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uvos: sounds like you found it with the input device kept open
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tmlind: yeah but we thought we fixed this weird behaviour previously :(
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freemangordon: I wonder if Xorg running as user causes this somehow
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"Leste has a long way to go to become an OS, which is good enough to use as daily."
"@so-and-so: what do you find missing in Leste?"
"Fully working SMSes and voice calls. Did it change? Last time I ran Leste maybe two weeks ago"
did SMS break on N900 recently?
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sicelo: these messages are where?
some group on Telegram
some guys there appear to follow leste somehow ... they even know about the impending update to chimaera
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sicelo: ok
yeah, trying to figure out how to get the community in one place is tricky without a mess of parrot bots
(aka 'bridges')
well, i guess IRC-only is fine really. somehow people are able to find the news
I was thinking of setting up biboumi somehow, or perhaps a mattermost, but there is still no way to fully integrate it
nah. i think it's fine as it is really
if you want to add some other medium, i guess Matrix is the one to choose
maybe some mattermost for more chatter, where one can optionally join using an irc client maybe?
it'd be a separate channel
not to say i'm a good test case, but i don't even know off hand what mattermost is. i think i've read about it a bit in the past, but never found any use for it
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arno11: hi
sorry guys i didn't send any email about calls ATM: i spent time dealing with pulseaudio and alsa parameters to avoid bias and random errors
sicelo: hi
hehe :-)
and what's current status?
now i've still half calls but 100% of time
using alsa inbound and outbound
sphone is causing probs if not killed
cmt_pulse is working now with no error but no sound lol
on one end there's N900, and on other, there's e.g. an android phone, is it?
did you see pavel's comment on pa_test or test_pa ?
s/N900/Leste N900/
sicelo: yes
Wizzup: yes i tried every pavel stuff
ok. so, on android phone, can you hear sound coming from n900?
on N900, can you hear android phone?
and seems to be a buffer size issue in cmt_speedch
yes sound is great on n900
and not a misconfig in the n900 alsa settings?
with no echo
I think we probably want UCM real soon to make this more easily reproducible
there are so many settings in n900 alsa it's hard to make sure you're on the same settings
like, maybe some mic boost is just off, something silly like that
Wizzup: yes i know
arno11: ok. same situation as what i found in 2020
Sicelo: it was my next auestion to you lol
lol, what?
i was curious to know if it was the same for you
yeah, i checked in irc.txt ...
1592517205 <sicelo> got sound on N900 with a phone call after all :) N900 can 'hear' the other person quite good. i can't really hear N900 on the ohter phone. will test further tomorrow
1592517681 <sicelo> actually, i can say i didn't hear the other side form the N900. there's just some loud static, which is there whether the other party is talking or not. but N900 can hear them with re ally nice quality, i'd say
ok same for me
i think we have to check existing patches for cmtspeech
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1592517681 <sicelo> actually, i can say i didn't hear the other side form the N900. there's just some loud static, which is there whether the other party is talking or not. but N900 can hear them with re ally nice quality, i'd say
sorry for repeat
1592517681 <sicelo> actually, i can say i didn't hear the other side form the N900. there's just some loud static, which is there whether the other party is talking or not. but N900 can hear them with re ally nice quality, i'd say
the packaged one is the latest from pavel
back when i wrote that, my git-fu was completely off
ah, cool
so I think it's really worth checking that all the audio settings in alsa are correct
I don't think we even know what they have to be set to, right?
sorry to ask again, if it was answered already - if i download latest N900 chimaera image, i'll have the low power consumption stuff already in place?
sicelo: yes
should be
although of course with elogind keeping ts active...
somehow this regressed
I'm waiting for freemangordon to pop up
cool. will try on my new N900, even though i haven't installed u-boot yet.
does that affect N900 too?
I don't see why not
sicelo: everything is ok on n900 last img
for the alsa stuff, i think we can just boot fremantle, take snapshots of the alsa controls under different scenarios, then come up with appropriate UCM
i did start at some point, before getting sidetracked
I think UCM would really really help n900 situation
* sicelo
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my internet so bad these days
says it will take 2 days to download the image :p
that's insane :/
you get way less than 1Mbit/s then I guess?
i think something's really wrong on ISP side
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