cmt_pulse to see if record/play works. then try cmt_pulse -a -v -v to check if there is a specific error before trying to call.
i'm pretty sure we forgot a small thing.
sicelo: ok i'll send you an email adding few more details to be sure it works
sicelo: email sent. LMK if something is wrong