buZz: also, how do you measure that?
uvos: I plan to add login session support to dsme, now it ignores XDG_SESSION_ID
my idea is if dsme finds XDG_SESSION_ID, to add process pid to /sys/fs/cgroup/elogind/$XDG_SESSION_ID/cgroup.procs after fork if user is the owner of the session
any concerns/notes?
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freemangordon: sorry for the delay, I've been occupied with RL work, I should be ready soon to do what you asked
(wrt xorg)
Wizzup: if you ever again get chance to connect N900 to your serial jig, please enable IR and try to send a pulse. last i recall, this hard oops the kernel. I'd like to see the trace. maybe upstream could help us fix it
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sicelo: can you provide userspace instructions?
ok. i should be able to do that during weekend
sicelo: do you have an idea why pulseaudio refuse to deal with low samplerates like 4000hz or 8000hz on n900 ?
no idea off the top of my head. i do recall pavel mentioned that too at some point
ok because it seems to be the root cause of voice call troubles
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for example pa_test doesn't work but according to the source code it uses 4000hz or 8000hz samplerate which doesn't work on Leste n900